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20-07-2017, 02:39 PM

BrExit Labour MPs Warning Shot Across Corbyn's Bows

Recent articles have suggested that the (imo) duplicitious Corbyn will soon make a complete U turn on BrExit by suddenly supporting Remain and then promising the electorate a 2nd referendum.

Labour MP Caroline Flint has now fired a warning shot on that issue.

"Caroline Flint said Labour’s pledge to honour the EU referendum result could come into disrepute ahead of the House of Commons vote on the Conservatives’ Repeal Bill.

Addressing an audience at a Policy Exchange event on the EU divorce, she said her party could not now “change tack” as a result of Theresa May losing her Parliamentary majority.

She said: “Now May has lost a majority, we cannot change tack, or try to suggest that anything less than full membership of the single market and customs union is a hard Brexit.

“Those who aim to keep us in the single market know full well that this is EU membership in all but name."

“I promised to work for the best deal for jobs in Doncaster, to protect workers’ rights, to end free movement, and no second referendum – that is Labour’s position too.”

“We cannot spend the next 18 months voting down every one of the Tories EU Bills. If we do so, we will look like liars"

Good on Caroline Flint ! The Looney party HAS to face its internal divisions on BrExit and sort itself out. But will the duplicitous Corbyn instead stoop to the very dregs of the barrel and pretend to do a U Turn on BrExit and the EU purely to pander to the Remainers in the electorate?
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20-07-2017, 03:21 PM

Re: BrExit Labour MPs Warning Shot Across Corbyn's Bows

It is certainly good to know that there are some sensible Labour Party MPs who are willing to support Brexit and the democratic decision to bring it about.

Assuming that the Labour Party does actually split asunder, as I hope it will, perhaps the more moderate members could retain the title of the Labour Party, leaving the remnants - the Loony Party - to fester under Comrade Corbyn.
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20-07-2017, 06:47 PM

Re: BrExit Labour MPs Warning Shot Across Corbyn's Bows

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Assuming that the Labour Party does actually split asunder, as I hope it will, perhaps the more moderate members could retain the title of the Labour Party, leaving the remnants - the Loony Party - to fester under Comrade Corbyn.
Yes well that's the issue at hand isn't it. Both sides will want to hang onto the title "Labour Party" and all that goes with it. So it will be a fiercely contended battle.

Get the popcorn ready cos it's going to be a doozey !
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20-07-2017, 08:04 PM

Re: BrExit Labour MPs Warning Shot Across Corbyn's Bows

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Yes well that's the issue at hand isn't it. Both sides will want to hang onto the title "Labour Party" and all that goes with it. So it will be a fiercely contended battle.

Get the popcorn ready cos it's going to be a doozey !
Well, we've had 'Labour' and more recently 'New Labour'.

To be realistic, I can't imagine that any faction would ever name themselves as the 'Loony Party', but I wonder what the new epithet will actually be.

The 'Brand New Labour Party'?
The 'Expeditionary Labour Party'?
The 'Slightly More Moderate Communist Party'?
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20-07-2017, 08:27 PM

Re: BrExit Labour MPs Warning Shot Across Corbyn's Bows

The "Same Old Labour" Party

The "Spend Other People's Money Till It's Gone" Party

The "Max The UK Deficit" Party

The "Moon On A Stick" Party

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20-07-2017, 08:43 PM

Re: BrExit Labour MPs Warning Shot Across Corbyn's Bows

The "Also Ran Party"

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