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Uncle Joe
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09-09-2017, 09:13 AM

Party funder not happy with TM

Seems one of the scumbag 'nasty party's' major funders is far from happy with TM. I wonder if he will ask to have his donation refunded to him???
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09-09-2017, 09:26 AM

Re: Party funder not happy with TM

I knew this one would get you excited UJ, but I was just wondering where all your postings had got to when all the big Labour backers such as Alan Sugar were pulling out from backing Corbyn, who only has the union funding left by all accounts....

It's a fact though that there are many unhappy party members and sponsors of all parties, but some just have the advantage of being able to make more noise than others.

A couple of things though that struck me about the story was that Lord Harris is a good friend and past advisor to David Cameron, and that his choice of replacement for Mrs May would be Tony Blair, now that really does speak volumes...
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09-09-2017, 09:29 AM

Re: Party funder not happy with TM

Originally Posted by Barry ->
I knew this one would get you excited UJ, but I was just wondering where all your postings had got to when all the big Labour backers such as Alan Sugar were pulling out from backing Corbyn, who only has the union funding left by all accounts....

It's a fact though that there are many unhappy party members and sponsors of all parties, but some just have the advantage of being able to make more noise than others.

A couple of things though that struck me about the story was that Lord Harris is a good friend and past advisor to David Cameron, and that his choice of replacement for Mrs May would be Tony Blair, now that really does speak volumes...

Never has so much damage been done to so many by so few.
Uncle Joe
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09-09-2017, 09:35 AM

Re: Party funder not happy with TM

Originally Posted by Barry ->
I knew this one would get you excited UJ, but I was just wondering where all your postings had got to when all the big Labour backers such as Alan Sugar were pulling out from backing Corbyn, who only has the union funding left by all accounts....

It's a fact though that there are many unhappy party members and sponsors of all parties, but some just have the advantage of being able to make more noise than others.

A couple of things though that struck me about the story was that Lord Harris is a good friend and past advisor to David Cameron, and that his choice of replacement for Mrs May would be Tony Blair, now that really does speak volumes...

Which proves beyond doubt what I, Julie and Purwell have been saying for years - Tony Bliar is a supporter if not a member of the scumbag 'nasty party'!!!

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