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12-06-2018, 02:09 PM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Just as an addition to my new plans and goals, I hope you don't mind but I'm posting a couple of photos I've taken today so I can use them as a kind of "before" starting point for my own progress goals. These are entirely as I am without any prior gym training, i.e. I'm not 'pumped up' where I'm much more muscled, lol.
It's the belly fat I need to shift, but I'm also aiming to work on gaining a little more size as well especially in my shoulder which are quite pathetic at the moment. All this heavier work should hopefully give me a head start on the inevitable muscle wastage which may soon come with age!

School run today, back at the gym tomorrow
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13-06-2018, 06:42 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Well that's one way to commit Floydy!. I would tell you that your physique is excellent for your age, but understand your determination. What a very, very nice photo of you and your wife! I have sent many good thoughts her way and it's nice to "see" her. As much as I am enjoying the photos, faaaaat chance of me posting a bikini photo after all of this fine Polynesian dining and the accompanying umbrella drinks However, you and I are like-minded in that I will be hitting the ground running - literally! My running schedule is a bit off, but I did put in four miles today and feel accomplished about that. With my team ascending to the big telescopes and hiking around the summits, aside from the 20 something set, I am the only one not feeling the effects of altitude. I never thought that conditioning would pay off up here, but it definitely does.

Rhian, I am fairly sure you already had the best legs on the forum , but that's great news about the effects of your walking! I am finally getting to do some good hill work, so I can get some use out of my new blue, cork wedges

Roxy, wow! That's a remarkable shave off of your time. I hope things are better your way. You sound like you were going through a rough patch.

LionQueen, good to hear about your exercise. How are you doing with your 10K steps?

OGF - 20! That makes me SO happy that you are back into your groove. That's an extraordinary number for having been otherwise occupied for so many weeks.

Hi, Ruthio! So pleased to hear you had a nice getaway. I am sure your walking group missed you!

Cedronella , your story about running with the postman tickled me no end because I am often a frightening mess by then end of my run. I would run with a bag over my head, but it makes it hard to run straight lines.

Beseoker, you have a fine walking companion there! I happen to have one of my own. She would much rather chase a frisbee than go on a leash walk. All she wants to do!

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13-06-2018, 02:49 PM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

That sounds really interesting work you have going on there with those telescopic adventures, Suzie but Good Heavens, that altitude would definitely affect me. I get giddy enough in the gym as it is!

Wish I'd never posted those photos - they look awful btw!

Meanwhile it was a nice little mix for me today. All boxes ticked…

Wednesday, 13 June ‘18:
(All weights in kgs)

Smith shoulder press, 60° bench:
8x40, 8x40, 8x40

Smith flat bench press:
10x40, 10x40, 10x40

Chest press:
12x60, 12x60, 12x60

Single DB press:
40x42, 25x42, 20x42, 15x42 = 100 reps.

Tricep extensions:
60x25 high reps
40x35 high reps

Tricep pumps (push downs):
50x15 high reps

Bicep pumps (arm curls):
50x12.5 high reps

Machine arm curls:
15x30, 15x30, 15x30

Sled leg press:
*I upped the weight today but halved my “usual” 100 reps to test the water. I stopped at 50 reps but I know I had a lot more in me. I’ll increase this on Sunday during my legs session.

Ab crunch:
50x35 high reps

Time 50 mins.

Great little session, thanks for reading
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14-06-2018, 05:00 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

You gave your body an around the gym trip today, Floydy. Nicely done! As hard as it is to come back from a vacation, it does feel good to get back into a fitness routine. Great job!

I am feeling fortunate to be part of these pioneering explorations all done in cool air-conditioned rooms on tropical islands. The running seems to be the key, though some people are just more genetically prone to the effects of altitude.

My running today was cut short, but what I ran felt great. Surprisingly, the trade winds that blow year-round here keep the temperature and humidity in tolerable ranges even in the mid-afternoon. Running among the ti and ginger, bamboo and hibiscus, orchids and the o'hia lehua is such a feast for the eyes that burning muscles and heaving lungs of my poor old aging body hardly even notices....or mostly notices, but doesn't mind.
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14-06-2018, 05:13 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine


Naff all for me at the moment, I am on a Meds change, so the pain is horrendous.

I am one day in to the taking nothing at all. only another six days to go before the new ones, only 4 a day instead of 17.

I am still packing up the house but slowly, but it is exercise, of a sort.

I am also on a 800 calorie a day diet.

Worth it in the end.
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14-06-2018, 07:48 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Is it your jaw and ear that are still giving you so much pain, Swimfeeders?

Moving is hard work for anyone. Take care, but I know this is an exciting new chapter for you. What's going on with the aquarium and its creatures?

Why are you going so low on calories? You need to keep your strength up and make sure you are getting enough nutrition to keep building those muscles and let your body continue to to heal .

