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28-05-2020, 03:05 PM

Re: Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings visited parents' home while he had symptoms

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
You keep telling that to everyone Bread... and one in a million might believe you.
It's a club you know, with a select membership.
As Matt Hancock keeps stressing now ... it's your 'civic duty'.

If everyone believed he'd done no wrong why do his defenders draw comparison between him and others who have also broke lockdown rules and shout out for them to be punished?
It's a bizarre state of affairs.
It's true - he only broke lockdown rules in your head, and in the heads of wealthy remainers.

If you want the truth ask the Attorney General, he clarified it yesterday.

Some people can't take no for an answer.
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28-05-2020, 03:16 PM

Re: Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings visited parents' home while he had symptoms

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Still no public outcry over the hypocritical Ian Blackford then? He travelled from an infected area (London) to the Isle of Skye, a greater distance than that of Durham so that he could `self-isolate`. He could have stayed in London. That is around 600 miles - he must have stopped somewhere to stretch his legs perhaps, have a bite to eat or fill up with petrol. Once there, he then took a trip out while he was supposedly in isolation.

The Covid-19 virus is spreading through care-homes on Skye, will he be blamed for that as some idiot Labour MP said about Dominic Cummings starting the virus in Durham?

I don't think he should be sacked or resign over it but I would like some balanced reporting instead of politically motivated witch hunts.
Let's chuck some more oil on the fire. Why not? We haven't had a good blaze for a while and Bonfire night is some distance off...
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28-05-2020, 03:18 PM

Re: Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings visited parents' home while he had symptoms

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
One thing mentioned in the press which I have been unable to verify, so take with a pinch of salt, is that Cummings (or his wife) actually have a brother who lives in London, only a matter of streets away. So why didn't he turn to them for child care help?
Jack Wakefield does indeed live and work in London.

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28-05-2020, 03:19 PM

Re: Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings visited parents' home while he had symptoms

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
That would be against the ministerial code and illegal.
No it isn't. Bojo could employ whoever he wants as his strategist. It's not a ministerial appointment. It's not a government strategist, it's not a ministerial strategist. DC has no government power or responsibility. He's got the same responsibility government-wise as his chiropractor i.e. how to deal with a pain in his backside.
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28-05-2020, 03:19 PM

Re: Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings visited parents' home while he had symptoms

Originally Posted by Bread ->
It's true - he only broke lockdown rules in your head, and in the heads of wealthy remainers.

If you want the truth ask the Attorney General, he clarified it yesterday.

Some people can't take no for an answer.

Oh give us a break and stop harping on.
You've made your point . You're starting to sound like a heckler on the back benches (poor example I know) ...or Alf Garnett.

By 'some people' you must mean me.

No I don't believe he did the right thing.
I do believe he went against the spirit of lockdown and 'civic duty'. Nor did he factor in how it might appear to the public. Or if he did , he did not care.
He put his personal situation first ... unlike many other people who have made sacrifices or got in a mither or quandary about what exactly they are supposed to do.

If that is the new coronvirus norm that is fine by me but don't expect me to agree with it.

And over 900,000 other members of the public who've signed a petition calling for his resignation or sacking agree with me too though I'd be inclined to let Boris keep his own house in order ... and he's failed abysmally on that one, to the degree that he appears determined to brazen it out.

By the way .. I'm neither wealthy nor a Remainer. I abstained from voting on the referendum as I wasn't sure, then drifted toward the Brexiteers viewpoint, but seeing how some of them behave now I'm beginning to feel sorry for the Remainers.

This is nothing to do with Brexit though I gather on the strength of it that some would even defend DC if he committed murder.
He seems something of an untouchable golden boy... the problem now facing the country is a society asked to conform to the governments advice to combat a pandemic.
And DC stepped outside of the guidelines.
It's that simple.

Now ... like ping-pong you can wing that back and tell me how good DC is and how pure and a great guy.
I'll still disagree with you.
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28-05-2020, 03:21 PM

Re: Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings visited parents' home while he had symptoms

Originally Posted by Omah ->
Jack Wakefield does indeed live and work in London.

