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28-11-2018, 12:49 PM

Golden Parmesan Crusted Vegetable Pie.

Hi everyone. Just thought I would share this recipe with you as made it Monday evening to have for dinner last night. I cooked a small Gammon joint and served it with a slice of this lovely pie and creamy mashed potato. Yum! It was so nice. So nice in fact that we intend to polish it off for dinner again tonight on its own. HWMO popped into town to the market on Saturday and bought all the veggie nice and fresh. Made all the difference (of course it was shop bought shortcrust pastry as I can’t make pastry to save my life)!

I’m pretty sure I originally found this recipe on Delia’s Vegetarian Collection.
The thing that puzzles me though, is why, when I type the recipe on here, does it take so much space to do it.(probably me yakking 10 to the dozen!) It usually makes the recipe look rather daunting when in fact it is so easy to do! Have to confess, the only thing that seemed to take a long time was the peeling, slicing and small chunking of all the vegetables, which is boring. I have been looking online for a piece of equipment that would make this task easier and quicker. The only thing I have come across is a little product that chops veggies into cube size - Brieftons QuickPush Food Chopper, which is selling on Amazon for £16.99. I might invest in that as the older I get, the bloomin lazier I get.
(Advice, it say only use ground nutmeg from the jar, Not fresh nutmeg.)

Anyway, This pie is more than enough for 4 people.


Now I didn’t go with the exact recipe veggies, I don’t like butternut squash or celeriac
So I substituted with half the recipe amount of Swede and Parsnip, but of course it’s entirely up to you, just fill it with your favourite root and other veggie.


8oz (225g) butternut squash peeled (I used 4oz swede) and cut into 1 inch chunks

8oz (225g) celeriac, peeled (I used 4oz parsnips) and cut into 1 inch chunks

4oz (110g) Gruyere or Emmental Cheese, grated

8oz (225g) sweet potato, peeled and cut into 1 inch chunks

4oz (110g) carrots, peeled and cut into 1 inch chunks

8oz (225g) leeks, trimmed, halved length-ways and cut into 2 inch thick chunks(i also added a total of 8oz of some mushrooms, broccoli and spinach that I needed to use up and because I had halved the amount when leaving out the butternut squash and celeriac).

A little ground nutmeg from a jar

1 Egg, beaten for glazing.


2oz (60g) Gruyere or Emmental cheese, grated

1.½ ozs (40G) butter

1 dessertspoon freshly chopped rosemary (if using dried, ½ teaspoon only)

1 dessertspoon freshly chopped thyme (if using dried, 1 teaspoon only)

Salt and black pepper

1 medium onion, peeled and finely chopped

1.½ oz (40g) plain flour

1 pint (570ml) milk

A little ground nutmeg from a jar

1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard (I used Dijon as that’s all I had)


First place the Butternut squash, celeriac, carrots and leeks (or swede and parsnips if substituting) into a steamer. (Do not put the sweet potatoes in yet).
Pour in some boiling water from the kettle, add the ground nutmeg and some salt to the vegetables and steam for 10 minutes or until the thickest part of the vegetable roots feel tender when tested with a skewer. After 10 minutes, add the sweet potatoes and cook all for a further 10 minutes.

Tip all the vegetables into a bowl and allow to cool.


Melt the butter in a smallish saucepan and add the onion.
When you have stirred it so that it’s nice and buttery, let it cook on the lowest heat for about 20 minutes. (don’t let it colour). Give it a stir now and then.
Next, using a wooden spoon, stir in the flour until smooth, then add the milk a little at a time, switch to a balloon whisk if you have one, otherwise use an ordinary hand whisk. Whisk well after each addition.
Season the sauce with the nutmeg and salt and pepper (to taste) and let it barely simmer for 5 minutes. After that, stir in the mustard, the cheese and the herbs.

Allow to cool.

When ready to bake the pie, carefully mix the steamed vegetables with the sauce and pile half of the mixture into the dish. (you will need about a 9 inch baking dish with deep sides)
Now sprinkle half of the Gruyere (or other cheese) over the top and then put the remaining sauced vegetable mixture in and repeat with remaining cheese.

I won’t insult the great chefs on here with instructions on putting a pastry crust over the top, crimping the edges, brushing with either milk or melted butter and milk and making two slits in the top, especially from someone who knows sod all about making her own pastry!!!
I sprinkled some shredded Parmesan Cheese over the top just to give the shortcrust pastry top some extra flavour. Only about 1-2 ounces but I could taste it when eating it) Nice.

Anyhow, place the pie into the preheated oven and cook in the centre of oven for 30 minutes or until the pie is bubbling hot and golden brown and crusty.


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Julie1962 is offline
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Julie1962 is female  Julie1962 has posted at least 25 times and has been a member for 3 months or more 
28-11-2018, 03:20 PM

Re: Golden Parmesan Crusted Vegetable Pie.

Sounds lovely, will give it a try.

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