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28-05-2013, 10:15 AM

Re: New Laws?

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
Outlawing spitting would be a big problem for anyone involved in outside sports - especially running. Spitting is part and parcel of running as you accumulate a lot of spittle and nose snot. Disgusting I know but you have to get rid of it when it builds up as it interferes with breathing.
What's wrong with a hankie?
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28-05-2013, 10:20 AM

Re: New Laws?

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
No Mark matey, this is a ploy by the super rich to further reduce their tax bills, since the lower paid are taxed on some of their earnings at 20p in the £. by equating all income tax, would mean the super rich paying even less than they do now.
They don't pay a fat lot now! I would guess that most of them will be employed by companies they actually own and will take a smaller income than they earned in reality - the rest will show as being ploughed back into the company as investment. When they want to make large purchases, they have a 'loan' from the company with no set date for repayment - they might even be able to claim tax relief on the loan.

If I had my way, the super rich would be paying 75p in the £ instead of just 45p in the £ as it is now.
Then they will just move elsewhere with a lower tax rate - remember the brain-drain?

Also bear in mind that a lot of those who are high-earners own businesses that create employment and trade in Britain.

Those that just live in Britain and create neither of those two things but avoid tax, I would happily wave them off as they jet away in retaliation
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28-05-2013, 10:36 AM

Re: New Laws?

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
They don't pay a fat lot now! I would guess that most of them will be employed by companies they actually own and will take a smaller income than they earned in reality - the rest will show as being ploughed back into the company as investment. When they want to make large purchases, they have a 'loan' from the company with no set date for repayment - they might even be able to claim tax relief on the loan.

Then they will just move elsewhere with a lower tax rate - remember the brain-drain?

Also bear in mind that a lot of those who are high-earners own businesses that create employment and trade in Britain.

Those that just live in Britain and create neither of those two things but avoid tax, I would happily wave them off as they jet away in retaliation

Not if we close the 'tax haven' loop holes - like where you live Karen darlin' and the Channel Isles too and forbid the export (remember we now 'own' several of the largest banks) of capital above a specific sum.
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28-05-2013, 10:47 AM

Re: New Laws?

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Not if we close the 'tax haven' loop holes - like where you live Karen darlin' and the Channel Isles too and forbid the export (remember we now 'own' several of the largest banks) of capital above a specific sum.
The problem is Uncle Joe that there is nothing to prevent someone from forming their own company and having that company employ them; it will be argued that the company is an organsation whereas the person isn't, so ploughing capital earned back into the company to show as 'investment' would be difficult to prevent - same with the loan situation; you can force them to have a repayment date but all they'd do is repay the loan and then take it out again. You don't even need a person to own your company, it can be owned by another company and, strictly speaking, the beneficial owner can be a dog! (as long as that dog has a human guardian but the guardian wouldn't be legally responsible for the dog's income) - believe it or not, there is nothing in law to prevent that, at the moment!
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28-05-2013, 10:52 AM

Re: New Laws?

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Not if we close the 'tax haven' loop holes - like where you live Karen darlin' and the Channel Isles too and forbid the export (remember we now 'own' several of the largest banks) of capital above a specific sum.
The Isle of Man has closed most of the loopholes and I believe is the one of the few tax havens to have done that

Alan Bell is our Chief Minister.

I would add though, the tightening up of regulatory procedure has all but killed the financial industry here (many corporate service providers have gone out of business as clients moved their companies elsewhere); with no natural raw materials to set up any kind of manufacturing, has caused serious financial instability on the Island. Goodness knows where our income will come from in the future. I worry that the Island will have to come under UK rule again if it is to survive at all.
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28-05-2013, 03:42 PM

Re: New Laws?

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
What's wrong with a hankie?
Odd to me - years ago I watched many football games and tennis....until - Boris becker came on the scene, spitting continuously Ugh ! Then - it seemed to become fashionable almost everyone doing the same in football, except - funny enough, our favourite footballers ! So, I came to the conclusion its in their nature to be revolting, for instance 'Rooney' does it ! Need I say more ......
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28-05-2013, 04:03 PM

Re: New Laws?

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
What's wrong with a hankie?

You wouldn't believe how much I have to spit when doing an 8 - 10 mile run. Thankfully I tend to run on roads or forestry track away from pedestrians. Even so there are times when I do run on pavements. We are talking a lot of fluid. Far more than a hanky could cope with.

I tend to think sportsmen should be excused from this behaviour as it is a necessity whereas someone just walking along could easily use a hanky for instance.
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28-05-2013, 04:12 PM

Re: New Laws?

There are exceptions - it seems .....
Still doesn'e explain all those games I watched and 'never' witnessed it, now - its to be expected - so dont watch !
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28-05-2013, 04:13 PM

Re: New Laws?

It used to be an offence to spit as it can cause all sorts of illness.I t was an offence as when the foreigners came to live here they spate and a lot of them had TB.
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28-05-2013, 10:03 PM

Re: New Laws?

Originally Posted by Pats CG ->
Odd to me - years ago I watched many football games and tennis....until - Boris becker came on the scene, spitting continuously Ugh ! Then - it seemed to become fashionable almost everyone doing the same in football, except - funny enough, our favourite footballers ! So, I came to the conclusion its in their nature to be revolting, for instance 'Rooney' does it ! Need I say more ......
I don't remember sports people blowing their noses onto the ground or spitting - each time I see it they just remind me of camels, they spit a lot as well.

I don't remember George Best spitting, nor Gordon Banks, Bobbie Charlton and more up to date - Luis Figo (who I had a slight crush on but would have gone off him immediately had he started spitting and nose blowing), Gazza, Ryan Giggs - none of them did it. So why is it a problem now?
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