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05-04-2016, 09:56 AM

Opera Mail

Have used Opera browser for many years, so downloaded their Opera Mail as I am fed up with Thunderbird. Initial thoughts are good, but I have come up against a brick wall, as I cannot import my contacts. Not really prepared to type them all again.
Any suggestions from Opera fans please?

Many thanks
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05-04-2016, 10:11 AM

Re: Opera Mail

Opera browser or mail isn't something I've kept up with, so can't help from personal experience. However, Opera have a support page that gives help on what you want to do:

Hope this helps.

Edit: What are you finding wrong with Thunderbird?
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05-04-2016, 11:10 AM

Re: Opera Mail

Thanks Mart, I have trawled through the support pages, but the section about Contacts excludes importing.

The best so far has been eM Client, but you can only have one free copy, which is no good for me, as I have other machines....
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05-04-2016, 02:34 PM

Re: Opera Mail

Originally Posted by Dobra ->
Have used Opera browser for many years, so downloaded their Opera Mail as I am fed up with Thunderbird. Initial thoughts are good, but I have come up against a brick wall, as I cannot import my contacts. Not really prepared to type them all again.
Any suggestions from Opera fans please?

Many thanks
Just interested to know what is wrong with Thunderbird or, rather, why are you fed up with it?

The longer I use it the more I like it. (I have one complaint in that you cannot create a message in Thunderbird using VBA as you can in Outlook. Apparently the writing community thought that was too dangerous to include as a feature and it is specifically excluded)

Doesn't Opera have an addin that will import contacts? That is the usual solution to failings in a product.
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05-04-2016, 03:36 PM

Re: Opera Mail

What could/should work is this:

Open Thunderbird.
Go to 'Tools > Address Book'.
When the Address Book window opens, go to 'Tools > Export'.
Type a file name.
In the 'Save as type' box, click the down arrow and choose 'Comma separated (*.csv)'.
Click 'Save'.
Make sure you know where the file is when saving it. The Desktop is good.

Once that is all done see if the .csv file can be imported into Opera Mail

I can't put the import to the test because I don't have Opera Mail. I can and have put the 'export' part to the test though because I use Thunderbird. Ended up with a tb-addressbook.csv file sitting on the Desktop.

I have found that, when importing .csv files into programs, slight alterations might be needed for address each entry. A nuisance but better than having to type the whole lot again ..and its only a job that wants doing once.

Can you say why you are fed up with Thunderbird? It usually works very well. If you just fancy a change, that's a good enough reason.

Edit: there is this site that reckons it converts a .csv file into Opera Mail format.

Perhaps safe enough but it does look like it wants you to upload your address book to do it. Not quite easy about doing that.
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05-04-2016, 05:40 PM

Re: Opera Mail

None of the above posts convey much to this techno-dumbo.
Might as well be in Swahili.

Gleefully opened this Opera Mail thread thinking I'd find interesting letters about Tosca, Carmen, La Boheme, Aida, Rigoletto etc etc etc etc ....
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05-04-2016, 05:54 PM

Re: Opera Mail

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
None of the above posts convey much to this techno-dumbo.
Might as well be in Swahili.

Gleefully opened this Opera Mail thread thinking I'd find interesting letters about Tosca, Carmen, La Boheme, Aida, Rigoletto etc etc etc etc ....
It's all written for dramatic effect really ..and not even asking for a tenner.
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06-04-2016, 09:46 AM

Re: Opera Mail

Any luck Dobra?

While on the Operatic subject, a mention of another up and coming browser. Some haven't liked the changes Opera has undergone in recent times (changed the engine from Presto to Blink) and the team behind the original browser have decided to develop a new one more along the lines of the Opera of old.

In keeping with the Opera name, it is called 'Vivaldi'. Vivaldi doesn't use the original Presto engine but is based on Chromium. It will revive/incorporate a few of the features that were dropped by the newer Opera browser. There is no e-mail program developed to go with it yet but one is planned.

Version 1.0 of Vivaldi is due for release soon. More about Vivaldi.

Edit: Vivaldi 1.0 now released:

Yeah, I know..
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06-04-2016, 09:42 PM

Re: Opera Mail

I have given up Opera Mail,,,grrr

Have had a beta version of Vivaldi for some months. Already downloaded Version 1 earlier today, and it is much faster than Opera.

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