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28-08-2015, 07:53 AM

No Longer Cute

This women admits to getting rid of dogs once they have passed the cute puppy stage.

The only thing I can find remotely human about her, is she does find homes for them.
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28-08-2015, 08:28 AM

Re: No Longer Cute

What a self centred, loathsome woman!
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28-08-2015, 08:34 AM

Re: No Longer Cute

Isn't this the same woman who claimed she doesn't have female friends because they are all jealous of her beauty ? very disturbed individual who says and does anything to get in the media. The dogs are better off without her IMO and why do breeders sell to her ? that for me is the biggest question.
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28-08-2015, 08:45 AM

Re: No Longer Cute

What an awful woman, she should be banned from buying any animal and what an example to set her children.
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28-08-2015, 10:52 AM

Re: No Longer Cute

another reason why breeding and owning dogs should be strictly licenced.
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28-08-2015, 12:04 PM

Re: No Longer Cute

Originally Posted by Cass ->
another reason why breeding and owning dogs should be strictly licenced.

Ah, but breeders having licences wouldn't stop them selling to the wrong people Cass. Their money is the same colour as the right people's.
Some breeders do not want the 'bother' of vetting potential owners, they will never bother, whether they've got a licence or not.
Initially I put the responsibility entirely with the breeders to turn away stupid, irresponsible buyers - but they won't. I don't know the answer to this, and it is very, very sad for those innocent pups to be bought then discarded.

Some are passed on and on, getting more unsettled and collecting more and more behaviour problems along the way because they have no stability and too many different people giving them too many conflicting boundaries to absorb.

I agree they are better off out of a bad home, but it's a pity they ever got into one in the first place, because then someone else has the job of trying to put right the wrongs.
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28-08-2015, 04:26 PM

Re: No Longer Cute

The Stupid Bitch!! You don't mess around with dogs lives like that, one minute your a mummy to a dog and then you dump it a year later dogs are very sensitive and stress easily... What the hells up with this woman, she should be put down at the vets!!
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28-08-2015, 04:42 PM

Re: No Longer Cute

Read some input about this appalling women and the way in which she falsely obtained those now no longer wanted dogs.

The Dogs Trust Response to her article and actions

Everyone knows Dogs Trust’s famous slogan ‘A dog is for life, not just for Christmas,’ but with over 110,000 stray or abandoned dogs needing care every year, too many people choose to ignore it. Sadly, for every dedicated, responsible dog owner there are too many people just like Shona Sibary who are happy to give up their dog when it loses the cute factor or when it becomes too much effort. So Dogs Trust would like to thank Shona for allowing us to be able to remind other ‘fair-weather dog owners’ – just how unacceptable this behaviour is. As part of this thanks Dogs Trust would like to invite Shona and her family, along with the Daily Mail, to visit one of our 20 Rehoming Centres to meet our canine family. Our training and behaviour team are particularly keen to show Shona the impact of early abandonment on certain dogs. The one thing Ms Sibary gets right in her article, is the fact that dog ownership is not just an expense, it's a responsibility. A responsibility for which not everyone is built.

Dogs Trust needs to harness the outrage this article has prompted and turn it into something positive for dogs. We urge everyone who has been angered, appalled or disgusted by her attitude to visit our rehoming website, sponsor one of our dogs, volunteer or make sure anyone you know who is thinking of getting a dog, thinks Rescue First.

Shona Sibary clearly knew she was writing an inflammatory article. It also contradicts a 2012 article she wrote for the Daily Mail which details how bereft she was when her Labrador Oscar died of a tumour at the age of 10. Lucky Oscar clearly remained cute enough to avoid being given up as a young dog.

In this article, Shona complained about how rescue centres make it too hard to rehome a dog; today’s article shows exactly why we need to do this.

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28-08-2015, 09:54 PM

Re: No Longer Cute

I wouldn't read the article. Julie, you may be confusing her with that other (insert any name here!). I know that SS writes for the Daily Mail, reading the paper every day as I do, but cannot believe that a woman can dispense of a dog just because it's outgrown its puppiness.

Predictably the article has attracted over 3000 comments online. Read a few...and would hazard a guess they all follow the same view.
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29-08-2015, 04:24 AM

Re: No Longer Cute

I saw this on another site. Her child is upset and this bozo brain is like " No don't cry darling, we're getting a NEW puppy". She should be banned from having pets and human children as well...
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