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17-10-2016, 08:40 AM

Re: Is editing photos fair?

Originally Posted by gasman ->
Good post Nom and as you say, the fun has gone out of the competition. Shame really, but, some folk might consider editing the same as manipulating? What is the difference, in your opinion?
The photo should be what is seen through the eyepiece of the camera at the time you take the shot, editing should only be enough to bring it back to what you have seen, or to reduce it in size for the site concerned requirements.
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17-10-2016, 08:59 AM

Re: Is editing photos fair?

Originally Posted by Nom ->
The photo should be what is seen through the eyepiece of the camera at the time you take the shot, editing should only be enough to bring it back to what you have seen, or to reduce it in size for the site concerned requirements.
Quite agree ... for it still to be considered a photograph.
But for an 'image' as in a piece of creative 'art' then all things are fair in this digital age.
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17-10-2016, 09:20 AM

Re: Is editing photos fair?

Originally Posted by Nom ->
... editing should only be enough to bring it back to what you have seen, or to reduce it in size for the site concerned requirements.
That's all I've ever done and was asking for opinions to see if it was fair. The only departure from that was my 'workers up on the crane' photo, which I thought would be OK but perhaps wasn't. Fair enough if it was thought not and mentioned. That's discussion forums at work.

As a result of this discussion. I think there might be a few of us who wouldn't post the photos we have if we'd realised they were quietly being questioned or frowned on. Not a bad thing to have aired this topic I'd say. Nobody would want quiet concerns about fairness would they? Possibly better to bring the subject into the open and find out what people think.

I'm sure all those reading this thread will have more idea of what is and what isn't acceptable for future competitions should they decide to post in them. Maybe it has had a purpose and even an outcome without a hard and fast rule being written.

Other than that, all those photos of mine in the 'Photoshopped photos' thread have definitely been unashamedly 'got at'. I don't know how much interest there is for wanting to do this but it's there if anyone feels the need to show photoshopped images (or those done with any other capable image-manipulating program).
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17-10-2016, 09:35 AM

Re: Is editing photos fair?

Slightly off topic but whenever I print a photograph taken on a digital camera, I normally have to enhance it because it doesn't print as well as the image on my laptop despite having a decent six colour printer.
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17-10-2016, 09:41 AM

Re: Is editing photos fair?

It's refreshing to find a thread where we have had a civilized discussion, no arguing, we've all stated our views and respected each other's. Well mostly, at the end anyway.
Just saying...
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17-10-2016, 09:45 AM

Re: Is editing photos fair?

Mart im not against heavily photoshopped images its a skill set all of its own, and you do it so well, but in a Photo competition, then for me they do not belong, unless the rules deem them permissible.

Most of what has occurred here is about a few who seem determined to undermine what has been a great part of this site for a long time.

I had intended to start a thread showing a few tips on how to do simple editing with tips about certain common things i see such as horizons etc. But i wont now, this has left a nasty taste and ptting up photos now will be ill received by members now.
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17-10-2016, 09:53 AM

Re: Is editing photos fair?

I think that's a good idea for a thread Nom.
We need clear guidelines.
I shall always worry if people think I've "cheated" otherwise.
If we all know what is considered acceptable then hopefully the squabbling will cease.
Also whoever moderates the competition will value your knowledge of the subject, and set firm rules.
Your advice on photography is always welcome.
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17-10-2016, 10:16 AM

Re: Is editing photos fair?

Of course this whole discussion about rules and regulations is total B*ll@cks in the context of a fun competition on an over fifties forum. With today's modern image capturing devices the possibilities of buggering about with the image are a thousand fold, you can bugger about with it without even knowing. Do we really want a hundred page document on the Do's and Don't's of entering a photograph into the competition?

Are we cutting off our nose to spite our face by introducing said rules. I suggest that the one and only rule is that you took it yourself......End Of! I feel like a better person for seeing the results arising from some of the ingenious ways in which images can be manipulated, or indeed manipulation of the original scene by other means.
Digital photography has been a long time coming and provides us with unlimited benefits over traditional photography, are we to deny ourselves this new technology due to a few dissenters and remaining in the dark ages..
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17-10-2016, 10:22 AM

Re: Is editing photos fair?

I agree that heavily photoshopped photos have no place in a competition, or shouldn't do from now on. Just enough to bring out the scene that the photographer saw but the camera didn't quite capture for whatever reason. Cropping and resizing would always be necessary for photos displayed in a forum. File size perhaps being a consideration too.

I was a bit into digital manipulation of photos (as may have been noticed) for a number of years. It was done somewhat as a hobby at the time. Those manipulations have always been kept separate from any straight photo threads though (apart from the adjustments mentioned).

I suppose all I can do if I want to keep showing straight photos anywhere in this section of the forum is to say that they may (if thought necessary) have had the brightness, contrast and sharpness adjusted.
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17-10-2016, 10:25 AM

Re: Is editing photos fair?

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Of course this whole discussion about rules and regulations is total B*ll@cks in the context of a fun competition on an over fifties forum. With today's modern image capturing devices the possibilities of buggering about with the image are a thousand fold, you can bugger about with it without even knowing. Do we really want a hundred page document on the Do's and Don't's of entering a photograph into the competition?

Are we cutting off our nose to spite our face by introducing said rules. I suggest that the one and only rule is that you took it yourself......End Of! I feel like a better person for seeing the results arising from some of the ingenious ways in which images can be manipulated, or indeed manipulation of the original scene by other means.
Digital photography has been a long time coming and provides us with unlimited benefits over traditional photography, are we to deny ourselves this new technology due to a few dissenters and remaining in the dark ages..
Hear Hear
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