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18-02-2018, 04:39 AM

Fresh vegetables

Do you ever eat veggies out of the can, or are all your veggies cooked fresh like I do?

One thing I do like in the can is Pork and Beans. I also like niblet's corn.

I am thinking of turning to frozen veggies from now on. The reason being that I don't like canned and if I buy a head of cabbage, or any vegetable for that matter, I can't eat it all as I live alone and it ends up in the garbage.....

Even salads.....if I buy all the ingredients for a salad, the celery goes bad, carrots do also. I guess nearly everything goes bad before I can get half way through it.....
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18-02-2018, 08:40 AM

Re: Fresh vegetables

I buy most of my vegs fresh from the farm shop - any that are not eaten within a couple of days are made into soup - which can then be frozen.

As for tinned (canned) veg - yes - I do use some - mainly baked beans and sweet corn. I also use tinned kidney beans, butter beans etc., as I never remember to soak the dried versions overnight !
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18-02-2018, 09:35 AM

Re: Fresh vegetables

I eat all fresh vegetables, the only can is bake beans, I do buy frozen peas and sweetcorn.
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18-02-2018, 09:41 AM

Re: Fresh vegetables

Some of each really I like canned tomatoes, frozen peas and beans and sprouts but most everything else is fresh. I buy big box of mushrooms and freeze them myself.

Some frozen veg is fresher than fresh these days anyway.m
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18-02-2018, 10:20 AM

Re: Fresh vegetables

I would guess 70% of our vegetables are fresh, perhaps 20% frozen then the odd can of sweetcorn or tomatoes or baked beans would make up the rest.
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18-02-2018, 11:19 AM

Re: Fresh vegetables

I also live on my own

I do buy fresh vegetables, both from supermarkets and a local greengrocer

But there is a problem. If I buy a cabbage I end up having it for breakfast, dinner , and tea for about 17 days - well, you get the idea!
And I just can't bring myself to buy 2 carrots as that's embarrassing and immediately marks me out as being a sad, lonely old man - which I'm not of course

So I try to strike a compromise, with both vegetables to be cooked and salads. Any leftovers can be made into soups & stews, even lettuce and cucumber. I just zap it all with a stick blender and it all turns into veg soup

But recently I've been buying a lot of frozen veg. I've seen in books & TV programmes that they are as good, if not better, nutritionally as fresh since they are processed & frozen within a very short time from harvesting, and haven't been deteriorating whilst lying around in shops, warehouses or your veg rack; you just take what you need
It also works out cheaper in the long run

Most frozen food sections sell a Mediterranean veg or ratatouille mixture - tomatoes, aubergine, peppers etc and I use this in stews

Recently I've discovered stir - fry and do them with fresh veg and frozen mixtures

I read a suggestion that single people should consider buying packets of prepared veg or salad. Although they are more expensive they might work out cheaper in the long run as you don't have a load of veg going off, only to be thrown away.
Plus, with the best will in the world, it is sometimes difficult to find the motivation to prepare fresh food just for yourself

I like avocados, and have noticed that Iceland have frozen avocados, but I haven't bought any yet as my freezer is full
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18-02-2018, 11:25 AM

Re: Fresh vegetables

I'm quite lucky if I have left over veg the dogs will eat it so that cabbage wouldn't be thrown away. I also find if I buy a butternut squash or marrow that only I like I can share them with one of my neighbours who lives alone and wouldn't buy such a large veg just for herself but enjoys it if I do.
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18-02-2018, 11:32 AM

Re: Fresh vegetables

Canned vegetables -

Whole tomatoes with a fried breakfast, but I don't have it very often
Chopped tomatoes for soups, stews, and curries
Baked beans sometimes

I've tried & tried to soak & cook dried beans without any success so I've given up and buy canned - kidney beans, chick peas, butter beans etc, in stews or salads

Oddly enough I can get soup/broth mixture to cook & soften properly; split peas, barley, lentils

Have careful look around supermarket shelves. You can get various packets, cartons, & pouches of lentils, mushrooms, dried tomatoes. Merchant Gourmet is one brand
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18-02-2018, 11:38 AM

Re: Fresh vegetables

Originally Posted by Barry ->
I would guess 70% of our vegetables are fresh, perhaps 20% frozen then the odd can of sweetcorn or tomatoes or baked beans would make up the rest.
Much the same as Barry above.....
but we do eat lots of tinned Tomatoes blended to make pasta sauce, tinned kidney beans, mixed veg and butter beans for stews.
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18-02-2018, 12:57 PM

Re: Fresh vegetables

The only canned stuff is corn, tomatoes and beans of all discriptions as life is too short to soak beans

The only frozen veg I buy are peas, corn, garlic, ginger and chillies. And I buy frozen berries

The rest is fresh

My fridge seems to keep Veg useable for weeks. I often stock up on the special offers in Lidl and still be using them up long after the sell by or BB date. Only the other week I made soup with a butternut squash I bought back in November

I store potatoes and onions in a dark cool cupboard and they also last for ages. If I buy a sack of spuds they go in the garage

Celery lasts longer if you wrap it in tin foil. Carrots last for ages if you remove them from the plastic bag and dry them off then place in the salad drawer on kitchen towel

Having chickens and ducks we have very little veg waste. They love the peelings ( boiled up) and left overs from the plates. Only thing they don't eat is anything from the onion family.
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