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03-02-2016, 10:37 PM

Re: FRACKING - UK Govt trying to push it through!

Originally Posted by tootsweet ->
We've had so many protests here by property owners but it's absolutely a waste of time, the government are determined to follow America's lead and push on with it whether we like it or not. It's already a done deal.

What we are doing to our planet makes you weep.

This planet is tougher than you think Toots....
Us humans don't make as much impact on it as some will have you believe.....
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03-02-2016, 10:39 PM

Re: FRACKING - UK Govt trying to push it through!

Hope you're right, but surely fracking must destabalize the earth's core?
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03-02-2016, 10:47 PM

Re: FRACKING - UK Govt trying to push it through!

It's a long way above the Earth's core Toots, and five sevenths of the Earth is covered with water where we can't get at it.
And there isn't shale gas everywhere.
Testing bloody great nuclear bombs underground didn't do it Toots, I'm sure a few small explosions won't even register on the ricterscale.
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03-02-2016, 11:36 PM

Re: FRACKING - UK Govt trying to push it through!

Yep no worries Toots

Fracking only goes a couple of miles. See pic here

The Earths crust is about 40km deep
The Upper Mantle about 410km
and so on

Fracking goes nowhere near the core or mantles
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03-02-2016, 11:40 PM

Re: FRACKING - UK Govt trying to push it through!

Beats the hell out of returning to the dark ages.

We need to proceed with fracking, there's no other solution at the moment.
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04-02-2016, 12:09 AM

Re: FRACKING - UK Govt trying to push it through!

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Hi Gilly

I understand your fears and concerns but I STRONGLY suspect they are founded on media propaganda and mis-information about fracking.

I am 100% in favour of fracking in the UK. We are an island and we desperately need to use any natural resource we have instead of putting ourselves at the mercy of foreign energy companies.

Everything that is happening today is tied up with the core problem that foreign powers have the UK by the short and curlies and thus those foreign powers have our politicians in their pockets. QATAR for example pretty much owns Sainsbury's.

We MUST break free from this stranglehold.

Understand then that those foreign powers will do ANYTHING possible to prevent the UK from establishing it's own self-sufficiency and that includes funding and supporting so-called anti-fracking lobbyists and all those people who suddenly appear out of nowhere and take to the streets with placards in villages across the nation. It also includes huge media propaganda and scare stories like the ridiculous video clips of people setting their kitchen water taps on fire etc etc.

Here's the scoop.

Fracking happens way way down in the earth, absolutely nowhere near our water tables. If you drill a hole a mile down and put some liquid chemical down there, it is impossible for that liquid to rise up of its own accord to the surface again and affect the water table. To do so it would have to overcome the force of gravity.

The instances where fracking companies have inadvertently damaged water tables concern accidental spillage of the chemical containers that are already at the surface on the company site. i.e. it is not the actual fracking that has damaged the water tables, it is mistakes made at the surface concerning how chemicals are stored.

Understand that this same problem exists for ANY industrial company quite irrespective of fracking companies. Any company that uses hazardous materials could inadvertently spill some and find that it affected the water table. Hell, you could do the same thing in your own back garden if you have some large quantity of fertiliser and spill it !

The UK is sitting on trillions of tons of Shale Gas, enough to supply the needs of the UK for 50yrs or more.

The powers that be would rob you of that valuable resource, just as they have robbed you of coal mining. We must not let them get away with it.

We have to see the wider picture and realise that we are strangled by foreign energy powers at present and doubtless that all has much to do with the lax immigration controls we have seen in recent years. Our governments are likely being forced to let droves of people in by these foreign powers.

We have to sever the dependencies and Shale Oil/Gas is the quickest and best way to do that.

Meanwhile of course your government is happily planning to encircle the UK with nuclear power stations . There are loads of new stations planned for the UK's coasts. Get Googling if that worries you. It would only take one disaster to pretty much wipe out the whole of the UK imo.

Which is worse, 12 more nuclear power stations around Britain's Coasts or for us to get cracking with fracking ?!

1200 words in one post..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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04-02-2016, 12:09 AM

Re: FRACKING - UK Govt trying to push it through!

I am amazed ! I am actually horrified at how many people seem to be in favour of fracking! I suspect that it isn't me that has been misled by publicity and media propaganda!

When I have a little more time to string some words together, I will endeavour to write an explanation about why I think fracking is totally the wrong thing to do on this comparatively tiny island of ours. I hope you will read my words carefully and think very hard about what I have to say.
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04-02-2016, 12:12 AM

Re: FRACKING - UK Govt trying to push it through!

Originally Posted by dukeofearl ->

1200 words in one post..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
But how many letters?

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04-02-2016, 06:39 AM

Re: FRACKING - UK Govt trying to push it through!

Life is cheap in the eyes of the big wig, money men, Gilly. They build private fortresses and blow up the rest of the world. They think of humanity as did the Nazis with their forced labour, death camps. Worse perhaps, they now even have the cavalry on their payroll.
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04-02-2016, 06:53 AM

Re: FRACKING - UK Govt trying to push it through!

Originally Posted by dinahsmum ->
I'm going to go against the flow a little and say that I would like to see a carefully controlled, fully regulated, trial of fracking here, with an independent expert panel to investigate the results.

It could provide an interim answer to our fossil fuel needs, until they really get their act together on renewables.

I would much much rather be self sufficient in oil than be in thrall to the middle east or to Putin
What an excellent post, I agree wholeheartedly.
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