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07-03-2014, 04:32 PM

Re: appointment

Isn't that just 'stupid' !!
God - its enough to make ya spit !!
How do we cope I ask meself, surrounded by idiots - we were a different breed to the lot we have today - we were dedicated workers and got the job done ! UGH !!
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07-03-2014, 04:33 PM

Re: appointment

And - whats wrong with 'communication' today - have they lost the bloomin art of talking, letting you know whats going on ! Gggrrrr !
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07-03-2014, 04:52 PM

Re: appointment

Originally Posted by ukmartian ->
Angry, angry ...I have just checked out where the doctor wanted to send me .......ITS A HIGH STREET OPTICIANS.....I have a history of eye problems that have been treated by my HOSPITAL ...i have a optician of my own ...when i mentioned the problem to him a few weeks ago when i got my new glasses he suggested i go to my GP who would refer me to my eye clinic .....
That doesn't surprise me I had heck of a fight to get a hospital optical check and mine turned out to be cancer, left much longer they said it could have blinded me in that eye. GP kept saying the NHS didn't cover what I needed - when I got to the hospital they were furious he left it so long.
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07-03-2014, 04:56 PM

Re: appointment

Again ludicrous, wheres the conversation between doctor, hospital etc ....
No one seems to know what the other ones thinking or doing !
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10-03-2014, 06:34 AM

Re: appointment

Originally Posted by ukmartian ->
i got my appointment for my eyes today and thought my ears were playing tricks on me....we have a brand new opthalmic dept in my hospital I have been attending for they offer me a appointment in a different hospital in another town then had the cheek to say i am not allowed to drive. be sensible 4 buses 10 quid in bus fares I can walk to my normal hospitanin 1/2 hour....PS I am the only driver in my family....
Sounds sensible to me (if a little inconvenient) they are protecting you from yourself. If they put drops in your eyes to dilate the iris; the effect lasts hours. You would not be able to drive home as you would not be able to see properly because your eyes can't adjust to the sunlight. I have enough trouble walking half a block home from my optician when they do this.

What am I talking about? It's England! when do they get the sun? DOH!
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24-03-2014, 12:05 PM

Re: appointment

I got my appointment for the hospital saturday morning . Booked For this Friday morning ....It stated to phone within 48hrs if not convenient, meaning they needed to know today I phoned and stated I could not make this appointment and Friday is very inconvenient for me ...especially Mornings..The answer I got was SORRY WE ONLY SEE ADULTS ON A FRIDAY MORNING and always on a Friday morning so you can have no other appointment who do they see on the other 4 1/2 days off the week....I told them not to bother and and hung up ....yes I was stupid but I saw red...It is BRAND new refurbished Ophthalmic dept and I have been on other days before so why change things ...
I know I was wrong but sometimes things just dont make sense no doubt there must be plenty of people in my situation. It seems that they just dont want to cater for the Public and make it as difficult as possible , like the doctors appointment scheme ( we cant make appointments) ...or send you to another town for treatment , then tell you not to drive when public transport is difficult.....I know they have been told to save money but it seems they are doing it by enforcing making it difficult to see doctors so people just dont bother ....
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24-03-2014, 01:31 PM

Re: appointment

I would have reacted the same because I too have had enough.
I do think as you - they are making things very difficult for the patient, in the hope we will go away !
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24-03-2014, 01:32 PM

Re: appointment

Originally Posted by ukmartian ->
I got my appointment for the hospital saturday morning . Booked For this Friday morning ....It stated to phone within 48hrs if not convenient, meaning they needed to know today I phoned and stated I could not make this appointment and Friday is very inconvenient for me ...especially Mornings..The answer I got was SORRY WE ONLY SEE ADULTS ON A FRIDAY MORNING and always on a Friday morning so you can have no other appointment who do they see on the other 4 1/2 days off the week....I told them not to bother and and hung up ....yes I was stupid but I saw red...It is BRAND new refurbished Ophthalmic dept and I have been on other days before so why change things ...
I know I was wrong but sometimes things just dont make sense no doubt there must be plenty of people in my situation. It seems that they just dont want to cater for the Public and make it as difficult as possible , like the doctors appointment scheme ( we cant make appointments) ...or send you to another town for treatment , then tell you not to drive when public transport is difficult.....I know they have been told to save money but it seems they are doing it by enforcing making it difficult to see doctors so people just dont bother ....
You could ask if they see adults elsewhere, my husband has trouble getting off work for his vascular clinic but the same doctor does a late clinic at another hospital so he pops across the county and gets seen there.
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24-03-2014, 01:33 PM

Re: appointment

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Sounds sensible to me (if a little inconvenient) they are protecting you from yourself. If they put drops in your eyes to dilate the iris; the effect lasts hours. You would not be able to drive home as you would not be able to see properly because your eyes can't adjust to the sunlight. I have enough trouble walking half a block home from my optician when they do this.

What am I talking about? It's England! when do they get the sun? DOH!
True what you say with the drops, usually its advised to have someone with you, preferably one who drives ....
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24-03-2014, 02:00 PM

Re: appointment

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
You could ask if they see adults elsewhere, my husband has trouble getting off work for his vascular clinic but the same doctor does a late clinic at another hospital so he pops across the county and gets seen there.
Hi Julie ..I understand where you are coming from but unfortunately there is no case here I just cannot go across the county even if i could ....I would not be allowed to drive...I think the principle is now you are expected to be ill to order...Its like phoning the doctors to make a appointment as you are Ill and being told to come in in 3 days have 2 outcomes ...either you are better or dead ...either way you dont go ....that is what they wont
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