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25-06-2016, 08:45 AM

Re: EU Referendum Result - Your Views

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
I have just seen the strangest thing ..

70,000 sign petition for London to become independent and rejoin the EU

What a farce this is turning into ...or is it a wind up?
The petition was started in May before the vote.

That says SOMEONE is a sore loser.

And knew it.
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25-06-2016, 08:49 AM

Re: EU Referendum Result - Your Views

Originally Posted by graculus ->
No. Farage has said they didn't really mean it despite the leaflets saying they would spend the money on hospitals. No extra money for the NHS boys and girls.
They would have to be in government to do that.

Sneer at them when they are(pigs will fly)and they dont do it

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25-06-2016, 10:21 AM

Re: EU Referendum Result - Your Views

I like this quote by Digby Jones

The British people put their democratic freedom above money when they voted to Leave the EU, former CBI chief Digby Jones has said.

He claims "the establishment elite" tried to frighten people into voting for Remain - but ultimately "our grandchildren will say thank you".

He urged the Remain camp not to go into an "almighty sulk" but to accept the result, "buckle down and make this work for this wonderful country".

Lord Jones, who headed up the CBI between 2000 and 2006, said he thought the public were "surprised by the result".

What I'm thrilled about actually is subliminally, almost unconsciously, the great British public have put their democratic freedom ahead of money and the establishment elite has had a kicking. Whether the establishment are trade unions or big business or ministers or Brussels or the markets - every one of them tried to frighten the living daylights out of Britain for about eight weeks. And the British public sort of quietly went about their business and went into a secret ballot box and said: 'Do you know what? I like electing my leaders - I don't like actually being told what to do by an unelected, unaccountable people, so I'm going to get out of that lot, and if it costs me a few bob for a couple of years so be it'. And I say well done to them."
Lord Jones said there would "be choppy waters for a few weeks, but it will be all right", adding that this is "a golden opportunity" to show Britain as an open society.
Well said DJ, I fear in the next few weeks all kinds of rubbish will be thrown at us for having the audacity to leave the EU . We need a few more Digby's to raise our spirts.
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25-06-2016, 10:23 AM

Re: EU Referendum Result - Your Views

Originally Posted by Azz ->
We don't give so that it is redistributed back just to us - it goes into a pot that is there for those in our (EU) community who need it most based on standards of living across the entire European community.

We are stronger when our neighbours are stable, strong and modernised - economically, infrastructurely and culturally.

The opposite is the kind of inequality, competition and distrust we see in other parts of the world - like the Middle East, South Asia, South/North Korea and China with some of its neighbours.
These areas are in turmoil not from being made unstable from a lack of unity but from a totally different mindset and bonkers ruling powers. Good luck on finding lasting peace in the Middle East for instance.

What about Turkey? Should the EU allow them in? Bear in mind that Turkey is the gateway to Asia. All areas not exactly known for habouring tolerance towards others.

UK people were aware of the unrest that could come our way if we had allowed the EU to carry on regardless. The EU seems incapable of taking the concerns of people on-board. They seem hell bent on making the EU far more than it was originally created for and bugger democracy. Do as you are told or else seems to be their mantra.

The people have spoken and thankfully we still have a government with sufficient power to act on the results. If we had left it much longer this act of defiance would have been effectively quashed one way or another.

Bit of luck the EU will collapse and something else will take it's place. Something not so meddlesome and more suitable for creating unity because this one has completely lost the plot.

Had to alter the above to refer to the EU in the past tense
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25-06-2016, 10:31 AM

Re: EU Referendum Result - Your Views

I'm pretty sure what we are witnessing is the beginning of the end of 'The Fourth Reich' other member countries will soon see the benefits gained by becoming independent and will vote themselves out too.
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25-06-2016, 10:35 AM

Re: EU Referendum Result - Your Views

The past few days have shown us a couple of things.

The dual standards of the metropolitan liberal elite. They preach democracy, tolerance, and freedom of speech, but only as long as it suits them. When something happens that they don't like, such as our referendum result or the rise in popularity of Donald Trump, they moan like hell

The biased, or at least selective reporting of our two main news channels, BBC & Sky.
It appears that several European countries have an independence or Eurosceptic party, and some are estimated to have more support than our own 'Leave' group, yet this has hardly been reported over the past few months. Only now are they receiving minimal and reluctant coverage
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25-06-2016, 11:42 AM

Re: EU Referendum Result - Your Views

I'm glad that smug so-called celebrities such as Billy Bragg and that cross-dressing twit Eddie Izzard have had the smiles knocked off their faces, if only I could have been there to witness the event.
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25-06-2016, 11:47 AM

Re: EU Referendum Result - Your Views

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
I have just seen the strangest thing ..

70,000 sign petition for London to become independent and rejoin the EU

What a farce this is turning into ...or is it a wind up?
According to the Beeb, there are now a million signatures on a petition to have a new referendum on EU membership.

May be time to create a counter-petition stating "You had your chance, now live with it"
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25-06-2016, 11:50 AM

Re: EU Referendum Result - Your Views

Originally Posted by Judd ->
According to the Beeb, there are now a million signatures on a petition to have a new referendum on EU membership.

May be time to create a counter-petition stating "You had your chance, now live with it"
So what do we do then, spend the rest of our lives having referendums because there is always someone who doesn't like and can't accept the result

Meanwhile, we all live in constant confusion and uncertainty.
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25-06-2016, 11:55 AM

Re: EU Referendum Result - Your Views

[QUOTE=Meg;934802]So what do we do then, spend the rest of our lives having referendums because there is always someone who doesn't like and can't accept the result

I saw our decision being discussed on another forum. An American made the comment that - the problem with a referendum is that there's always someone who loses
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