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Victors Mate
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01-06-2015, 03:39 PM

Re: Overpopulation?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
To me how to feed everyone is more about water than meat versus crops, in many areas they don't have enough water for either. So we need to address water supplies first and foremost.
Again I agree water is extremely important and when the country has a coast line desalination plants powered by solar energy could provide a partial solution.

Further research into drought resistant food crops and animal feed will I feel sure have a very important role to play in addressing the problem of the lack of water.
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01-06-2015, 03:41 PM

Re: Overpopulation?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
To me how to feed everyone is more about water than meat versus crops, in many areas they don't have enough water for either. So we need to address water supplies first and foremost.
I agree. I said the same in post 51
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01-06-2015, 03:51 PM

Re: Overpopulation?

Originally Posted by Victors Mate ->
Yes that is part of the solution but I would suggest it could be overcome. Much land capable of raising crops or sustaining meat production is in set aside (or whatever the current term is) in developed counties to keep prices up. This land could be used to produce food for export. If supermarkets can fly in green beans, asparagus, fruit and other crops from Kenya, for instance, logistically it must be possible to fly crops to Africa. Whilst I agree with and understand the profit motive the issue of the reality of
starvation is far too serious to allow profit to overrule humanity.

A point I made earlier regarding food wastage by consumers and Supermarkets - if this was addressed and drastically reduced as the French are attempting to do that would be a step in the right direction.
I can't see exporting food to Africa or any anywhere further than Europe as a practical solution. Surely we should be producing the green beans and flowers here for our own consumption and letting Kenya supply the African countries. Something is seriously skewed in the global consumer markets. We are also supposed to be cutting down on our carbon footprints and fewer flights would help that too.

I don't really see that much can be changed until the global corporations are prepared to look at the issues themselves and effect some real change. Until then it can only be piecemeal tinkering round the edges. Imo. What will it take? For some environmental crisis to affect the world maybe?
Victors Mate
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01-06-2015, 04:02 PM

Re: Overpopulation?

Originally Posted by Anzac ->
I can't see exporting food to Africa or any anywhere further than Europe as a practical solution. Surely we should be producing the green beans and flowers here for our own consumption and letting Kenya supply the African countries. Something is seriously skewed in the global consumer markets. We are also supposed to be cutting down on our carbon footprints and fewer flights would help that too.

I don't really see that much can be changed until the global corporations are prepared to look at the issues themselves and effect some real change. Until then it can only be piecemeal tinkering round the edges. Imo. What will it take? For some environmental crisis to affect the world maybe?
Yes I agree partially but until people in Western countries either accept vegetables in season or in some cases frozen Veg the trade will exist. Cutting down food wastage would help tremendously in reducing the imported volume. Other items peaches oranges etc. need a warmer climate. The need to import flowers is, to my mind, totally unnecessary. What I find particularly abhorrent is importing food from countries who have famine in parts of their own country.
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01-06-2015, 04:34 PM

Re: Overpopulation?

Originally Posted by Anzac ->
I agree. I said the same in post 51
I know I thought it worth repeating it got lost along the way somehow and was important IMO
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01-06-2015, 04:36 PM

Re: Overpopulation?

Originally Posted by Victors Mate ->
Yes I agree partially but until people in Western countries either accept vegetables in season or in some cases frozen Veg the trade will exist. Cutting down food wastage would help tremendously in reducing the imported volume. Other items peaches oranges etc. need a warmer climate. The need to import flowers is, to my mind, totally unnecessary. What I find particularly abhorrent is importing food from countries who have famine in parts of their own country.
I'm not sure we need to do that much can be grown in polytunnels and we can already grow exotics that way.
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01-06-2015, 07:48 PM

Re: Overpopulation?

Originally Posted by Victors Mate ->
Yes I agree partially but until people in Western countries either accept vegetables in season or in some cases frozen Veg the trade will exist. Cutting down food wastage would help tremendously in reducing the imported volume. Other items peaches oranges etc. need a warmer climate. The need to import flowers is, to my mind, totally unnecessary. What I find particularly abhorrent is importing food from countries who have famine in parts of their own country.
It would take a supreme mind shift within the food industry to say no more imports of unseasonal goods and they would all have to sing from the same hymn sheet! One thing though...I suppose the prices for all the food stuffs would go up and the consumer wouldn't be happy about that...even the ones that can afford the imported French Beans!!

How could we get it to work? Only for people to go back to eating in traditional and regional ways using local produce.
They could still have their curries but might have to give up on the exotics! And every country would have to be doing the same.......nice thought but I can't see it without a crisis!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I know I thought it worth repeating it got lost along the way somehow and was important IMO
Definitely worth repeating!
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01-06-2015, 10:33 PM

Re: Overpopulation?

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
You got that all wrong. Only a few weeks ago I was eating chicken. I still have chicken in my freezer in fact.
isn't it difficult for it to eat its grain in there?

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01-06-2015, 10:37 PM

Re: Overpopulation?

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
The storyline for the video: Forks Over Knives makes for interesting reading ...

The reviews of the movie are interesting ...
still taking alcohol in abundant supplies then MKJ?
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01-06-2015, 10:42 PM

Re: Overpopulation?

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
You will have to try harder than that to wind me up. Good try though.

Come on now Vic get in the swing of things. Go for a run or something if you feel like bashing someone over something.

But that nonsense is just infantile garbage: just plain laughable and silly.

Play with the bull and you get the horns ...
why do you take everything personally MKJ - no one is winding you up, we are all just contributing - psychoses comes in many forms of disbelief???
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