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14-10-2016, 08:01 PM

Re: OFF slimming club---open to everyone.

Originally Posted by susiejaeger ->
I try and make Salads a nice as possible, otherwise it can be boring. I have always put the lettuce and that at the side, but I was watching Mary Berry the other night and she gave me an idea of putting the Salad in the middle, it looks more appertizing. Lettuce i'm not over keen on, so I try and do a mixture of leaves, I would put shredded Iceburg, a little bit of Rocket, some mixed salad leaves, some mint from the garden, very thin matchstick carrots then just mix it altogether. If I haven't got an item or two, then I will open a can of Mixed Beans in water, and sprinkle a few of the beans over the lettuce.
Very good ideas. Salad can definitely get boring, if you have the same old thing all the time. I agree that making salads pretty and varied in ingredients is best.

Originally Posted by dukeofearl ->
And Ativan can cause weight gain
Doesn't do that to me. And even if it did, I wouldn't care. I can't take SSRI's because of all the side effects. Ativan is the only thing that's never done weird things to me and it keeps my anxiety under control. It's my white gold, lol.
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14-10-2016, 08:13 PM

Re: OFF slimming club---open to everyone.

My hubby has told me to tell you all, that he's not into pretty food, he just stuffs it down his throat, no matter what it looks like.
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14-10-2016, 08:24 PM

Re: OFF slimming club---open to everyone.

Originally Posted by susiejaeger ->
My hubby has told me to tell you all, that he's not into pretty food, he just stuffs it down his throat, no matter what it looks like.

Typical male.
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15-10-2016, 06:58 AM

Re: OFF slimming club---open to everyone.

Morning all.

Todays its:

Homemade Chicken Curry, a handful of pasta and fried courgettes.
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15-10-2016, 12:06 PM

Re: OFF slimming club---open to everyone.

what is ativan ???
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15-10-2016, 02:52 PM

Re: OFF slimming club---open to everyone.

Ativan is technically a tranquilizer/sedative; a benzo drug. It fits into the same drug category as Valium, Klonopin and Xanax. They are (in the U.S., anyway) controlled substances. It treats panic and anxiety, as well as seizures, etc, and these drugs are sometimes given to patients in hospitals and even dental offices to relax patients before surgeries.

The drawback to these drugs is they can become habit-forming, they're highly addictive. Which is why they're considered a 'controlled substance', rather than being handed out freely like many other medications. In the states, anyone taking a controlled substance is required to visit their doc every 3 months, just to keep an eye on the patient, see how they're doing and to make sure they're not displaying addictive behavior. That's a new thing they started a year or two ago. I can no longer call my doc and say "I need another refill" without first being seen. My 3 month check-up is this month, in fact. My doctor will write me one prescription with enough refills to last me until my next 3-month visit. I have to space the ativan out and make sure I don't use them all before I see her again or I'm left without my pills. So I can't pop them just to pop them or I'll end up with none at all until I get to see my doctor again and that would be disastrous for me because I sometimes have panic or anxiety attacks in my car or at the weirdest possible times, hitting me out of nowhere. And if I don't have my ativan (I never go anywhere without it) I'm in trouble.

When you panic, it's the weirdest feeling ever. Your heart races, you can't breathe and you don't feel you'll live to see the next half hour of your life. That's how so many people (like me several years ago) end up in emergency rooms because they literally believe they are dying. It's a debilitating illness. It's a mental illness. Your mind controls your physical being and without the ativan, I wouldn't be able to get through it.

Some people use it for other reasons, but it's generally prescribed for anxiety disorders. But I do better on the benzo medications than SSRI's (other anxiety meds) because they simply relax me, as opposed to changing my brain chemistry, like SSRI drugs do. Bad bad bad bad bad side effects I had on those things.
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15-10-2016, 03:33 PM

Re: OFF slimming club---open to everyone.

I was also going to ask Linda, what Ativan was, I've never heard of it.

Sorry to hear this Linda.
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15-10-2016, 05:12 PM

Re: OFF slimming club---open to everyone.

Thank you, Susie. It blindsided me about 10 years ago. For no apparent reason, I started having panic attacks. It makes me wonder what the hell happened in my life to bring something like this on so suddenly in my early 40's. I couldn't figure out what was going on, but I spent several nights sleeping sitting up because I couldn't breathe. I thought something was wrong with my lungs and anxiety is one of those things where the more you worry about it, the worse it gets. I finally couldn't take it anymore and had someone take me to the hospital. I was there all day, clear into evening, as they ran test after test after test. My blood work was "perfect" (to use their word) my lung x-rays were clear, they couldn't find anything physically wrong with me. Yet I still couldn't breathe.

Then this wonderful doctor named Emily (I'll never forget her) came and sat down by my bed and said, "With your permission, I'd like to try a drug on you called ativan."

I agreed because at that point, I didn't care what they did, I just wanted to be able to breathe again. She injected a dose of the stuff into the IV that was stuck in my hand and within minutes I was fine, like nothing had ever happened. I felt good enough to go jog around the block after being miserable for nearly a week. It was then she told me my problem wasn't physical, it was mental. And for every second I spent terrified of what was wrong with me, the worse the anxiety got.

So my mind was doing all of that to me. And it made me realize just how powerful the mind really is. Since then I've been through several anxiety meds (celexa, lexapro, buspirone) and I couldn't handle the side effects. They were so bad I couldn't even work. The ativan is the only thing that works for me and doesn't give me side effects. It doesn't even make me feel sluggish and drowsy, like it does many other people. It just... makes me feel normal. That's all I wanted.
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15-10-2016, 05:16 PM

Re: OFF slimming club---open to everyone.

Whoa! I've gotten way off track. So I'll start by saying I'm being very very bad today. I was dying for fish & chips. So I went and got a big, beautiful box full of deep-fried goodness. Well, really I just wanted the fish and chicken planks, so I gave the chips to my son. But I ate a big piece of fish, THREE chicken planks () fried clams, 2 hushpuppies and coleslaw.

I'm so going to regret this in about a half hour. I can totally see myself flopping down on my bed and passing out for the afternoon.

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15-10-2016, 06:26 PM

Re: OFF slimming club---open to everyone.

Well I will be going to the Fish & Chips shop on Monday lunch time for our lunch, as tomorrow I will be starving myself for 24 hrs. am only allowed to have black tea, as I will be having a Colonoscopy on Monday morning at 8.30am.
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