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03-12-2016, 06:09 PM

Re: Indian students

And we send them millions in Aid every year its a bloody joke!!!
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03-12-2016, 06:14 PM

Re: Indian students

I think we should try not to be cynical about this and should think of it humanitarian terms .. someone has to help pay for their Space Program and nuclear weapons. They don't grow on trees.
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04-12-2016, 11:39 AM

Re: Indian students

So the referendum was not about immigration?

Marmeduke, what do you think??

Your OP states:

This government has a target to reduce net migration they know they can’t reach. In fact they are moving further away from it. So rather than abandoning a silly target, they stick to it because apparently it shows they are ‘listening to the concerns of voters’.

IOW the govt understands that it is the NUMBER of immigrants that is troubling the UK. So they decided to reduce THE NUMBER. Because they think that is the concern of the voter.

Perhaps the UK gov is racist then!!!
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04-12-2016, 12:11 PM

Re: Indian students

So the govt is wanting to control immigration and the general cry is to reduce it.

But now the govt says it wants to encourage highly educated immigrants from the EU and also manual labour.

I wonder who is left to be denied entry???

EU immigrants who at in the UK for less than 5 years are not entitled to any benefits. This was decided by the European Court of Justice...the one the UK seems not to like.

So they cost the country next to nothing. Most go home when they can't find work.

I have never understood the antipathy to EU immigration and now it seems they are all necessary!

The UK may as well stay in the single market and allow free return to all the things they have voted to leave.
Instead they will lose the lot.
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05-12-2016, 12:51 PM

Re: Indian students

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
So the govt is wanting to control immigration and the general cry is to reduce it.
The cry is to reduce ILLEGAL immigration, those without due process and paperwork. That said, on a wider basis the gov't and monarchy in our case ought also to ensure that immigration of all kinds does not reach such numbers where the sovereignty of the country becomes affected as that is akin to an invasion by any other name.

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
But now the govt says it wants to encourage highly educated immigrants from the EU and also manual labour.
The article also says May in under pressure to continue allowing thousands of unskilled immigrants in to do jobs like fruit picking.

When you think about it this doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a country. If the UK has high unemployment then why the hell would you bring in foreign immigrants instead of having our own people take up those jobs? That is patently stupid. Well its stupid on a rational observation. Producers who are solely interested in money and profit will do anything for it, sell their grandmothers, sell the country. Such people have no place in a civilised society. These producers are simply wanting dirt cheap labour to maximise profits whilst our country's own population struggles with unemployment.

The same is true for the skilled workers. If we are needing to bring in highly skilled workers from abroad doesn't that mean our own education system is failing? Therefore shouldn't we be investing in generating our own highly skilled workers?

It's easy to see how the EU cogs work here. Dumb down a populous, dumb down the education system, subvert it with Frankfurt School techniques, put students into huge debt situations and then flood the country with foreign immigrants already skilled to do the jobs. A great way to destroy the self-sufficiency of a country and ultimately its sovereignty/nationality. There is a similar situation with outsourcing, the purposeful use of cheap foreign work forces at the expense of UK employees. It shouldn't be allowed. A country should be self-sufficient and its laws and constitutions should support the growth and security of its own people first and foremost. When your own citizens can be abandoned in favour of foreign people, there is something wholly wrong. Do we outsource our own families? Do we say to our children, sorry but I can look after a 3rd world child much cheaper than I can look after you so I'm sorry but there's the door, out you go and fend for yourself !!

It's strange that people can see so clearly the blood ties in their family and yet feel no similar ties to their own countrymen and women and instead praise money as a higher object. It is sad to see.
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05-12-2016, 12:54 PM

Re: Indian students

Because the UK has low unemployment and even that has been dropping for a while.

You are going to the wrong school.
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05-12-2016, 05:03 PM

Re: Indian students

Originally Posted by Realist ->
.... If the UK has high unemployment then why the hell would you bring in foreign immigrants instead of having our own people take up those jobs? ........ .
(1) are there jobs which Poms do not want to do - but immigrants will ?
(2) Are there any specialized, highly-skilled jobs for which insufficient locals are qualified ?

In either case, steps can be taken - but in the short term, does not national productivity benefit from having those jobs filled.
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05-12-2016, 11:57 PM

Re: Indian students

I don't like to upset our resident Francophile remainiac, but my wife's educational establishment has a very successful record of admitting muslim PhD students from Middle Eastern countries.

I should add that all of these students pay for their tuition and examination, or rather their countries (such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia) pay their fees.

For that reason, I can't imagine the government denying them this opportunity. They come to this country because it has an excellent reputation for advanced postgraduate education especially in radiography which particular subject, in fact, exceeds the reputation of such courses even in America. This is probably due to the fact that British radiographers enjoy far greater responsibilities than their counterparts in America who, in comparison, are little more than technicians. The qualifications gained are apparently highly sought after abroad.

Such postgraduate (and probably graduate) opportunities in other subjects are quite probably equally as highly regarded in this country. Any government with its collective heads screwed on would be stupid to attempt to prevent temporary admissions of this type which, of course, are quite distinct from 'immigration' which implies, of course, permanent residence.

Whilst our state school education these days is very often an embarrassment, our universities (if we ignore our recently re-branded polytechnics!) are usually excellent, especially the Russell Group.
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07-12-2016, 11:39 AM

Re: Indian students

why would what you wrote upset me?

I have always supported immigrants rights to pay for and receive an education in the UK.

Students are included in immigration figures..? perhaps from the above you feel that isn't right?
and those who want to bring immigration numbers down do not recognise what you do...the value of overseas students.
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