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05-06-2020, 07:40 AM

Re: Maddy McCann

Originally Posted by Besoeker ->
Why were the siblings left alone?

They went out dining apparently.thats all I have to say on the matter...very,very sad..a nightmare those parents must be living in.
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05-06-2020, 07:44 AM

Re: Maddy McCann

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
They went out dining apparently.
Whilst the the older siblings were in bed?
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05-06-2020, 07:46 AM

Re: Maddy McCann

Originally Posted by Besoeker ->
Whilst the the older siblings were in bed?

Nothing more from me Besoeker....Those parents have paid the price...the last thing I want to do,is add anymore to their misery.
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05-06-2020, 07:48 AM

Re: Maddy McCann

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
Nothing more from me Besoeker....Those parents have paid the price...the last thing I want to do,is add anymore to their misery.
No surprise............
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05-06-2020, 07:50 AM

Re: Maddy McCann

How many of us left our babies in their prams outside the shops whilst we went inside to our shopping?
How many of us drove our babies around with them in a carrycot on the back seat? How many of us drove our small children around not being strapped in? You did all these things because that’s how it was then.

How many people have left their children in the car whilst they popped into the shop and the car has been stolen?
How many mothers have left their children in the bath whilst they answered the phone and the child drowned?
How many mothers have left their children in a locked flat/house whilst they went out for the night or for a weekend abroad and their homes went on fire?
You never hear of these people being hated and vilified for the rest of their lives.

Ben Needham was taken and has never been found. His mother doesn’t get the same hate.
So why is it always the McCanns that get the persecution and hatred, relentlessly?
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05-06-2020, 07:58 AM

Re: Maddy McCann

Originally Posted by John ->
I could never imagine what the McCanns are going through, all these years of not knowing, always preying on your mind, what happened to their daughter. It's heartbreaking to see the photos and little video clips of Madeleine, a lovely little girl. Your blood runs cold, just thinking of what happened to her. I do hope this latest news brings some results for the family, not that awful word closure, which I do not like at all. How anyone could not feel for the parents, baffles me.
Well said John!
The McCanns were accused of having got rid of her themselves, and have had to go through all the harsh criticism of having left their children alone, because people always want to blame somebody but have no evidence.
It is a sad fact that that everybody tries to lay blame, when they know nothing apart from a few words they hear on TV or read in newspapers.
Why can't people just wait to see if this man was responsible for her disappearance and allow the McCanns an opportunity to know what happened to their daughter? I understand that they still hope she is alive and it is impossible to believe you are wrong if there is a tiny degree of hope.
I also hope that this will bring some results for the family!
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05-06-2020, 08:03 AM

Re: Maddy McCann

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
How many of us left our babies in their prams outside the shops whilst we went inside to our shopping?
How many of us drove our babies around with them in a carrycot on the back seat? How many of us drove our small children around not being strapped in? You did all these things because that’s how it was then.

How many people have left their children in the car whilst they popped into the shop and the car has been stolen?
How many mothers have left their children in the bath whilst they answered the phone and the child drowned?
How many mothers have left their children in a locked flat/house whilst they went out for the night or for a weekend abroad and their homes went on fire?
You never hear of these people being hated and vilified for the rest of their lives.

Ben Needham was taken and has never been found. His mother doesn’t get the same hate.
So why is it always the McCanns that get the persecution and hatred, relentlessly?

It’s a mystery to me too Art.
There is something wrong with people who not only feel no compassion for parents whose child was taken form them BUT invent rediculious conspiracy theories on how they were involved .
No one attacks the parents of Sarah Payne in the same way yet she too was taken 150 years from her grandparents house .
I think the entire world has condemned the McCanns for leaving those children alone .But to keep on and on and worse make out they were complicit in her disappearance makes me think these people are unhinged .
It’s as if they cannot be punished enough
As if the McCanns are not punished enough by their own self awareness .
How they must go over that night again and again.
Nothing less than being hanged from a lamppost would suit some .
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05-06-2020, 08:24 AM

Re: Maddy McCann

As usual your over dramatic self Muddy .
To go back to your asking about me having read the official PJ files . They were translated into English and put online years ago and have been read by millions worldwide .
You see you’re so obsessed by attacking the coordinator of the investigation you’ve missed all that when you could have been reading hundreds of statements etc .on which you could have formed a picture ,instead of the repetitive churning out posts supporting negligent parents and making out Amaral and the PJ are the baddies intent on doing them down .
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05-06-2020, 08:32 AM

Re: Maddy McCann

A picture painted by a corrupt copper is not one I choose to look at .


Why not send some pms to your like minded friends to get them to put in complaints about me to the Moderaters ?
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05-06-2020, 08:33 AM

Re: Maddy McCann

Originally Posted by Besoeker ->
Why were the siblings left alone?
All the children were left alone , Madeleine not yet 4 ,her siblings two years younger in cots .
It was decided before the holiday to do this despite they could have been looked after in the crèche while the parents went to the restaurant .
They claimed to be checking the apartment every half hour .
All you need to know is in the official PJ files .
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