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18-09-2013, 12:33 PM

Re: Muslim Child Brides,Sydney Australia

Originally Posted by tomcat ->
It appears Billy you have the same problems in OZ as we have in the UK/EU ..I worry about the Islamification of this country .about what our children esp. the girls will have to put up with . I read about the stoning of women ..of the crucifixion of Christian priests the hanging upside down of Christians to die .the burning of church's. the beheading of children . in one case a five year old Christian girl dismembered alive .the beheading of a 12 year old Buddhist boy ..there are many more instances I have read about you Billy I worry about Islam..
Anyone who is not worried is either very complacent and pliant or very stupid,i will be dead before it happens,too late then,no good complaining later,its very simple really,work out the percentage of asylum seekers in your country then multiply it by 6 to 8 kids every breeding cycle,look at Sweden,5% population Muslim but that 5% takes 40% of all social security payments,they send the countries they invade broke,then you all have to ride around on a horse and cart? if you still have hands to hold the reins! lol.
But forcing little girls into marriage with a 60 year old male is just paedophilia,but the tree huggers say "thats their culture" maybe in the desert in Afghanistan but not in suburban England or Australia!

Bloody do gooders,my heart does not bleed for economic asylum seeker dole bludgers,never has and never will.

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19-09-2013, 12:48 PM

Re: Muslim Child Brides,Sydney Australia

Billy re private schooling in Collie, the other states had reached an agreement with the Federal Government(Labor) on funding of schooling Asylum seekers children but Barnett (Liberal) would not reach agreement on virtually anything with the Labor government. The article you quote from was in July so with a Lib Fed. Govt in now Barnett will probably stop stalling. The Muslims I know are happy to send their children to State schools as they are non-denominational I can understand them not wanting to send them to a Catholic private school, some Christian sect asylum seekers would also not send their kids to a catholic private school either.
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19-09-2013, 01:05 PM

Re: Muslim Child Brides,Sydney Australia

Muslim girls are being told about their rights and that forced marriages are illegal in Australia our airports are watched in case girls are being forced to go overseas to marry, the 40 year old mother mentioned had gone to a womans shelter run by Muslim women for abused muslim women.

The better educated and westernised Muslim women are making a stand here in Australia. The major problem is in countries like Yemen with the 8 year old bride, illegal and regarded as rape in Australia where Australian Law over-rides Sharia Law so something like that is totally illegal here.
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19-09-2013, 01:22 PM

Re: Muslim Child Brides,Sydney Australia

Originally Posted by vivity ->
Muslim girls are being told about their rights and that forced marriages are illegal in Australia our airports are watched in case girls are being forced to go overseas to marry, the 40 year old mother mentioned had gone to a womans shelter run by Muslim women for abused muslim women.

The better educated and westernised Muslim women are making a stand here in Australia. The major problem is in countries like Yemen with the 8 year old bride, illegal and regarded as rape in Australia where Australian Law over-rides Sharia Law so something like that is totally illegal here.
Its only illegal if they get caught!!
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19-09-2013, 02:13 PM

Re: Muslim Child Brides,Sydney Australia

Funny view of the law Billy, whether somebody gets caught or not doesn't make it less illegal and the law is still the law and will be used to protect the innocent.
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19-09-2013, 04:30 PM

Re: Muslim Child Brides,Sydney Australia

Originally Posted by AudreyII ->
I worry more about what women would have to put up with in THIS country at the hands of the "Christian" Religious Fanatics. There is prattle about taking away our vote.. our right to own property.. and our right to make choices regarding our reproductive health. And Child brides are not confined to Islam. There are Christian cults where young girls are wedded off to old lechers. Of course, these lunatics will not succeed in bringing their idea of Utopia to fruition... BUT the point remains.. the abhorant treatment of women as chattle is not confined to one fanatical group.
If there was a large problem with Christian Religious fanatics . then we would read more about it .the only religion I ever hear about world wide is about Islam .with one or another group fighting and killing . beheading other people ..and each other .
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19-09-2013, 09:51 PM

Re: Muslim Child Brides,Sydney Australia

Originally Posted by vivity ->
Funny view of the law Billy, whether somebody gets caught or not doesn't make it less illegal and the law is still the law and will be used to protect the innocent.

