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22-01-2017, 08:51 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
Pug, sometimes you just have to let it STGO.
I say, careful old chap-that was dashed close to being amusing!

Well,here one is again...truck all checked and ticking over,load checked,paperwork DOUBLE-checked...and the police escort is [as usual] late arriving. [hashtag sigh hashtag]

But ... GOOD news's a mere -6 today!

Hmm...mayhap that nice president Trump is having an effect...

.....naaahhhhh.......wotcha reckon?.......
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22-01-2017, 09:02 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

You have me worrying about you now Pug me lad, the sooner the better you get yourself out of that job and into the glorious stressfree land of retirement. Very stressed related that kind of work, not good for you at all, we want you all in one piece when you come out.

Who knows with this fella Trump? everyone seems to be knocking him (including meself) but we haven’t given him a chance yet have we, if he makes a balls of everything we will have at least another three years to slag him off in ernest, providing the planet is still here that is.
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22-01-2017, 09:17 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

That's it Jem, I ain't bad mouthed him, as you well know, I have always revered Trumps.
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22-01-2017, 09:21 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Me granny had a name for the likes of Trump Spitty, she used to say "He's a terrible nice fella but nobody likes him"
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22-01-2017, 09:26 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I couldn't do the Job, I go in the sit down job when 3 out of 4 stalls are free.
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22-01-2017, 09:36 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Telling people what to do and asking them to do something are two very different things, the latter usually has a favourable response. Threats don’t always work either.

This actually happened in a country village in the 1930’s, I won’t mention the name of it but I once spent a weeks holiday there back in the 1970’s and this is from an old parishioner’s mouth. I used to love listening to the stories they told.

The tough Redemptorist priest had been called into the parish by the bishop to sort out all the sinners and lead them all back to sobriety, he rattled on every night for a week telling them all to give up the demon drink or perish in hell.
When he left the parish, the regular parish priest returned, himself a great lover of the drop, and stood in the pulpit on a Sunday morning announcing to all present.
“Miserable sinners, you cringe in the shelter of the lords house while the two Village publicans go bankrupt, the end of the World is not nigh, go forth to Mick’s Bar and Larry’s Lounge and cast thy shillings on their counters, eat drink and be merry afore the whole Village perishes”
And they heeded the words of they’re old parish priest and went forth and filled their bellies, the cash did flow and the fiddles did play and the Village was prosperous again.
Boys will be boys forever I suppose.
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22-01-2017, 09:41 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

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22-01-2017, 09:57 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Jem ->
You have me worrying about you now Pug me lad, the sooner the better you get yourself out of that job and into the glorious stressfree land of retirement. Very stressed related that kind of work, not good for you at all, we want you all in one piece when you come out.

Who knows with this fella Trump? everyone seems to be knocking him (including meself) but we haven’t given him a chance yet have we, if he makes a balls of everything we will have at least another three years to slag him off in ernest, providing the planet is still here that is.
I say give him a chance can he do any worse or is he than past geeks - including a retired actor [he wasn't a pollie either but got the post] bush junior who took us all with him to a war on Iraq that lead eventually to the formation if ISIS and all of that has brought. No no worst and could be better than. Let's wait and see
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23-01-2017, 09:27 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Well,looking at it impartially-in chronological order,in the last few decades,the Americans have placed a criminal,a retired actor,a wally who couldn't use stairs and a complete idiot into presidential least they now have a businessman. Mayhap not the world's greatest polititian-but just perhaps,that's the very change that's needed...[right-back off to work-see y'all at playtime,chaps]
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23-01-2017, 04:31 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I hope your enjoying the work Pug old chap, I used to set out for work, especially on a Monday morning, with a song on my lips and love in my heart, the hangover soon lifted and I worked merrily away all day, used to drive the others nuts.

Where’s RJ these days? How’re you doing young man? get yo ass back here we miss you.

Yes we’ll all have to wait and see what pans out with Mr. Trump, old yeller hair as Sitting Bull used to call General Custer, Custer was a very vain man too, very flamboyant and fond of the ladies, hope he doesn’t end up scalped. “The white man knows how to make everything but he does not know how to distribute it” Quote from Sitting Bull, well it hasn’t changed since you were around Bully me boy.

Talking of little big horns, why does a bull attack a red cape/flag? I didn’t know animals could distinguish colours, any answers Pug? I prefer the live human explanations from the ordinary folks rather than the google ones.
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