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27-06-2019, 02:19 AM

Re: Accents

I used to think New Zealand and Oz accents sounded the same until I came here.I've discovered that they are very different.

I find accents in the UK fascinating.They can be so different in places not that far apart.
Not here though,it's all the same.
Except for the Scots.No matter how long they've been here they still have a broad accent.
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27-06-2019, 03:08 AM

Re: Accents

Here in NwZlnd we don't use vwls any more. Ozzies stl em' all. They have "Sweeeeemin poools" we have "Swmn Pls". There biggst city is "Sdny" they call it "Seeeedny"

haha. Ys I nly rcntly hrd a kwy sy tht thy laff whn we sy "fsh n chps"..To thm ut snds lke "Feeesh n Cheeps"..I thought yeah that's logucul. There are a few thungs thet I'm jilous of thit you hev there though. One of thim is wund. I love wund. I find ut viry rilixung. I'd love to luv un Willungtun for but just for the wundy wither.

All Jistung aside. I find people around the world react to my accent very differently. In the US people generally like it a lot. My wife has a very nicely modulated middle class/ urban Australian accent and soft smooth voice. She gets complimented all the time on her accent. (Think maybe Cate Blanchett/ Nicole Kidman without the American overlay or Geoffrey Rush). My son was "accosted" ( in a nice way) by a bunch of girls on the subway in NYC who were begging him to just talk to them. Canadians were similar but identified with us in being different to the they are quite markedly if you listen. In the UK, people were more often mocking of our Australian accent and would poke fun at us, usually (not always) in a good natured way. We are used to that there. The Australian accent has changed from what it was half a century ago. IT has softened and young people speak much better than they used to. But I love our accent. We are proud of it and wouldn't change it for the world
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27-06-2019, 03:44 AM

Re: Accents

It's funny that tabby mentions that there wwere three distinctly different Welsh accents in the programme she was watching. This is probably down to mainly the sound of someone's voice (pitch, tone etc) as well as having so many regional variations.

Being from Yorkshire there are a vast range of accents. West Yorkshire accents (leeds, etc) are very different from those in South Yorks such as Sheffield. Even more so those accents can be split down further, although it can also depend on your schooling and upbringing. Some people's accents may sound posher than others depending on their education.

I come from Hull and used to have an awful local accent (not pronouncing 'H's is typical of broad 'Ull speak. When I joined the forces and started travelling a lot I met people from all over the country and became embarrassed about my 'primitive' dialect. It sounded so 'common' and I gradually started speaking with a more well-spoken accent. This carried on until I left and even now I make sure I talk more succinctly and come across more intelligent-sounding than my work colleagues' natural sounding tones.

I have no airs or graces though, I'll always be working class and it really depends on whom I'm speaking to. I'm sure a lot of us put on some kind of alternative accent on the phone for instance. When I'm out with my mates I'm just like they are. I'm myself.

As accents go, I love a rich Irish accent and the Cumbrian/Geordie style is wonderful. I don't like the Londoner East End accent very much as people who talk about 'apples and pears' etc don't sound genuine to me, as if they'd take you for a ride like a second hand car dealer. I don't trust 'Arfur Daley' or 'Delboy' types. But of course that's just their accent and they are probably as honest as I am.
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27-06-2019, 06:02 AM

Re: Accents

I often wonder if the level of difficulty, or not, in understanding an accent depends on where we ourselves originate from?

More interesting still is that within accents can be dialects from different parts of that area or country. Take Scotland as an example, there is Scottish English and then Glaswegian which I really do struggle with understanding if spoken quickly. That has its own words too which is interesting. It's a fascinating subject I find and one that never ceases to amaze me.

Something I've noticed about accents is that a person with, say a Welsh accent when speaking English, loses that accent when singing in English. The same seems to occur with any foreign person who may speak English with the accent of their language but when singing in English loses that accent completely.
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27-06-2019, 06:09 AM

Re: Accents

My accent is a bit mixed, comes from living in Central Scotland for so many years. When our family first moved to the mainland I had the sing song soft accent of the Hebrides, then I lost it a bit over the years. But it's back, sort of, as I've spent most of the last 12 years up on the North Coast, at least that's what friends from Perth tell me when I'm with them.
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27-06-2019, 06:32 AM

Re: Accents


Known as Yorkie to many because of my accent.

My kids do not have an accent, raised in Shropshire.

I really noticed my accent whenever I was on TV or Radio.

The kids thought it was hilarious, they and their friends used to imitate me and fall about giggling.

The nicest accent for me is the sing song Swansea/Neath one.
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27-06-2019, 06:57 AM

Re: Accents

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
Aren't they wonderful? Just been watching a crafty demonstration. There were three presenters - two men - one woman - all Welsh - and all with completely different accents. It was lovely to hear them.

Do you like accents?.......Yes I do.

Do you have an accent?........Yes I have.

Would you ever try to lose your accent?

No,I would not want to lose my Hampshire accent...I am proud of it!..."Aint I"..
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27-06-2019, 07:09 AM

Re: Accents

Originally Posted by summer ->
I think I have no accent till I hear a recording of myself then I think OMG

Nowt up with a Yorkshire accent mind

Oral monotone gibberish?
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27-06-2019, 07:10 AM

Re: Accents

Wot are you sinking of me? I am not havink wun of dem ecksents. But you have won, ja?
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27-06-2019, 07:38 AM

Re: Accents

We have a builder here who has lived in Suffolk all his life and he has a great Accent, but he did say to me only yesterday that most people can't understand him, but we could.
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