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29-04-2017, 07:38 AM

Re: Tory MP John Redwood Says We Don’t Need European Wine, Cheese And Cars Post-Brexit

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Calm down Art, I have an answer to that! We could take weekend "girls trips" to Ireland and stock up with Kerrygold. It may not be as sexy as the french but it is twice as tasty.
Kerrygold butter is sold both in Northern Ireland and here too - no need to go on safari to Eire, although I can vouch for a very decent pub in Dublin!!!
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29-04-2017, 08:24 AM

Re: Tory MP John Redwood Says We Don’t Need European Wine, Cheese And Cars Post-Brexit


When we leave without a Free Trade Agreement, WTO Tariffs come into force.

All Imported butter will then immediately be subject to a 63% Import Tariff, President, Kerrygold, Lurpak etc.

The prices in the Supermarkets will shoot up.

We also export vast amounts of Butter to the EU, 1500 tonnes a week locally.

This will also be subject to the same tariffs, so we will have to try to find new markets for it.

The butter we export is commercial butter, it goes into food processing, you would not want it on your sandwich

The butter we export locally goes out chilled, the lorries that take it do not come back empty, they come back full of flowers fruit and veg., so the costs of importing these will also go up.

It also means 350 redundancies locally.

When we leave the EU we also have the opportunity to develop new markets.

We used to export this butter to Russia, stopped because of EU Sanctions.

We could get this Market back very easily and make a mint.

Bloody Stupid Johnson wants us to increase Sanctions on Russia.

Our Politicians are idiots, snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.
M.P.R. Ashford
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29-04-2017, 08:46 AM

Re: Tory MP John Redwood Says We Don’t Need European Wine, Cheese And Cars Post-Brexit

Suggestion no. 4: Inform the EU mandarins that we shall pay them nothing until we see their accounts signed off, and even then we should make counterclaims on them to the same value.

Now you've hit the nail on the head. As far as far as I know they haven't been signed off for 20 years!!
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29-04-2017, 08:59 AM

Re: Tory MP John Redwood Says We Don’t Need European Wine, Cheese And Cars Post-Brexit

At this rate, there's not going to be so many foreign lorries on our motorways/roads in the future!
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29-04-2017, 09:00 AM

Re: Tory MP John Redwood Says We Don’t Need European Wine, Cheese And Cars Post-Brexit

Originally Posted by M.P.R. Ashford ->
Suggestion no. 4: Inform the EU mandarins that we shall pay them nothing until we see their accounts signed off, and even then we should make counterclaims on them to the same value.

Now you've hit the nail on the head. As far as far as I know they haven't been signed off for 20 years!!

Well then you have no idea of the reality of life.

The UK Accounts are exactly the same.

Accounts are signed off, but with highlighted problems.

We are well capable of wasting as much Public Funds as the EU.
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30-04-2017, 06:16 AM

Re: Tory MP John Redwood Says We Don’t Need European Wine, Cheese And Cars Post-Brexit

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
The fact that a lot of our manufacturing industries died is because we were offered new things from different countries. Yes it will take a while to rebuild them, but we don't have to totally rely on EU food, much of our food comes from other countries. All I am demonstrating is that it will be difficult for a while, but if we all become pathetic whingers with no positive approach, leaving is destined to fail.
I am beginning to wish that I had voted "remain", if all British people are going to see the down side all the time, instead of fighting to prove that the leave vote was right.
I am surprised at your posts Swimmy because I thought that you were in favour of leaving, and had the understanding that we can only do that well, if we create a positive approach to it!
Criticizing past politicians will be no help at all, we have to work with the present situation!

I am still convinced that we are right to leave and even more convinced that we should be getting on with it.

In order to be successful in leaving, we need to have a realistic sense of where we are.

You will not win a Marathon without preparing for it.

Fail to Plan is to Plan to Fail.

The Referendum was less than a year ago, Cameron had done no planning to Leave, we are starting from scratch.

May has been in power since July last year.

To be successful in leaving we need to do a number of practical things. i particular two specific things.

Firstly we need to be able to control our Borders.

A huge job, we are not doing it properly now and that is when we are still allowing unlimited access from the EU.

We are not preparing for this, quite the opposite, May is still continuing with the cuts she made as Home Secretary.

Secondly we have to prepare for WTO Rules and collection of Tariffs.

Even if we do get a 100% Free Trade Deal with the EU, there will be a time lag before we can renegotiate the 80 or so trade deals we are party to as a member of the EU.

Not having these two things in place seriously weakens our negotiating position and our ability to make a success of leaving on 1st April 2019.

