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23-12-2016, 05:06 PM

War by 2025?

Part the Second
by Mr. Weston

In which he further explains his reasoning behind the ides that Civil War is coming to Europe, and requests that those who would argue against this notion present their defense in cogent, coherent terms, refraining from ad hominem attacks or diatribe.

A reasonable requirement.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Part one of this article was an explanation of why our ratio of combat age native Europeans versus European Muslims could decline from 18:1 today, to 2:1 by 2025. These figures are largely irrelevant if one believes that Islam can peacefully co-exist within the West, but if such a scenario is simply a multicultural fantasy then we will shortly face a situation unprecedented in the history of mankind.

Europeans have been conditioned from an early age to celebrate diversity and multiculturalism, resulting in our genuine ability to co-exist with peoples of significantly different cultures. But, rather than what we want, is this what Islam wants? Islam is as mono-cultural as mono-cultural gets. How can they possibly live in a liberal, multicultural society?

Islam expanded via the sword. Within decades of erupting out of the deserts of 7th Century Arabia it had conquered Palestine, Persia, Egypt, India, North Africa and Spain; its opponents were paralysed in the face of fanatical violence. It was only in 732 that Charles Martel stopped this frenetic Islamic expansion at the battle of Tours, in France.

In the 13th century Islam rose again. In 1452 they finally conquered Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and within 100 years added Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Romania and Hungary to their empire. Attempts to take Vienna failed twice, before Jan Sobieski finally routed the Ottoman’s Islamic army in 1683 at the Gates of Vienna. The Ottoman Empire gradually fell apart after this defeat, and most occupied European countries reclaimed their independence. Christian Europe had largely prevailed.

But now, in the 21st Century, Islam is back and wants what it has always wanted; a global caliphate. This time, unlike their previous military attempts to overthrow the West, instead they are already within Europe, well funded, radicalised and rapidly expanding. As their numbers grow, so grows the violence they perpetrate — as we have seen all over Europe within the last few years.

And not only within Europe; Islam is engaged in religious conflict all around the world, from America, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Kashmir, India, Russia, the Lebanon, Palestine, etc, etc. Wherever Islam comes into contact with non-Islam there is conflict.

In each and every country, one glaring reality stands out. It is always Islam as the aggressor, even when they are in a minority. In Thailand, where they represent five per cent of the populace, we have a country sliding inexorably toward civil war.

Such is the prevalence of Islamic violence that Samuel Huntingdon, author of The Clash Of Civilisations, coined the phrase “Islam’s bloody borders” the violence of which is represented by Gates Of Vienna’s animated Bloody Borders project which identifies Islamic terrorist activity just since 9/11.

Why do Islamists do this? Because they are commanded to, it is as simple as that. To be a Muslim means to obey the Koran, within which there are numerous commands to wage Jihad, or Holy War, against the infidel. Granted, there is no single explicit command, but it is possible to interpret many exhortations this way, which is exactly what radical Imams are doing all across the West. Unlike a modern day Christian’s tenuous relationship with the Bible, Muslims adhere to every edict of the Koran as slavishly as they did in the 7th Century. Unfortunately for us, the principal edict is to conquer or remove all non-believers.

To this end there are now some 2,000 Mosques in Western Europe, many of them funded directly by Saudi Arabia to the tune of 90 billion dollars. In these mosques are Imams — trained or imported from Saudi Arabia — preaching extreme Wahhabism. They call for the overthrow of the West, and promote suicide bombing and martyrdom. Channel Four recently sent an undercover reporter into various Mosques in the UK. The result was an exposure of these Imams in their call for Holy War against the West. It can be seenhere on Youtube. CNN also ran an interview with Al-Muhajiroun’s Anjem Choudray, where he calls for Sharia law in Britain. This is the same man whoprophesised that the Islamic flag will fly over 10 Downing Street.

The New Civil War
Despite the clear warnings, the concept of Sharia is still not fully understood by most Europeans. Under its laws they could either be killed for refusing to convert to Islam or they could accept that second-class status known as Dhimmitude. Homosexuals could similarly be killed, apostates killed, adulterous woman stoned to death, whilst limbs could be amputated for stealing. Forty percent of British Muslims wish this to be introduced.

What percentage of those who desire this are young males? Muslim women have a great deal to be unhappy about under Sharia law, whilst older Muslims are far less radicalised than the young. It is quite possible therefore, that for young males with a favourable view of Sharia, the percentage of those who favour Sharia in Britain is far higher than this.

So, Islam has a history of attempted Western conquest, and a present day policy of global domination. In countries such as Sudan, they are efficiently perpetrating genocide to achieve that end. In the West, their Jihadist rhetoric is accompanied by large-scale violence and lesser atrocities guaranteed to catch our attention. (Leaving out the violence in India and Pakistan and the Taliban) just in the years since 2001, there have been numerous incidents in the West:
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23-12-2016, 05:53 PM

Re: War by 2025?

Oooh, marmy, couldn't you have kept this one until after Christmas?
It has filled me with doom and gloom!
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23-12-2016, 06:00 PM

Re: War by 2025?

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Oooh, marmy, couldn't you have kept this one until after Christmas?
It has filled me with doom and gloom!

Fear not , Angela has it all under control
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23-12-2016, 06:05 PM

Re: War by 2025?

Boo! Here comes The Bogey Man.
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23-12-2016, 06:28 PM

Re: War by 2025?

I recently read a book that I have already mentioned in one of the threads. It is on topic with this thread, so I shall mention the title again.
Invasion. by DC Alden.
It is about the sleepers of ISIS in this country that wake up.
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23-12-2016, 06:58 PM

Re: War by 2025?

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Oooh, marmy, couldn't you have kept this one until after Christmas?
It has filled me with doom and gloom!
Oh Marmaduke do shuddup!!

Oh hush the noise ye men of strife
And hear the angels sing...
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23-12-2016, 07:03 PM

Re: War by 2025?


I despair of things like this, the Maths are wrong, the timescale is wrong and it isn't going to happen.

This entire hatred of Muslims is just playing into the hands of the Radicals.

We have a population of 64 million and only 300,000 Radicals.

Not a very equal match is it?

We should not be scared of them, they use terror as a weapon.

They die as easily as we do, they are not Superhuman, they are just pathetic scum.

All it takes is the political will to deal with them.

I am an old man now, I finish work on 2cnd January.

I am not scared of them and the youngsters replacing us Old Gits aren't scared of them either.

We have some amazing Muslim Enforcement Officers, great people, a real asset to us, especially the Kurds and Yazidis, and in particular the female Enforcement Officers.

Nobody is going to restrict their education, stop them from driving or restrict them to the house only allowed out with a family male with them.

All it takes is the Political Will to sort the Radicals, it is not an insolvable problem.
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23-12-2016, 07:17 PM

Re: War by 2025?

Well said swimmy
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23-12-2016, 07:31 PM

Re: War by 2025?

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
Oh Marmaduke do shuddup!!

Oh hush the noise ye men of strife
And hear the angels sing...

Ha ha ha .... it's just a thread
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23-12-2016, 08:11 PM

Re: War by 2025?

**Please keep personal arguments off the threads
Thank you
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