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26-05-2013, 10:13 AM

Re: Multiculturalism can it ever work?

Originally Posted by mindbender ->
there must be a thread somewhere on this but it seems opportune to raise it again in the light of recent UK experiences

Australia is probably one of the best examples of 'multiculturalism' working well with just a few kinks in the armor!
Are Aboriginies now accepted as equals then? What about the gunboats training their sights on boat loads of refugees?

America does well too
Does it? and to put the other side of the coin, I've lost count of how many programmes/films where I've seen black actors allowed to make comments about white people that would have brought about a furore if a white person had said those things (Will Smith being one of them) - such as 'get your white ass outa here', 'don't put your white hands anywhere near me' - do a simple switch and ask if that would not have brought about a gasp of disbelief? Some black people can be just as racist as any other group.

Multiculturalism in simple terms for me means 'tolerance' of each others cultures and religions whilst all able to follow a common national norm of living
And therein lies the problem: some people who have moved to Britain want to change British culture to more reflect their own and get very agitated when the existing population say no. Then we get the cry of 'I have rights' but from what I've observed about people's rights - they always seem to come at the cost of someone else's.

so if successful multiculturalism could be achieved in Iraq in the 8th and 9th century why not now and anywhere in the world - are we getting worse or better?
Probably worse due to the sheer numbers involved. I think most host countries are just fine with immigrants when the numbers remain below a given level (whatever that level is prior to resentment setting in), when it begins to affect the lives of the people's of the host country, attitudes will inevitably change.
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26-05-2013, 10:30 AM

Re: Multiculturalism can it ever work?

Your comment re - Will Smith is a good one. back to the 'media' again.
The script should not contain such volatile words - Will Smith should refuse to say them.
People will do anything for money unfortunately, no morals in the media at all. If it incites more hatred - so be it, as far as they're concerned, they see only dollar signs .....
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26-05-2013, 10:36 AM

Re: Multiculturalism can it ever work?

It just irritates the life out of me when racism is promoted as only coming from white people towards any non-white group of people and that simply isn't true - some black people are just as racist about white people, Asian people but we have the sense not to assume that all black people hold those views. Sadly, those that shout the loudest are the ones that are heard.

Have you ever heard Pats of the advice 'if you brand someone as something for long enough, there's a chance they'll become it'? It's possible that there's also a danger of that happening.
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26-05-2013, 10:44 AM

Re: Multiculturalism can it ever work?

'If you brand someone for long enough - they'll become it' .....
Makes absolute sense ... And, has happened in many cases.
I'm astounded how the volume of blacks 'rose above' the appalling treatment they received by the Americans - unfortunately, the following generation could not. So the problems continue, with upstanding blacks trying to contain the situation. I have such respect and such despair for their plight. I hate racism, and believe it is plain arrogance and ignorance. I doubt - it will ever be resolved .....
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26-05-2013, 11:10 AM

Re: Multiculturalism can it ever work?

I think I might have told you this before Pats but when I worked at the University (capital U is deliberate ), the man who delivered our post to the Department was a lovely black man called Carlton. He and I got on really well and on cold mornings, I'd make him a coffee to warm him up before he set off again and we'd have a good chat and laugh. One year, he told me was off on holiday in a few weeks and he was going to the Virgin Islands. 'Lucky you' says I, 'do you and your wife need someone to help organise your holiday while you're there'; he laughed and I told him to take the hint! He then said (he had taken me seriously bless him) 'Karen, it would be very dangerous for you to go there; I am only safe because my brother lives there and owns a house there'. Racism exists between the black communities as well.
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26-05-2013, 11:12 AM

Re: Multiculturalism can it ever work?

Agree - just as with us whites, from North - South etc ....
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26-05-2013, 11:16 AM

Re: Multiculturalism can it ever work?

Do you know - I saw more hostility in a part of the NE towards the South of England than I saw towards any minority groups!
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26-05-2013, 11:32 AM

Re: Multiculturalism can it ever work?

I'm not surprised - seems to be 'Humans' nature ....
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26-05-2013, 11:48 AM

Re: Multiculturalism can it ever work?

Originally Posted by Pats CG ->
Agree - just as with us whites, from North - South etc ....
Not necessarily so Pats darlin' - I spent Xmas with 'our' Hazel in Manchester, notwithstanding I have a 'cockney' accent. I felt perfectly at home there and safe although Hazel and I took her little dog for walkies and met many other folks along the way.
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26-05-2013, 11:50 AM

Re: Multiculturalism can it ever work?

Nicely put Mick. Only time will tell how things will turn out. I have faith in the inherent goodness of (most) people but it would be interesting to come back in 100 years time.
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