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22-03-2016, 07:31 PM

Re: For those of you heading to Europe and needing your mobile.

Originally Posted by EZ Rider ->
How did people cope. It was only a comparatively few years ago when the mobile was never heard of. All of a sudden we cant survive without them. They keep the opticians of the world happy i suppose. Staring at a tiny bright screen for hours every day.
I agree to a point.

It makes me laugh when I see people walking down the high street with their phones plugged in their ears. It reminds me of an old Doctor Who film where the Daleks have taken over the world and converted some humans to be their slaves by attaching a helmet with what resemble mobile phones on their ears!

I wonder what some people find so important that they need to remain in permanent connection with their friends and relatives. And the question that must be on everyone's lips: do they also do it whilst sitting on the toilet?
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22-03-2016, 08:35 PM

Re: For those of you heading to Europe and needing your mobile.

The only time I ever needed my mobile extensively, and was grateful for the contract with 3 (at the time, but I've now swapped for a different provider, saving £20 a month), was when Mum collapsed on our cruise. Boy, did I need it! I was phoning family, the insurance company, and our travel agent, who was so shocked, as she'd known Mum and I for years.

But now, I avoid even switching it on, because I fear hefty fees. Though Tesco have given me a £5 cap. I also take a basic PAYG mobile that I use for texting siblings to say I've arrived safely, as it doesn't connect to the internet. It's my excellent substitute to the iPhone.
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22-03-2016, 08:39 PM

Re: For those of you heading to Europe and needing your mobile.

Originally Posted by EZ Rider ->
...or better still leave your phone at home and just enjoy your holiday in peace and quiet.
I was thinking that too!
But having read Tiepin's post I do understand his reasons.

I take my phone with me on holiday because sometimes I need to contact the other members of the group I'm with "where the hell are you??!!"...but unlike my sister and various others who cannot bear to be out of touch with anyone I gleefully leave my Google pad behind and swan off without a backward glance
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22-03-2016, 08:47 PM

Re: For those of you heading to Europe and needing your mobile.

We have used ours on holiday, not so much as a telephone, but mainly for looking thing up on the internet: directions, attractions, opening times and so on. I also have a translation app for when we need to communicate with all these bloody foreigners.
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22-03-2016, 08:57 PM

Re: For those of you heading to Europe and needing your mobile.

I always take my Netbook on holiday with me, keeping in contact with Over 50's Forum is mandatory in my book.
It cost me fifty quid on the cruise last year, but I'm sure everyone was looking forward to receiving my blogs....
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22-03-2016, 09:00 PM

Re: For those of you heading to Europe and needing your mobile.

What's the point of going away if you take everyone with you???
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22-03-2016, 09:11 PM

Re: For those of you heading to Europe and needing your mobile.

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
What's the point of going away if you take everyone with you???
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22-03-2016, 09:20 PM

Re: For those of you heading to Europe and needing your mobile.

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
What's the point of going away if you take everyone with you???
That would be good advice for the people who you are glad to get away from, but you guys are my friends. And being as I couldn't afford to take you all with me, I try to keep you in the loop. And on holiday I have time to read and write blogs, some of things I don't have time for at home - there's always a job! I also find that as I get older Swimming, Running, Diving and Climbing are getting harder to do, so it's nice just to sit for a while. And finally, how long does it take to keep in touch?
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22-03-2016, 09:54 PM

Re: For those of you heading to Europe and needing your mobile.

Emergencies/accidents happen whether at home or abroad.

I will be driving up and down unlit mountain roads every day, some very dangerous with very few barriers......nothing wrong with being prepared.

I'd hate to have a crash and sit there injured wishing I'd brought my phone...but that's just me.

Im also visiting a lot of people, arranging this would be impossible without communications.
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22-03-2016, 10:03 PM

Re: For those of you heading to Europe and needing your mobile.

And don't forget getting laid Tiepin, that takes organising
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