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27-03-2020, 12:21 PM

Re: Decanting milk....

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
We get the larger jugs of milk Pesta and I am sure we keep it once opened longer than three days. It never stays out of the fridge and we have never suffered any ill effects. I never realised it shouldn't be kept longer than three days and use my nose and eyes to check it is OK.
That is the absolute best way Aerolor....
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27-03-2020, 01:54 PM

Re: Decanting milk....

I always buy a four pint bottle of milk. I use it until it smells and that’s maybe three days after it’s sell by date. I use the rest of the milk to make Soda bread or use it in cake mixture.
I have never suffered any ill effects and like to think l am generally healthy except for the usual ‘in the family’ inherited things.

I have frozen two single pints of milk in my freezer. There was some left over (not gone off) milk that l put in a plastic container and froze it to use in cakes.

There’s a saying, ‘You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die’. I firmly believe in that.
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27-03-2020, 02:36 PM

Re: Decanting milk....

Originally Posted by Pesta ->
I've not seen them Jazzi. Gosh they seem to have all sorts these days don't they.
If it was in ordinary times, ie for browsing in the shops, I'd go and look for something, but like it is at the mo, that's definitely out!
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27-03-2020, 02:45 PM

Re: Decanting milk....

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Are you talking about the Soya, Almond and Oat type 'milks' Bakerman?
Over here they come in cartons too, and have very different life exectancies and storage instructions to fresh cows milk.

I have seen some kept on shop shelves, and some on the cold shelves so wasn't sure of the correct way to store these as I have 2 or 3 myself incase I am ill and can't get out. So I phoned the manufacturers to ask.

They said storage of these depends on what is written on the outer carton. I have some Unsweetened Soya milk with an expiry date of November '20 and it doesn't need refridgeration till it's opened.
Yet I have some Oat Milk which says on the storage instructions it has to be refridgerated to store it.

Just to confuse us a little more, the lady told me some cartons have "Perfectly Chilled" written in bigger letters on the front of the box, and these one's must be kept refridgerated all the time.
They have to be used within 5 days of opening.

I find them quite pleasant, and certainly handy to keep incase you can't get out for any reason.
I use Soya milk Mups, the difference is the ones in the chilled section are short life and need to be kept chilled and the ones on the normal shop shelves are long-life Soya milk which can be kept out of the fridge for days/weeks before they are opened ....once opened they are kept in the fridge.
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27-03-2020, 03:13 PM

Re: Decanting milk....

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Sorry mart I meant to say 'Rubiks' cube.....
It wasn't that OGF, just my play on words. You had written 'Rubics' and I changed it to Rubice as in Rubeice cubes

OK, I know it isn't that funny.
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27-03-2020, 04:51 PM

Re: Decanting milk....

I remember some years ago, a farmer was experimenting with freezing milk directly inside the cows. Of course, this meant that the cows themselves had to be frozen on a daily basis. At a set time each day, there was this woman in big glasses who would come round and defrost them. Now, what was her name?

Ah yes, that's it.... Thora Hird

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27-03-2020, 04:56 PM

Re: Decanting milk....

A 4pint container of green top milk lasts us about 6 days. It stays in the fridge.
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27-03-2020, 08:59 PM

Re: Decanting milk....

Ditto, Percy If your milk goes off after only 3 days there's something wrong with your fridge! They are only covering their backsides by saying consume within 3 days, it's fine!
If you have the room, decant enough to last you a few days and freeze the rest in the original container (I think someone may have already suggested that)

You can buy long life (UHT) cows milk in cartons that only needs refridgerating once opened. It's fine, doesn't taste that much different.
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27-03-2020, 09:13 PM

Re: Decanting milk....

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->
Pesta, dump the milk. we have loads of it.
Thanks for all the advice Swimmy, will bin it after 3 days. If there's no shortage, that's made me feel a tad better.

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
We get the larger jugs of milk Pesta and I am sure we keep it once opened longer than three days. It never stays out of the fridge and we have never suffered any ill effects. I never realised it shouldn't be kept longer than three days and use my nose and eyes to check it is OK.
Aerolor, a few years ago I kept feeling vaguely unwell after drinking my cuppas and thought I was going to have to give tea up again. (I went through a few years being unable to stomach it).

Anyway, whilst leaning idly against the units waiting for the kettle to boil, I started reading the milk container and was gobsmacked it said use within 3 days.
I'd go well over the 3 days with my pint.

I'm quite sensitive to foodstuff. You get folk who can eat/drink something that's 'just on the turn' and it never affects them.
Me, well.... an entirely different story

Thanks Jazzi, haven't seen those. They look so much better than those old rigid ice cube trays we all used to have.
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27-03-2020, 09:16 PM

Re: Decanting milk....

Originally Posted by Mups ->
That's interesting. I'm gonna experiment with that.
Don't put it in a test tube
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