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03-11-2012, 06:01 PM

Re: Vitamin D

Originally Posted by Gabi ->
Can't think how I've managed to past my three score years and ten. I'm still active mind g/kids, have hobbies get out and about. I must have had my sunshine hat on all my life. on the other hand I do have many sunshine holidays but not at a nudist camp so they won't count.
Well we are both about the same age and never to old to learn aren't we?
As we get older, as has been pointed out earlier in this thread, our skin's natural ability to produce vitamin D3 (given a western type diet as this doesn't happen in primitive peoples) declines.

So the older you get the less able your skin is to create vitamin D3. When you were younger your skin was able to make more vitamin D3, you probably spent more time outdoors, you probably didn't take so many medications that deplete vitamin D, there wasn't so much pollution in the atmosphere.

We have to accept that life now isn't the same as when we were both kids.

If you want to live longer, reduce infections or lower chronic pain, avoid falling, having a higher vitamin D level enables that.

If we are going to prevent or delay the onset of dementia then one of the best ways of doing that is to keep Vitamin D levels higher than average as it's low vitamin D levels that are associated with the mild cognitive impairment that precedes Alzheimer's.

It's no good waiting until the earliest signs of dementia. We need to act before then as by the time a diagnosis is made it's too late to repair the damage or do much to prevent/delay/slow progression
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04-11-2012, 02:40 AM

Re: Vitamin D

Oily fish and (organic) eggs are the best food sources of Vit D

I am vit D deficient, and used to take 1000ui a day:
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04-11-2012, 09:32 AM

Re: Vitamin D

Originally Posted by Azz ->
Oily fish and (organic) eggs are the best food sources of Vit D

I am vit D deficient, and used to take 1000ui a day:
If you continue to rely only on food sources and just 1000iu daily you will continue to be Vitamin D deficient.

There was a time in Finland when a large number babies were given 2000iu daily vitamin D3 throughout their first year of life. No adverse events were reported and those babies grew up to experience 80% less type 1 diabetes over the next 30 years compared to those who only got vitamin d from food/sun.

Amazon UK have much cheaper 5000iu vitamin D gelcaps. You should be able to find a years supply of Healthy Origins for less than £10 including P&P these are in OLIVE oil whereas the Higher Nature mentioned above are in Sunflower oil.

Olive Oil is a more natural oil than Sunflower oil and less likely to cause inflammation.

I'm also unhappy to think you only USED to take vitamin D3. As you get older your body is less and less able to create it's own vitamin d3 from sunlight so the need for vitamin D3 every morning is greater. In Winter in the UK everyone should be taking vitamin D3 in EFFECTIVE amounts if they want to prevent seasonal infections.

If you get [url-]25(OH)D tested [/url] and your result is less than 100nmol/l you are likely to be more sensitive to pain and more vulnerable to infection that people who stay at or above 125nmol/l as it's at that level that Vitamin d is most effective as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Most chronic and painful conditions involve inflammation and the inflammatory response so it's simply common sense to keep Vit d levels at the natural level that maximises control of inflammation.
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