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10-10-2017, 01:48 PM

Re: Church

Mups I have just read your post, a lovely one too, well said, and well done !
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10-10-2017, 04:29 PM

Re: Church

Originally Posted by Pesta ->
My mother went through a phase, apparently, when she 'got into' religion in a big way. My dad told me years later that he was sure it set her off with her mental health problems.

But there again, her parents were big in the Salvation Army.
Pesta my father had MH issues PTSD from the abuse he suffered as a child and bi-polar disorder the condition that led to him ending his life.

Religion told him it was sinful to talk about things like that but offered no answer they also couldnt tell him why it had happened to him..

Stupid platitudes such as that person will get their deserved punishment at the day of judgement and God never gives out more that a person can take were just some of the idiotic phrases used.

Yes faith can be a comfort but religion is just method of mass control used to instil fear and dependance on the church by those foolish enough to go along with it..
Sorry for any offense but thats the way I feel..
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10-10-2017, 04:47 PM

Re: Church

If you spend enough years going to churches (moved around, tried about 4) you will find that the people do not grow and mature (spiritual growth) over the years. This is why I've seen kids get to their teens and become totally disillusioned. They know what they have seen at home, if their family are church people, and they can't keep believing that some big change is going on. You can fool them for a long time into thinking a god controls the universe, and allows some terrible things, but they see hypocrisy in the very people who are telling them this, and they can't believe any more.
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10-10-2017, 04:51 PM

Re: Church

I can't help thinking that churches can give a lot of support to those with mental health problems - been there myself - but it is only as good as the individuals at that church. God does not send the right people when you need them!
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10-10-2017, 09:03 PM

Re: Church

Originally Posted by tomtwodogs ->
Mups I have just read your post, a lovely one too, well said, and well done !

Thank you Tom. x
It was a difficult few years.
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10-10-2017, 10:08 PM

Re: Church

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Neither of my parents were religious or went to church, yet I was sent to Sunday School.

Things changed for me 20 years ago in 1997, when my Dad died.
Mum became a huge worry as she descended into depression.
At one point she began talking about suicide.

I was trying to deal with my own grief, plus look after Mum, and hold down my job every day too.
A couple of times I remember my Manager calling me in the office at work and telling me my Mum had phoned in and left a cryptic message hinting she was about to end it all.
I never knew if she would or not, but was terrified that if I didn't rush home, it might be too late. Fortunately my boss was lovely, and let me dash off home.

Time wore on, and I was on a pretty low ebb. My brother wouldn't lift a finger to help. He just shrugged and said "those who talk about it never do it."

I was pretty much in despair until a friend, who's young son had got killed in a car accident, told me she had been for a private sitting with a Medium.
She was so overwhelmed at what this man told her, that she began to find some comfort and strength to cope with her grief at last.
My friend suggested I take Mum to this man and gave me his contact details.

I didn't want to go. I didn't believe and thought it wrong to 'meddle' with such things, but finally, one day when I was at my wits end with Mum, I remembered what my friend had said and asked Mum if she wanted me to take her to see him. She ummed and arred (spelling?) and finally said OK.
I made the appointment and off we went - me feeling more than a little skeptical but saying nought.

It was nothing like I imagined, and I found he was an interesting man, a quiet, gentle sort of chap.

Things he was able to tell us that day made me think, and a little later I decided I wanted to learn more about this subject. I wanted logical answers.

I have probably learned quite a bit over the last 20 years, and I have met some interesting people and made some kind friends.
I think one reason I carried on was because nobody tried to make me. There is no bible bashing whatsoever either.

No one has ever preached at me, told me what to do, or called me 'a sinner' for not going and praying regularly.
The spiritualist church is so much more relaxed than the usual churches. You are never made to feel guilty or bad for not attending.
I have not been to a Sunday service for over a year now, I don't believe we need to attend a church to show we are a decent or honest person anyway.

However, I have taken Gertie (my youngest dog) to the little healing service almost weekly since she was 8 weeks old and she was found to have a dodgy Mitral heart valve.
She loves going and gets so excited. Everyone loves her and makes a fuss of her, and I remember thinking even if it doesn't help her, what harm can a prayer and a cuddle do? She is 18 months old now and I still take her.

The veterinary cardiologist said at her last scan a few months back, that the valve had 'considerably improved.' This was with no treatment, no drugs - nothing. I was thrilled.

My own vet checked her thoroughly in the summer because she was to be spayed and I was worried sick about her having a general anaesthetic.
He said her heart now sounds almost perfect.

I will never impose my views on anyone, we must make up our own minds. All I can say is, over the last 20 years, I have learned quite a lot, I met some really nice people. I also think there is another world somewhere in the universe, and have never regretted taking Mum on that first visit.

Phew! The end.
Lovely post Mups and totally agree with the bit in bold.
Great to hear Gertie is well on the way to fitness too
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11-10-2017, 01:44 AM

Re: Church

I haven't been to church for ages. I've got my own beliefs.

I do though on my first crossing of the day always throw a "silver" coin, 5, 10, 20p off the little bridge into the river in town and take a quiet moment. To appease the Water Goddess.
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11-10-2017, 06:24 AM

Re: Church

Mups was your mum helped by what the medium told you? I hope she found some comfort from the visit.

I think all religion is just mumbo jumbo every bit of it. That doesn't mean I don't believe it's just I have no idea what to believe
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11-10-2017, 09:12 AM

Re: Church

Originally Posted by summer ->
Mups was your mum helped by what the medium told you? I hope she found some comfort from the visit.

I think all religion is just mumbo jumbo every bit of it. That doesn't mean I don't believe it's just I have no idea what to believe

It was strange really summer, because although she didn't know what to think, she did begin improving. She was very hard of hearing and I think she was missing some of what he was telling her, but I heard everything.

I have talked to so many people of the years, not just mediums, but been on courses, and listened to other points of view, what I feel is not based just on one visit to someone years ago, that is only what started my enquiries.

Eight months after Dad died, I saw him plain as real life standing by the kitchen table at Mum's house. He was smiling at her, but never said anything.
You can't help but believe there is another world when things like that happen to you.
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