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28-06-2016, 11:06 AM

Re: Fed up with being ripped off for 'disabled' devices.

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Oh. OK. I didn't know if you was aware of it or not, as we are not always told these things.
I think it's law that the retailer points this out, Mups.
Sorry if I sounded unappreciative, I'm just so wound up.
Thanks for taking the time to point it out.

Last Friday I met with a guy from a wheelchair adaptation company.
They can place chin controls onto one of their chairs that operated the wheelchair, TV, mobile phone, care-call system, radio etc.

Great ideas that'll make my mum's life a lot easier.....for £15k
This includes the wheelchair.

All very well if you happen to be rich and disabled.

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28-06-2016, 11:10 AM

Re: Fed up with being ripped off for 'disabled' devices.

It is a rip off, can't say it isn't. Not sure what we can do to fix it as for many money is their God, they can't make anything but biggest profit they can. I would add I know a few people work for a company that make these things and they are all on pretty rubbish wages so it's not the factory workers making the killing.
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28-06-2016, 11:24 AM

Re: Fed up with being ripped off for 'disabled' devices.

Every thing that T-pin says is true.
Mobility scooter batteries. Go to a mobility shop and you will pay 30-40% more than if you go to a battery wholesaler and get vat off as well.
Hoist. Make your own. But that is a different story.
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28-06-2016, 11:28 AM

Re: Fed up with being ripped off for 'disabled' devices.

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
I think it's law that the retailer points this out, Mups.
Sorry if I sounded unappreciative, I'm just so wound up.
Thanks for taking the time to point it out.

Last Friday I met with a guy from a wheelchair adaptation company.
They can place chin controls onto one of their chairs that operated the wheelchair, TV, mobile phone, care-call system, radio etc.

Great ideas that'll make my mum's life a lot easier.....for £15k
This includes the wheelchair.

All very well if you happen to be rich and disabled.


Tpin, calm down dear. Don't try to do everything at once. I'm sure you will find enough things as time goes on and your Mum is home, without trying to get everything perfect in one go. You'll give yourself a heart attack.
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28-06-2016, 12:05 PM

Re: Fed up with being ripped off for 'disabled' devices.

Have you seen the price of stairlifts? They always underquote, the fact is, they virtually never come under 10k, and quite often nearer 20k. I don't really understand why, when you look at what is in them - a chair and a bit of rail.
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28-06-2016, 12:06 PM

Re: Fed up with being ripped off for 'disabled' devices.

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Tpin, calm down dear. Don't try to do everything at once. I'm sure you will find enough things as time goes on and your Mum is home, without trying to get everything perfect in one go. You'll give yourself a heart attack.
Me thinks your after the late Mr Winner's job in the esure ad.

Things like hoist etc I have to have before she can return, the occupational therapists have given me a list as long as my arm, things that need to be in place before a care company will agree to provide care.
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28-06-2016, 12:17 PM

Re: Fed up with being ripped off for 'disabled' devices.

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
Me thinks your after the late Mr Winner's job in the esure ad.

Things like hoist etc I have to have before she can return, the occupational therapists have given me a list as long as my arm, things that need to be in place before a care company will agree to provide care.
Yes has to be all done I know from when we had my mum here and when dad went home to his flat. Can you get any help these days with grants etc ? We never qualified but I know some people got quite a lot.
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28-06-2016, 12:22 PM

Re: Fed up with being ripped off for 'disabled' devices.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Yes has to be all done I know from when we had my mum here and when dad went home to his flat. Can you get any help these days with grants etc ? We never qualified but I know some people got quite a lot.
I've not rather not, I don't like it when people get grants when they can afford it. Grants are there to help those that need help, I wouldn't feel comfortable with it.

I just don't like being ripped off.
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28-06-2016, 12:25 PM

Re: Fed up with being ripped off for 'disabled' devices.

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
I've not rather not, I don't like it when people get grants when they can afford it. Grants are there to help those that need help, I wouldn't feel comfortable with it.

I just don't like being ripped off.
Fair enough tpin it was just a thought as it nearly crippled us trying to buy it all, £7000 for bathroom when you earn less that £5000 a year was daunting but we got there in the end and I am sure you will too and your mum will love you for doing it.
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28-06-2016, 12:39 PM

Re: Fed up with being ripped off for 'disabled' devices.

I e done the shower/wet room. Thankfully.
Drive in shower, lift up/lower basin etc.

Fitted new French Windows, new ramp to garden.

The rest can be done to shut her needs but we won't know what until she's home.
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