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24-05-2016, 10:03 PM

Re: How to get a council house

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
I am gob smacked by it all.
How is he going to support them all on job seekers allowance ?
They have found the family a four bedroomed council house in Birmingham .
Costing £750 pm .
While he looks for work housing benefit will cover the rent .
So any European jobless person plus children can come to the uk and be given a house and benefits ?
I can't believe it either Muddy there must be lots of families in Birmingham desperate for a lovely house like that one.
Ok the wages are low in Romania but so is the cost of living it is all proportionate.
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24-05-2016, 10:29 PM

Re: How to get a council house

I would think tonight's programme may add a few more votes to the 'out' campaign.
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25-05-2016, 07:02 AM

Re: How to get a council house


I also find it depressing, particularly as I will be banging the same old drum again.

This is not a problem caused by the EU, it has nothing at all to do with the EU.

No other EU Country has this problem, it is one entirely of our own making and it is costing us a fortune.

Stuff waiting for the Referendum, we need to address it now, we should have addressed it years ago.

Just change our Benefits System to bring it into line with others.

If you haven't paid in, you don't get money out.

Nothing wrong with that at all, we can still have a safety net for those who genuinely cannot work.

There has not been one single applicant from the local unemployed for the jobs at the chicken packers.

As a result they have gone to Eastern Europeans.

Four days on, 12 hour shifts, four days off, bonus and overtime, really good wages.

One local, refused to apply because she was a vegetarian.

Sheer madness, particularly because she can be often seen eating a sausage roll from the village shop.
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25-05-2016, 07:44 AM

Re: How to get a council house

I cant see how its possible to balance the books at all.
if vast amounts of money are going to feed home and educate people who have not paid in a cent to this country at the expense of British people who are slogging away paying mortgages and taxes how can this country go anywhere but down ?
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25-05-2016, 08:34 AM

Re: How to get a council house


That is exactly the problem Muddy.

I have absolutely no problem at all with any of my tax going to those who are genuinely disabled and who cannot work.

I have absolutely no problem at all with any of my tax going to genuine refugees, I have seen enough of the horrors.

In fact, I would willingly pay more to help these absolutely genuine people.

I begrudge every single penny of my tax being wasted on skivers, lazy gits, illegal immigrants and Economic Migrants.

I also begrudge it being paid to PFI Sharks who rip us off all the time and multi nationals who do not pay tax.

Personally, I would deport all illegals for a start, I would not give a penny benefit to those who can work, but do not.

I would not give a penny to EU Immigrants who have not paid enough into the system to get anything out.

I would ban Google, Amazon, Starbucks and any other company who do not pay full tax here in the UK.

I would tax Human Rights Lawyers at 90% of their earnings and limit them to a maximum earning of £300 a day, not an hour.

I would ban anyone becoming an MP until they have had a least 1 year on a Zero Hours Minimum wage Contract.

I would ban all MPs from having a second job, abolish all their second home expenses and stick them in a Travelodge.

I would ban the Burqha, insist that all Imams are licensed, ban all immigrants unless they can speak English, excluding genuine Refugees.

I would tell Merkel and Co to get stuffed, here is our money, £8.6 Billion a year, take it or leave it, these are our rules, if you do not like them, fine, we are out of here and trust me, you will be stuffed.

We will become the Cayman Islands, we will reduce Corporation Tax to 2% and bankrupt you.

We will close our side of the English Channel to non UK Traffic, watch the chaos as your exports have to take a massive detour round the British Isles.

Five Eyes?

No chance, build your own, no interception, no info from Akrotiri or GCHQ, fight your own battles.

We will sell it you.

How does £10 Billion a year sound?

Take it or leave it.

The World according to Swimfeeders.

It doesn't take a lot of understanding to see why they wanted rid.

I have a tendency to say it as it is and upset the apple cart.
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25-05-2016, 09:15 AM

Re: How to get a council house

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
I cant see how its possible to balance the books at all.
if vast amounts of money are going to feed home and educate people who have not paid in a cent to this country at the expense of British people who are slogging away paying mortgages and taxes how can this country go anywhere but down ?
If the unskilled Romanian manages to get a job and pay tax we still have to fund housing benefit, schooling for 5 children, and healthcare cost for the whole family. The tax he pays would be only a small contribution towards this.
If he can't get a job and has to go home we will still have to pay the return fare for a family of 7 and the cost of extradition proceedings in addition to keeping them all for months.

This is just one family, they didn't sneak in here illegally they flew in and even had the paperwork for transferring schools from Romanian to England for five children .

It's madness.
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25-05-2016, 09:22 AM

Re: How to get a council house

Originally Posted by Meg ->
If the unskilled Romanian manages to get a job and pay tax we still have to fund housing benefit, schooling for 5 children, and healthcare cost for the whole family. The tax he pays would be only a small contribution towards this.
If he can't get a job and has to go home we will still have to pay the return fare for a family of 7 and the cost of extradition proceedings in addition to keeping them all for months.

This is just one family, they didn't sneak in here illegally they flew in and even had the paperwork for transferring schools from Romanian to England for five children .

It's madness.

I agree totally.

A great post
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25-05-2016, 09:28 AM

Re: How to get a council house

I've seen programmes where the mother can't speak a word of English and been here for years ! . I won't watch them now , they infuriate me
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25-05-2016, 12:38 PM

Re: How to get a council house

Originally Posted by Meg ->
If the unskilled Romanian manages to get a job and pay tax we still have to fund housing benefit, schooling for 5 children, and healthcare cost for the whole family. The tax he pays would be only a small contribution towards this.
If he can't get a job and has to go home we will still have to pay the return fare for a family of 7 and the cost of extradition proceedings in addition to keeping them all for months.

This is just one family, they didn't sneak in here illegally they flew in and even had the paperwork for transferring schools from Romanian to England for five children .

It's madness.
True and the whole family looked healthy and well dressed .
So they had not been starving in the streets in Romania .
How can they could have transfer papers for schools beats me .
Our schools are over subscribed already how can they suddenly make places for five children none of whom have a word of English ?
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29-05-2016, 11:44 AM

Re: How to get a council house

I can't watch these programmes anymore tbh. I just want to throw something at the TV.
We just continually give out the wrong signals by pandering to these people, which just encourages more to come over and chance their arm.

Are the authorities REALLY this stupid?
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