Good luck with the new meds!
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14-06-2018, 11:45 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Sounds like a decent run Surfermom, despite the tough conditions. It just so happens that I've got a Hibiscus in my garden and it does pretty well, although it's the first to lose its leaves in Autumn, and the last to grow them in spring.

You would have thought that there wouldn't be much left to explore in space, as the stars (sorry Suns) have been in the same'ish place for millions of years, even I know my way around the sky in the Northern Hemisphere.....

So anyway, back here in Yorkshire, the strong wind has been making a terrible nuisance of itself, humidity was at 53%...probably not very notable by Hawaii standards, but together with temperatures of 20*C at six thirty this morning, it made running very laboured (I can understand your plight Surfermom)..

I feel like a new runner all over again just lately, and after walking the first half mile I was up on my toes and cautiously taking my first few steps jogging while observing some playful rabbits at the bottom of the field. At this pace even the young ones could easily outrun me. My style felt awkward and stiff as I passed through the housing estate, although I felt no pain coming from my piriformis, I was acutely aware of its existence...

I entered the wood on a decent hard packed earth path, at either side the foliage threatened to engulf this narrow walkway. I brushed through the taller species that had grown too high for its own good and sagged over the path barring my way. It's a good job its not wet I thought as I left the woods and joined a tarmac cycle path that led me to the side of the main road. I had run all of the last mile, and as I took my place running alongside queueing traffic I resigned myself to the fact that walking would be out of the question for the next mile and a half, with so many spectators, and me dressed like Mo Farrah.

It was with much relief that I turned into the quiet backstreet that leads back out into the country. To be rid of the constant zoom of passing vehicles, the smell of the occasional exhaust fumes, and the comforting thought that I could walk if I wanted. I passed the last of the houses and proceeded through a small metal kissing gate onto the lane. I resisted the temptation to walk, even though sweat trickled down my forehead and breathing became laboured. I had unknowingly increased my pace to that of a seasoned runner and I was not yet ready for such an expenditure of energy, so I returned once again to the comfortable lumbering pace that I knew would get me home.

Its funny how time and distance seem to pass by so quickly when running in the quiet of mother natures bosom, along the leafy lanes with nothing for company except birdsong and the promise of a race from the odd squirrel or rabbit caught napping in the warm sunshine. But how slow time and distance pass when jogging alongside the main road with a hundred vehicles in convoy on their way to a day at the office or factory...

My house is just a stones throw from the end of the lane, and it was with almost disappointment that I jogged into the drive and stopped the watch. Another five miles and an exceptional time (for me anyway at this point in my comeback) sixty two minutes today, and the comfort of knowing that running will continue......
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14-06-2018, 02:05 PM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Originally Posted by Lion Queen ->
I did just over 5,000 just now with the dog and it took me 45 minutes and according to my app it said I had walked 3.71km. I haven't reached anywhere near the 10,000, oh well, there is always tomorrow
On a few days I have done upwards of 20,000 according to my pedometer. The dog could do it several tines over.

I tease my daughter when she is going for a 5km run. I do more than double that every day I tell her.. She's in her forties, I'm in my seventies...........
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14-06-2018, 02:18 PM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Originally Posted by Surfermom ->

Beseoker, you have a fine walking companion there! I happen to have one of my own. She would much rather chase a frisbee than go on a leash walk. All she wants to do!

Attachment 6214
Lovely dogs. Mine is off the lead and walks or rather canters here sniffing, peeing, chasing squirrels, so covers several times the distance I do.
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15-06-2018, 05:26 AM

Re: Post your daily exercise routine

Besoeker, with those distances, do you find yourself having to increase your caloric intake to maintain your weight? I have to say that with your daughter doing 5Ks in her forties, your family is very squared away when it comes to having a healthy lifestyle.

OGF, I have to tell you that you sound fantastic! What an outstanding report of a very successful run, I enjoyed every step and imagine that you must feel very accomplished. Are you breaking out the party hats? You should. It's been quite a summer!

Now as for the running here, I decided to visit the lava beds. Whenever I am over here, I take a few days to run the smooth, folded pahoehoe lava for strength and agility training. Not only is it good for the knees it's good for coordination, along with the slowing reaction time of...well...aging .

Before the hazy vog from the smoke and water vapor from the active fissures on the other side of the island clouded the skies and the sun made running the beds impossibly hot, I took off running parallel to the road with my GPS ticking. With more jogging than running and more hopping than jogging, I picked my way across the field formed in 1985 but was still stripped of vegetation. Only at the halfway mark did I stop to take in the magnificent emptiness around me - the vast new land, the rugged landscape, and the subtle difference in the textures and shapes.

Still huffing and puffing, I realized that I was also in one of those rare moments and places in which there is utter silence. So, I held my breath - and listened. What a pure moment! I took a breath and held it again...enjoying every second. When I had had my fill of looking around, I turned around and started weaving my way back. Hopping to a flat spot to the left, jogging a few steps forward, stretching my stride with a leap to the right....

What a magnificent planet! What fun it is to be alive!

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