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17-08-2017, 09:23 PM

I need to feel more positive!

I feel in a funny old mood tonight folks.

My son works for a rotten employer in a car factory.
I've said to him for years to look for another job.

Now they are laying off lots of staff, another 70 are going at the end of next month. He is still safe by the skin of his teeth at the moment.
He has been there nearly 20 years, so should get a decent redundancy if they do finish him.

He has just emailed me tonight to say he has a job interview tomorrow but it is up in Birmingham/Wolverhampton area, and if he gets the job he will have to move there.
It is also quite a big increase in salary.

Obviously I want him to get on and be happy, but I am admitting I also feel panic.
I don't want him to move away.

Yes, I know some will say I am being selfish, I am fully aware of that, but I suddenly feel terribly alone - really alone. He is all I've got.

I am not a possessive mother, and don't see him weekly or even monthly sometimes, but I still know he is there, just 10 mins away if I was in trouble.
Now he might go 70-80 miles away.

People who's families are a great deal further away than that will think it is really stupid to get so upset, but I can't help it.

Of course I have wished him well, told him I will keep my fingers crossed for him with the interview, but I still can't help how I feel.

How can I be feel positive and stop whinging?
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17-08-2017, 09:32 PM

Re: I need to feel more positive!

Get on Skype for a chat with best thing.

My son went to Australia for 3 years...he's back now but 40 miles away...I saw more of him on Skype in Oz than I do now.
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17-08-2017, 09:34 PM

Re: I need to feel more positive!

I feel for you Mups. But I'm sure he feels it too because it's not easy moving away from a parent if you've lived so close by. It's not that far away and this way you will have an excuse for him to come down to see you.
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17-08-2017, 09:36 PM

Re: I need to feel more positive!

The answer to that is if he moves and you are feeling lost without him then you move closer to him ,
And if you dont want to move , 70/80 miles is nothing ,get in your car and visit him more often .
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17-08-2017, 09:41 PM

Re: I need to feel more positive!

I can't advise you Mups, but will offer a listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on, if needs be! I can appreciate and understand how hard the long distance would be for you, but as you yourself know, he could need this new job, if the current one slings him out!

Agree, it's such a pity it's that far away. Keep us updated.
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17-08-2017, 09:45 PM

Re: I need to feel more positive!

I'm with the skype suggestion Mups you cannot beat it.
Easy to load up and its free.
What more do you want.
It will be like he is in the room beside you.
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17-08-2017, 10:03 PM

Re: I need to feel more positive!

If it's any help, I've been on the brink of tears most of the day .... no idea why, maybe because it was the weather which was a bit heavy on and off all day, but I was also thinking how alone I feel and the lack of contact from my daughter.

But anyway. My daughter is all I've got too and when she moved to London to live and work there I felt bereft and worried for her nonsensically. I imagined she was going to get mugged, raped...all sorts of things. She was fine but as usual, contact was poor unless she was upset about something, mostly about her boyfriend at the time.

Sadly we know they have to go and do what they have/want to do.

Now, she's been back up here for about 3 yrs and she could be in Timbuktu for all I know sometimes, the contact is so poor. I feel so envious of people who are close to their children. Makes me wonder where I went wrong.

It's hard Mupsy but you're not whinging or being possessive... just caring about your child. I felt and feel exactly the same as you do now. Not much of a help, but I do understand.

Now, that was me rambling. Sorry, not like me to open up how I feel.

Just had a thought, maybe you feel so emotional because it's another worry adding to the house work worries that are due to start soon. You've had months of that worry and now it's imminent ....

Not a helpful reply but here petal ...
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17-08-2017, 10:12 PM

Re: I need to feel more positive!

We say , fish must swim , birds must fly..

As mothers we have to let go and if we have done our jobs right they will fly.

It would have been so easy for me to hang on and tell my son not to go when he moved away to Dublin but I smiled laughed told him to drink a pint of black stuff for me and then cried buckets as he turned the corner of the street..
Yes its hard and I miss him every day but what right do I have to hold him back?
This year he has been to the states twice as well as to India and in the new year he goes to Bejing he has a great job earning a good salery and he is seeing the world. I wouldnt have wanted to be the one who denied him that...

We also use skype a lot..
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17-08-2017, 10:22 PM

Re: I need to feel more positive!

My son is in Australia I miss him terribly.
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17-08-2017, 10:37 PM

Re: I need to feel more positive!

Hugs to you mups. I'd be the same.
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