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13-07-2014, 04:17 PM

Libre Office Suite

I have bought a laptop which I want to use purely for writing projects. It is set to work on Windows8 - which does not play nicely with my existing Microsoft Office Suite and to buy a 'windows 8' specific version is quite expensive.

So I have set it up with Libre Office Suite, This is free German originated software - which I am learning to like as it is so similar to MO - apart from one thing.

In MO if I type a story that runs for several pages - there is a 'go to' option on the edit menu that takes me to the last typed page.

I cannot find any equivalent option in Libre at all. I have just uploaded my novel - which is currently 700+ pages long and it is a nightmare to have to sit with my finger on the 'page down' button each time I want write some more.

Anyone out there know the answer please?
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13-07-2014, 04:44 PM

Re: Libre Office Suite

Try CTRL + END on the keyboard.
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13-07-2014, 08:09 PM

Re: Libre Office Suite

Thanks - but that doesn't do it.
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13-07-2014, 09:30 PM

Re: Libre Office Suite

I don't have a long document to try it on but the above worked on a two page one. Not much of a comparison I suppose. The only other keyboard shortcut that might work is CTRL + Shift + End. Both instructions being in the Libre Office Help File on this page:

Not sure if you had searched the help pages for an answer or not. The only other section I can find in the help file is to do with the 'Navigator' written about on this page:

Although it mentions up and down arrows to step up or down, it looks like you can type a number into the box as well. Might be worth trying that and pressing 'Enter' to see if it goes to page 700. Perhaps select 'Text frames' for trying that.
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13-07-2014, 11:24 PM

Re: Libre Office Suite

Thanks for the links and the advice - will have another play !
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14-07-2014, 04:03 AM

Re: Libre Office Suite

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->

I cannot find any equivalent option in Libre at all. I have just uploaded my novel - which is currently 700+ pages long and it is a nightmare to have to sit with my finger on the 'page down' button each time I want write some more.

Anyone out there know the answer please?
I think the answer to your question has been given but I also think you are asking for trouble having a single document 700 pages long.

Why not break it down into Chapters and save each chapter as a separate document?

You then use a master document to put them all together.

It is more or less the same way that M$ Word handles the same thing. It was designed precisely for your situation as well as allowing several people to work on the same document.

Libre Office (and Open Office which preceded and now runs in parallel with it) are excellent programs we recommend them at my seniors club. I must admit I use Microsoft Office because I use VBA a lot and am far too lazy to learn the Libre Office equivalent.
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14-07-2014, 06:04 AM

Re: Libre Office Suite

Thank you, Bruce, that sounds like good advice. I am competent with Microsoft Office as we used it at work and it was already installed on my PC when I bought it but the laptop came with nothing apart from Windows 8. Libre is totally new to me - will explore your link this afternoon when my housework chores are done.
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17-07-2014, 09:11 AM

Re: Libre Office Suite

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
Thank you, Bruce, that sounds like good advice. I am competent with Microsoft Office as we used it at work and it was already installed on my PC when I bought it but the laptop came with nothing apart from Windows 8. Libre is totally new to me - will explore your link this afternoon when my housework chores are done.
Just an afterthought: You may already have this but if not download the Built in Help file that goes with the program, saves having to search on the internet for help. Puts all this info on your computer and is downloaded separately from the main program but integrates itself automatically.

If that link page it says 'US' don't worry there is a GB version of the help file you may have to look in the 'Libre Office in Other Languages' link on the right to make sure you get the right version for you (similar to the GB dictionary, thesaurus etc.) Check you have the latest version of Libre Office while you are there (though the program should check for you as a matter of course)

As I say you may already have all this on your computer so just ignore.

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