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22-07-2018, 09:55 AM

Re: which camera to use

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
I used to lug about a SLR and lenses but decided decades ago that as I was no longer selling photos it was pointless. With digital camera prices plunging I bought a nice compact camera. Now that is all I use for my photos the quality is pretty good and with a wrist strap or slung on my belt it is so easy to carry.

I like both ... DSLR and a pocket camera.

The pocket job - Canon G7X - gets the most use, takes a fine photo, has tilt-up screen for shooting at waist level. 20mp 1 inch sensor, big aperture.

But I do love my Nikon D5300 + 18-200mm and a couple of primes. It's superior.

You never get bored with two different systems. I pick up one, play with it at home, look up stuff on the net about ... bracketing, starbursts or whatever then go out with a certain type of photography in mind. Next week I pick up the other camera and do the same. The other system might take me to different places with a different type of photography in mind
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22-07-2018, 10:20 AM

Re: which camera to use

editing your moon photo can improve it a lot
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22-07-2018, 10:48 AM

Re: which camera to use

Originally Posted by realspeed ->
editing your moon photo can improve it a lot
I know I could do that RS.
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22-07-2018, 11:52 AM

Re: which camera to use

I shall no doubt upset the professional and serious amateur photographers with this, but it is the case that most people are now using their smart phones for the purpose.

No, of course the quality and flexibility is not as good, but for their purposes (and mine) a good smartphone camera will do anything we want.

Why lug about a large SLR? Why lug about a smaller compact camera?

My smartphone fits in my top pocket, weighs next to nothing and, in addition to acting as my ready for use at any time camera, it is also a computer, calculator, measuring device, compass, GPS locator, provider of maps, a hundred other things and, of course, a telephone.

The only other thing I might take with me if I'm going somewhere special is my small Panasonic video camera.
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23-07-2018, 09:21 AM

Re: which camera to use

I regard myself as a keen amateur, and you can't upset me that easily.

Smartphones? I've heard they have good cameras nowadays, I don't know how good, I've never tried one. Do they do seriously shallow depth of field, bokeh? Motion blur (when required) or freeze action?

I think good photography is about subject matter and composition. I know people with expensive equipment who take rubbish snaps, and people with relatively rubbish equipment taking great images.

I know people who adore cameras, regard them as items of beauty and are happy to spend £1000s on gear just to get a photo that's 10% better. Infact I think most of us can't see the difference between good and bad photography.
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23-07-2018, 09:26 AM

Re: which camera to use

I have to agree. I haven’t actually taken my Nikon D200 out of its camera bag for almost 3 years now!
And now that I’ve acquired an iPad Pro which has absolutely stunning picture quality. I don’t see myself using it any time soon.
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23-07-2018, 09:27 AM

Re: which camera to use

My phone (Galaxy S7) is my daily camera, the quality is reasonable but it doesn't have the aperture of my compact camera so it is not as flexible under difficult light conditions. I prefer my compact camera to my phone.

What I do like is that if I take any pics when I am out by the time I return home they are already on my desktop computer via Dropbox.

I notice that a lot of journalists now (with the demise of the press photographer) use an iphone or Samsung phone for video or photos.

There is one thing I hate:

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23-07-2018, 09:54 AM

Re: which camera to use

Originally Posted by JBR ->
No, of course the quality and flexibility is not as good, but for their purposes (and mine) a good smartphone camera will do anything we want.
Yes, using a smartphone camera is another option. They get better all the time too but the part of your post in bold is probably the reason why some prefer to use a camera rather than a phone.

I use a compact camera mostly. When it's out of the case and on a wrist strap, it doesn't take too much lugging around. It fits quite well into the palm of the hand. It's got good optical zoom and set to 'automatic', it's quick to use.

A funny video Bruce ..but with a good point to get across.
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23-07-2018, 10:43 AM

Re: which camera to use

Originally Posted by d00d ->
I regard myself as a keen amateur, and you can't upset me that easily.

Smartphones? I've heard they have good cameras nowadays, I don't know how good, I've never tried one. Do they do seriously shallow depth of field, bokeh? Motion blur (when required) or freeze action?

I think good photography is about subject matter and composition. I know people with expensive equipment who take rubbish snaps, and people with relatively rubbish equipment taking great images.

I know people who adore cameras, regard them as items of beauty and are happy to spend £1000s on gear just to get a photo that's 10% better. Infact I think most of us can't see the difference between good and bad photography.
Well, yes. As I said earlier, it all depends on what you want to do with your camera or smartphone.

Actually, I think the latest smartphones do permit some of the things you mention, such as depth of field, although my model is not one of them.

One I have been looking at - a Samsung - has a six-element lens! Who'd have thought it?

Of course, comparing the lenses of an SLR and a smartphone, I sometimes wonder how can the latter hope to equal the former, having a lens a small fraction of the size. The larger lens would admit much more light, I suppose, yet the smaller one seems to manage quite well regardless.
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23-07-2018, 10:57 AM

Re: which camera to use

Yes ... sensor size too. Here's a very simple comparison.

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