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27-03-2014, 10:57 AM

Re: Weight training and the over 50s

Well this is what I feel, I think Yoga is far superior. Let me quote a bit from one of my books, it explains it better than I can:

"There are so many exercise plans available today, and almost all of these depend exclusively upon working the body, quite unrelated to the conscious, thinking human being. It would be wrong to say such plans are useless, but their value is limited, because they ignore the proven fact that the mind has a remarkable effect upon the body. some people quite literally worry themselves to death; while other show a remarkable physical resilience simply because they remain calm and positive. "You are what you think" as Buddha once said.
The aim should be to bring together the elements which make up life, so that, without making any undue demands, you can find body, breath, brain and mind working as one.
It sounds difficult, but it is a natural process and is quite simple once you understand what is happening.
The importance of being able to let go and relax in a world with increasing stress factors has become more and more obvious.
There is far more to Yoga than just performing exercises."

Personally, that makes sense to me. What's the point in building muscle only, if you cannot control your thoughts, mind or breath. Its breathing which keeps us alive, not big muscles. So it makes sense to me to exercise your breathing too. Muscles are not a lot of help if the mind isn't healthy too.
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27-03-2014, 11:12 AM

Re: Weight training and the over 50s

Yes yoga is great several people I know keep supple (much more important than muscle) as they age using it.

Heard good things about pilates too but not looked into that really.
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27-03-2014, 11:48 AM

Re: Weight training and the over 50s

I tried yoga for a while whilst at the same time training in Karate lol, as well as running and swimming really hard. Yoga was interesting but a tad boring I found - also a bit time consuming too, and also difficult. Packed it in after a short while.
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27-03-2014, 04:58 PM

Re: Weight training and the over 50s

Originally Posted by Azz ->
I think it's brilliant that people, no matter what age, do what they can to keep fit and healthy.
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27-03-2014, 07:04 PM

Re: Weight training and the over 50s

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
I tried yoga for a while whilst at the same time training in Karate lol, as well as running and swimming really hard. Yoga was interesting but a tad boring I found - also a bit time consuming too, and also difficult. Packed it in after a short while.

I think a lot depends on the teacher Mark. I've had 'boring' teachers too. There are also many, many different types of Yoga, so trying just one and not liking it may not be giving it a fair crack of the whip.
If you could master the Pranayama breathing and relaxation techniques, you could implement it almost anywhere quickly, and it can calm you right down.
For the last 2 or 3 years I have been learning in a class mainly of Indian people, and have found it very different to how English people teach it. Maybe because its their culture, dunno, but they know what they're talking about and their suppleness is amazing to see, looks like they're made of rubber! I am impressed because its all so gentle, and it just shows what can be achieved without all the puffing, panting and sweating. Also, if you are too poorly to throw yourself about or run miles etc. it is still always possible to do some Yoga, even if you're in a wheelchair!
I do understand its each to their own though.
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27-03-2014, 10:38 PM

Re: Weight training and the over 50s

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Well this is what I feel, I think Yoga is far superior. Let me quote a bit from one of my books, it explains it better than I can:

"There are so many exercise plans available today, and almost all of these depend exclusively upon working the body, quite unrelated to the conscious, thinking human being. It would be wrong to say such plans are useless, but their value is limited, because they ignore the proven fact that the mind has a remarkable effect upon the body. some people quite literally worry themselves to death; while other show a remarkable physical resilience simply because they remain calm and positive. "You are what you think" as Buddha once said.
The aim should be to bring together the elements which make up life, so that, without making any undue demands, you can find body, breath, brain and mind working as one.
It sounds difficult, but it is a natural process and is quite simple once you understand what is happening.
The importance of being able to let go and relax in a world with increasing stress factors has become more and more obvious.
There is far more to Yoga than just performing exercises."

Personally, that makes sense to me. What's the point in building muscle only, if you cannot control your thoughts, mind or breath. Its breathing which keeps us alive, not big muscles. So it makes sense to me to exercise your breathing too. Muscles are not a lot of help if the mind isn't healthy too.
I would LOVE to try Yoga

Maybe one day
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27-03-2014, 11:20 PM

Re: Weight training and the over 50s

I'm all for keeping subtle.
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28-03-2014, 12:22 AM

Re: Weight training and the over 50s

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
I'm all for keeping subtle.

I said supple, as well you know.
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28-03-2014, 11:07 AM

Re: Weight training and the over 50s

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
I'm all for keeping subtle.
Yes you do that so well too
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28-03-2014, 11:16 AM

Re: Weight training and the over 50s

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
I'm all for keeping subtle.
Yeah, me too

Yogo should be mandatory for certain users of this forum if you ask me as there is a lot of tension apparent. Have you noticed it lately ?
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