His kid - his decision.
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28-05-2020, 03:28 PM

Re: Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings visited parents' home while he had symptoms

Originally Posted by Omah ->
Jack Wakefield does indeed live and work in London.

Ah, thanks for confirming that Omah.
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28-05-2020, 03:42 PM

Re: Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings visited parents' home while he had symptoms

Originally Posted by Bread ->
Cummings didn't break any lockdown rules - confirmed by the Attorney General yesterday. Cummings did nothing wrong, he put the safety of his child first - perfectly within the rules.
Far be it from me to digress, but:

Attorney general Suella Braverman belongs to controversial Buddhist sect

The new attorney general is a member of a controversial religious sect which continues to venerate its founder despite well-documented claims that he was a serial sexual predator.

Suella Braverman is a mitra – Sanskrit for “friend” – within the Triratna order, once one of Buddhism’s largest sects in the UK, which has been rocked by claims of sexual misconduct, abuse and inappropriate behaviour.
Braverman declined to comment on her links with the order last night, but she is understood to attend the London Buddhist Centre, one of Triratna’s main hubs, once or twice a month.

Last week, a member of the order, called Vishvapani, acknowledged Braverman’s appointment as the first Buddhist attorney general on his Facebook page, the timeline of which includes at least one picture of the order’s late founder, Dennis Lingwood. The post was subsequently deleted.

Lingwood’s abuse of his position down the years has been well documented, with many male followers saying they were coerced into having sex with him. But the Triratna community continues to promote his teachings and life. Its websites feature many photographs of Lingwood and his writings and stress his centrality to Triratna. Lingwood, who took the Buddhist name Sangharakshita and died in 2018 aged 93, presided over a sexually licentious culture that influenced others in the sect.
Attorney general faces calls to resign after she defends Dominic Cummings

Lawyers expressed astonishment that Braverman should have joined in what opponents described as an “orchestrated political” action. Her intervention, it is alleged, undermines the independence of her office as the government’s chief legal adviser and puts her in an impossible position in relation to any subsequent police inquiry.

Philippe Sands QC, a professor of international law at University College London, said: “The absolute integrity of an attorney general is the prerequisite for a functioning democracy. When doubt is cast over the integrity of an attorney general, that person has to go.

“She must have known that the possibility could not be excluded that the Durham police would have been involved. She has completely extinguished with a single tweet her integrity.”

“She’s the adviser to the prime minister on matters of law and she therefore needs to be absolutely scrupulous to maintain an independent position on legal matters.
“The prime minister has expressed a view on on the legality and propriety of what Cummings has done. In expressing that view, did he seek advice from the AG?

“There’s a conflict between her position constitutionally providing independent advice to the prime minister and her role as an MP tweeting political support. She can do one or the other; she can’t do both.”
Braverman's obviously another one of "them", who thinks, like Cummings, that power gives them the right to do and say what they like .....
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28-05-2020, 03:46 PM

Re: Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings visited parents' home while he had symptoms

Originally Posted by Bread ->
It's true - he only broke lockdown rules in your head, and in the heads of wealthy remainers.

If you want the truth ask the Attorney General, he* clarified it yesterday.

Some people can't take no for an answer.
" AFAIK, the current Attorney General is a "she".

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28-05-2020, 04:26 PM

Re: Coronavirus: Dominic Cummings visited parents' home while he had symptoms

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
No it isn't. Bojo could employ whoever he wants as his strategist. It's not a ministerial appointment. It's not a government strategist, it's not a ministerial strategist. DC has no government power or responsibility. He's got the same responsibility government-wise as his chiropractor i.e. how to deal with a pain in his backside.
No Boris cannot do this legally and you have to date been unable to provide any evidence that he is employed outside the temporary civil servant/spad framework. When will you provide evidence that he is not an adviser and is not a civil servant? All you have provided to date are assertions.
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