It could result in the UK having to ask for a transitional arrangement during which time we would still have to pay into the EU, be subject to EU Rules and the ECJ and not have any input into the decisions of the EU.

If that is where we end up Juncker and his cronies will be laughing and the UK will be a laughing stock.

This is not what I want, I want us out, quickly, but at the same time well prepared to forge ahead as a successful Country.
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30-04-2017, 07:57 AM

Re: Tory MP John Redwood Says We Don’t Need European Wine, Cheese And Cars Post-Brexit

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I am still convinced that we are right to leave and even more convinced that we should be getting on with it.

In order to be successful in leaving, we need to have a realistic sense of where we are.

You will not win a Marathon without preparing for it.

Fail to Plan is to Plan to Fail.

The Referendum was less than a year ago, Cameron had done no planning to Leave, we are starting from scratch.

May has been in power since July last year.

To be successful in leaving we need to do a number of practical things. i particular two specific things.

Firstly we need to be able to control our Borders.

A huge job, we are not doing it properly now and that is when we are still allowing unlimited access from the EU.

We are not preparing for this, quite the opposite, May is still continuing with the cuts she made as Home Secretary.

Secondly we have to prepare for WTO Rules and collection of Tariffs.

Even if we do get a 100% Free Trade Deal with the EU, there will be a time lag before we can renegotiate the 80 or so trade deals we are party to as a member of the EU.

Not having these two things in place seriously weakens our negotiating position and our ability to make a success of leaving on 1st April 2019.

It could result in the UK having to ask for a transitional arrangement during which time we would still have to pay into the EU, be subject to EU Rules and the ECJ and not have any input into the decisions of the EU.

If that is where we end up Juncker and his cronies will be laughing and the UK will be a laughing stock.

This is not what I want, I want us out, quickly, but at the same time well prepared to forge ahead as a successful Country.
But we are not going to get all our own way, the recent rapid agreement by the other 27 countries had proved that!
Imagine being the only one of a group, who didn't want to play a particular game. Some of the others may not be keen to play, but they are more likely to go with the majority group opinion, than one determined member of that group.
The person responsible for our difficult situation is David Cameron who was so sure we would vote to remain, so made no contingency plans if the vote went the other way. Nobody, who is fit to lead a country, can offer a referendum but not have plans on future actions for both possible results. He took a job, that he was incapable of doing, and rushed to leave when things didn't go his way. Sadly the country is now left with a more difficult job of leaving, because he didn't know how to do his!
Personally I don't see any other party, than the Tories, that have sufficient strength to remove us from the EU. The Labour party are the only other party that could gain enough seats, and they will lead us into greater debt and remove all the people, who bring money into this country by running successful businesses here.
I am sure we all think we have good ideas on how to run this country, but in that case maybe we should try to become MP's ourselves. If we don't then the next best thing we can do is vote for who we think can do the job best and let them get on with it.
If the British public spent more time letting their Mp's know what they like and dislike, about their actions, instead of reading all the biased derogatory stories about them ( from journalists of both left and right), then I feel that the government could spend more time getting on with the job they are paid to do..... instead of wasting time and money trying to to find excuses for any mistakes they have made.
The press influence too many public decisions, but is isn't based on fact, it is based on their own particular bias!
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30-04-2017, 08:34 AM

Re: Tory MP John Redwood Says We Don’t Need European Wine, Cheese And Cars Post-Brexit


Twink, I completely agree that the press have far too much influence.

The press are controlled by groups with an agenda, so feed us what they want to influence the way we think.

I also completely agree we are not going to get 100% of what we want or of what we were promised and still are being promised by some.

Boris in particular is still living in La La Land and still spouting off.

I also agree with you that the Conservatives are the best placed to deal with Brexit, that does not mean that they are doing everything they can to make it as smooth and easy as possible for the UK to leave, weather the storm and then flourish.

To put it another way, they are the least bad of the options.

I would hope that as many as possible would write to their MP and make them well aware of their displeasure at some things.

My MP is absolutely safe, so does not need or want to listen, others may well be more amenable to listening to the views of their constituents.

I will butt out now, just have to agree to disagree with others.
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02-05-2017, 05:39 PM

Re: Tory MP John Redwood Says We Don’t Need European Wine, Cheese And Cars Post-Brexit

Originally Posted by m.p.r. Ashford ->
suggestion no. 4: Inform the eu mandarins that we shall pay them nothing until we see their accounts signed off, and even then we should make counterclaims on them to the same value.

Now you've hit the nail on the head. As far as far as i know they haven't been signed off for 20 years!!
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