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14-04-2020, 09:08 PM

Re: Woefully inadequate (Shopping arrangments )

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Good advice Rhian. Most areas have a network of volunteers to help out with shopping. I think all local councils give advice on their websites too.

Also, just looked at AgeUk website and found this:

Q. What if I can't do my shopping?

If you’re not able to go out for essential supplies because you’re self-isolating or shielding and can’t get support from others, you can use the following options for support:

Your local Age UK may be able to support you or be aware of local provisions being made in your area. You can find their contact details here by entering your postcode.

Community aid groups have been created in response to the coronavirus and offer help to those in need in the community. Most of these can be accessed via social media such as Facebook or Twitter

Your Local Authority may be able to support you or signpost those who can.

Here is the link with all the details:
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15-04-2020, 12:07 PM

Re: Woefully inadequate (Shopping arrangments )

My MP's office has been very helpful by linking me to those who can help me in my area:-

The government is asking vulnerable individuals who require support to register themselves here:

In addition, West Sussex Country Council have set up a Community Hub to assist with supplies. You can register for this service here:

If you require supplies urgently, please call WSCC on 033 022 27980.

If I can be of any further assistance, please do come back to me.

Kind regards
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16-04-2020, 09:24 AM

Re: Woefully inadequate (Shopping arrangments )

Morrisons have just started a new service delivering essential items the next day. I haven't read all the details..

Customers will be able to order from a list of 47 essential items and pay via card over the phone. The items include staples such as milk, butter eggs, potatoes, flour, bananas and pasta – as well as bread, chopped tomatoes, ready meals, toilet roll and sugar. If a customer isn’t happy with an item delivered or it doesn’t match what was ordered, they can also refuse it when it’s delivered.
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16-04-2020, 10:10 AM

Re: Woefully inadequate (Shopping arrangments )

Don't give up on stockpiling yet, in fact better up the pace. News is dribbling in,
keeping an eye on the MSM the Express for one reports that some countries are ending exports to keep things for themselves or corner markets the latest going down this track being Kazakhstan.

So there's the start of the runes to be read. Then there's the supply chain that is already a whole lot weaker than is being disclosed. We are taking steps that we consider will be needed to cope with this new development.
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16-04-2020, 06:15 PM

Re: Woefully inadequate (Shopping arrangments )

Originally Posted by Jaded ->
I have been shielding for three weeks now and getting a delivery from the big supermarkets is impossible . These companies shout out how much theyre doing for the community yet can’t deliver to their customers..
Cherrful old sod I am lol
Have had the same problem for the past three weeks Jaded.
Fortunately, living in a small market town, we have a local independent supermarket that will deliver for over £20 with NO RESTRICTIONS! Couldn't believe it. Out of all the items I phoned through the only thing I couldn't get was Flour and disposable gloves, so not bad at all. Also all of our local greengrocers and butchers are also doing free deliveries for over £20 as well so we are not suffering in Shropshire as much as others are.
Tesco can go do one once this is over. Like others, I pay for delivery saver yet couldn't get a slot. So no more Tesco for me. I'll stick to local in future.
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17-04-2020, 10:35 AM

Re: Woefully inadequate (Shopping arrangments )

Well the good news is Tescos are delivering to the vulnerable and my delivery is due today between 5-6pm and apart from a hand sanitiser I believe the order will be fulfilled .

Also got my Government Emergency Food Package this morning dropped on my doorstep. It is full of goodies that will be used but because I can now order from Tescos I will phone the Gov: Dept up that delivered the food and tell them not to deliver anymore.
I even got mushy peas..

I was surprised to receive the food package because I am not on any benefits apart from the heating allowance at the end of the year if you can call that a benefit.
My local council sent round a leaflet last week and said they would be doing food parcels at various prices.
Whilst the wife who works from home now is in contact with Lambeth Council back in London and they are not charging.?
Different councils different rulings I suppose.
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17-04-2020, 11:14 AM

Re: Woefully inadequate (Shopping arrangments )

Originally Posted by Pesta ->
What bugs me is that a couple of my neighbours, same age as me, no underlying health problems, who always go every day on long walks (pre and post C.V.), they own two cars and have deliveries from Iceland and Morrison's.

Why? They have those feet they walk with. Two cars to drive. They aren't disabled in any way.

Those delivery slots could be given to those who need but can't get slots.

SO selfish.

How do you know they don’t have medical conditions Pesta ? Many have “hidden “ disabilities .
I’ve lived with the same lots of neighbours around my age for over 30 years but don’t know what if anything they suffer from .
Have your neighbours had Supermarket home deliveries previously ? If not then yes it’s very selfish of them .
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17-04-2020, 11:17 AM

Re: Woefully inadequate (Shopping arrangments )

Originally Posted by longfellow ->
Well the good news is Tescos are delivering to the vulnerable and my delivery is due today between 5-6pm and apart from a hand sanitiser I believe the order will be fulfilled .

Also got my Government Emergency Food Package this morning dropped on my doorstep. It is full of goodies that will be used but because I can now order from Tescos I will phone the Gov: Dept up that delivered the food and tell them not to deliver anymore.
I even got mushy peas..

I was surprised to receive the food package because I am not on any benefits apart from the heating allowance at the end of the year if you can call that a benefit.
My local council sent round a leaflet last week and said they would be doing food parcels at various prices.
Whilst the wife who works from home now is in contact with Lambeth Council back in London and they are not charging.?
Different councils different rulings I suppose.
This is puzzling . No Council leaflets delivered here , no food parcels offered .
You’d think it would be ALL councils operating this ?
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17-04-2020, 11:21 AM

Re: Woefully inadequate (Shopping arrangments )

Originally Posted by Rhian ->
I would post a message on fb or your local county website to let them know you're stuck Jade
I have posted a message on my fb to let people know I will do anything to help others..
shopping, collections, delivery, food donations.. basically anything I'm capable of doing.
There will be someone somewhere available to help or will know of people who are.
Agree! I know folks don't always like FB but it's been fantastic, local pages have listed volunteers which respond very quickly to requests from those struggling.

I actually got a Tesco delivery slot today as someone posted on our Corona Virus Help page that slots were available. I've been trying for weeks at all times of day and night on all supermarkets.

Plus they've had lots of Art challenges,craft and activity stuff to keep us busy.
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17-04-2020, 12:52 PM

Re: Woefully inadequate (Shopping arrangments )

I don’t do Facebook after getting into mischief on it lol .
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