You are only guilty if you get caught!
Legality has nothing to do with it,if you drink drive you only get put before a court if they catch you,then you are guilty,if you dont get breathtested and charged then you are innocent!they dont catch these young girls being married off,its all done in house,same if they break the law,the local sharia courts do not tell the police,you cant dob another Muslim,you know that from the Muslims Gangs in Sydney 13 years ago raping young 14 year old Aussie girls,the main perpetrator s mother said the girls deserved it?? Hello,anyone home there,in her head.
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19-09-2013, 10:05 PM

Re: Muslim Child Brides,Sydney Australia

Here is a little story you probably will not like,its very confronting,but its real and it happens,the Muslims try to hide it from us infidels,it shows their true colours and motives.

These little girls are not holding their dads hands on the way to confirmation class!!

An eight-year-old child bride has died in Yemen of internal bleeding sustained during her wedding night after being forced to marry a man five times her age, activists have claimed.

The girl, identified only as Rawan, died in the tribal area of Hardh in northwestern Yemen, which borders Saudi Arabia.

Activists are now calling for the groom, who is believed to be around 40 years old, and her family to be arrested so they can face justice in the courts.

Rural: The girl, identified only as Rawan, died in the tribal area of Hardh in northwestern Yemen, which borders Saudi Arabia

They say arrests would help put a stop to the practice of marrying very young girls to older men in the impoverished region.

Angry Man, a blogger, posted that the man was ‘an animal who deserved to be punished severely for his crime’.

Child bride: The practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Yemen and has attracted the attention of international rights groups seeking to pressure the government to outlaw child marriages

‘All those who supported such a crime should also be punished,’ he added.

Another blogger, called Omar, wrote: ‘Rawan’s family members are not humans. They do not deserve to have children.’

But another blogger, called ‘Sad’, appeared more sympathetic to the custom. He wrote: ‘Her family and her groom could have waited for some time before having this marriage,’ Sad said.

‘It was not fair at all and the marriage should not have happened even if some tribes believe that it is a good custom.’

The practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Yemen and has attracted the attention of international rights groups seeking to pressure the government to outlaw child marriages.

Yemen’s gripping poverty plays a role in hindering efforts to stamp out the practice, as poor families find themselves unable to say no to ‘bride-prices’ that can be hundreds of dollars for their daughters.

More than a quarter of Yemen’s females marry before age 15, according to a report in 2010 by the Social Affairs Ministry.

Tribal custom also plays a role, including the belief that a young bride can be shaped into an obedient wife, bear more children and be kept away from temptation.

In September 2010, a 12-year-old Yemeni child-bride died after struggling for three days in labour to give birth, a local human rights organisation said.

Yemen once set 15 as the minimum age for marriage, but parliament annulled that law in the 1990s, saying parents should decide when a daughter marries.

This is not happening in the UK or Australia yet,but if the Muslims get away with it they send these poor kiddies overseas to their doom,its a disgrace,wake up everyone,this should not happen anywhere in the World,its abhorrent.
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19-09-2013, 10:24 PM

Re: Muslim Child Brides,Sydney Australia

I've heard of this before Billy, it's beyond your imagination isn't it.
I expect those little girls feel ever so grown up when they are all dressed up like a bride, dont' expect they've got a clue what they're heading for.
It's wicked, but I don't know who's to blame most - the families or the "husbands".
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19-09-2013, 10:29 PM

Re: Muslim Child Brides,Sydney Australia

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I've heard of this before Billy, it's beyond your imagination isn't it.
I expect those little girls feel ever so grown up when they are all dressed up like a bride, dont' expect they've got a clue what they're heading for.
It's wicked, but I don't know who's to blame most - the families or the "husbands".
We are!
We allow it,we do not get vocal enough,if you say anything against Muslims or their "strange" practices then you are either a racist,a Islamaphobe or a Muslim basher,we are too tolerant and an easy mark for freeloaders,its very sad,but someone will come on here and try to defend them? Its sad

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