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29-09-2011, 11:20 PM

Re: Hysterectomy

Originally Posted by marpaul ->
Yes its great news Mags and she's been enjoying her little walks on the beach in the sunshine which I'm sure has helped.
Little and often and it will help build her strength back up. I expect she is getting a little more confident in moving around now, it must have been somewhat frightening to move after an op like that..
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29-09-2011, 11:27 PM

Re: Hysterectomy

Yes Mags you are spot on. She's found it hard not to be able to do anything
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29-09-2011, 11:29 PM

Re: Hysterectomy

Thanks for that, will look forward to her post!
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30-09-2011, 01:39 PM

Re: Hysterectomy

You lovely bunch of people your messages are very special to me. Well, yes I am back in one piece but it wasn't easy.

It appears that when I had the operation I lost loadsa blood and by the evening I didn't have enough to get to my heart, lungs and brain. I don't remember too much about it but there were flashes of good looking doctors apologising for sticking needles in me. By midnight they had sort of made me well enough to have blood transfusions. I had three that night and was disappointed to find that they don't do bloody mary's on the NHS.

Next day I had two more transfusions but my haemoglobin levels were still only 6.5 when they had been 13.9 when I went in. I was bleeding very heavily and they were concerned that I was actually bleeding and not just losing old blood (from the original bleed) so they kept doing blood tests.

As you can imagine hubs was doing his nut because I had the worst wind pains ever. Geordie Girl I need to talk to you about wind pain. He was not convinced that I was not still bleeding so instead of chucking me out of hospital like the other ladies I stayed in for an extra few days, while I had blood tests and scans.

When I was given the all clear I was sent home to rest completely my haemaglobin was still only 8.1 but this would improve when I took my iron tablets. Anyone who has ever suffered from anaemia knows the awful weakness of limbs and the lack of appetite which is so unlike me.

However, day by day it gets easier and my head is gradually clearing again that is so unlike me.

Thank you for your concerns. Poor hubs has been worried to death and my computer was turned off and he didn't give it a thought until Marian mentioned that you were all worried.

I am not actually walking much but I have been sitting by the seaside while doggie goes for a walk.

The weather has been lovely and so have you all
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30-09-2011, 01:53 PM

Re: Hysterectomy

Cate, hello I'm sat here with a smile on my face it's so good to have you back! What an awful time you went through in hospital, thank goodness your doctors managed to get it all under control. Your poor husband must have been frantic with worry

Take things very steady one day at a time, your body has a lot of recovering to do.

Marian has been a gem keeping us up to date with how you are ..... I'm hoping she has enjoyed the forum enough to want to stay here

Take special care Cate (((hugs)))
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30-09-2011, 02:32 PM

Re: Hysterectomy

Hello Cate So very good to hear from you, it really is. Bet you're glad that's all over and done with, things can only get better from now on. As Mags says, Marian's kept us all up to date, good job too, we were wondering how you were. Isn't it great that the sun's out now and for a few more days yet I think and you can get down to the beach? Take good care, Mary x
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30-09-2011, 02:39 PM

Re: Hysterectomy

Pleased to see you back,perhaps compare notesYes the wind is horrendous, all to do with your innards being moved about ,mine lasted about 3weeks, peppermint water helped a lot, but once I was up and about, next day it did start to move but yes the pain was awful.Did you have TAHwith BSO op.
Take care and if someone offers to do anything for you just let them do it

Jeanette x x
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30-09-2011, 02:59 PM

Re: Hysterectomy

That sounds like a nightmare but here you are and getting a bit better. Do nothing at all just sit and watch the sea.
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30-09-2011, 04:12 PM

Re: Hysterectomy

Oh Cate, wonderful to hear from you!! What an ordeal, talk about a nightmare. I know what you mean about the dreadful tiredness and lassitude that comes from anemia; I didn't know I had it till I went to the ER and was admitted!

It was so kind of Marian to keep us informed; such a lovely friend. I too hope she'll stay around and become one of the OFF family.

Take it slow and easy and don't overdo; you're getting better and better every day1

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30-09-2011, 04:29 PM

Re: Hysterectomy

Really nice to see you back on here Cate Glad you're feeling brighter now and getting your strength back..Nice bit of weather we've been having to aid your recuperation too
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