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03-06-2020, 10:11 AM

Re: Murder by Police - George Floyd

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
He DID resist arrest. The last time was when he fought against being put into the police car.
This isn't about racism though I'm seeing a great deal of inverted racism, it's about people ignoring plain to see facts. What is also a clear to see fact is that the civil unrest taking place has very little to do with demanding justice for Lloyd and everything to do with wanting revenge.

Revenge probably justified for too long abuse by what are a police service acting like prison guards particularly against a section of the population. That is undeniable.

And of course the opportunity to steal at every opportunity while the attention of the police is distracted and the temptation to take advantage of that becomes something too good to not take advantage of.

Racism? Like I cared (which I don't) but instead what I believe is a cold dispassionate assessment of what took place based on video evidence.
It’s no use insisting .
The world has eyes to see
I don’t know what ‘video evidence’ you are looking at but it’s not the murder of George Floyd
Loads of American policeman have said he was murdered .
He was in the back of a car handcuffed .
All they had to do was shut the door .( Police words not mine )

That sadist dragged him OUT of the car and onto the road .
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03-06-2020, 10:17 AM

Re: Murder by Police - George Floyd

[QUOTE=The Artful Todger;1912061]Although it is possible to be awarded a Master's without a Bachelors, for that matter even a PhD, in my case my bachelor's was awarded and paid for by the state.

My early years in Manchester certainly weren't particularly deprived even though we lived right on the edge of a really grot hole.

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03-06-2020, 10:18 AM

Re: Murder by Police - George Floyd

One thing is clear President Trump is not handling this well.
America needs a leader who can deal with this - at the moment the world seems to be lacking in good leaders.
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03-06-2020, 10:24 AM

Re: Murder by Police - George Floyd

There is good and bad in all races, it just seems that America has got more than it's fair share...
Black -White- Yellow or something inbetween, if you go against the law you should be dealt with. I'm talking about the rioters.
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03-06-2020, 10:26 AM

Re: Murder by Police - George Floyd

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
One thing is clear President Trump is not handling this well.
America needs a leader who can deal with this - at the moment the world seems to be lacking in good leaders.
Donald Trump is the best thing that has happened to America since Roosevelt....Take out the trash Donald...
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03-06-2020, 10:30 AM

Re: Murder by Police - George Floyd

I take it you are being facetious?
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03-06-2020, 10:31 AM

Re: Murder by Police - George Floyd

Why has Trump moved to an underground bunker?

I guess he won’t be involved personally...just giving out frontline Donald......engaged mouth only.

Why that guy gets any beyond me!
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03-06-2020, 10:43 AM

Re: Murder by Police - George Floyd

A 77 year old, retired policeman was murdered by looters yesterday. He was defending a pawnbrokers where the rioters where stealing TV's. Some of these looters were black - but no mention in the MSM.

The media stays silent....

The protests about the death of George Floyd is totally understandable, and I really do "get it" why people are outraged. Unfortunately, as seems to be the norm these days, the far left mob jump on the opportunity to destroy peoples property, burn buildings and attack the authorities to suit their cause of "anti capitalism and far left marxist ideology" all at the expense of the real message.

Where a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest started, domestic terrorism has taken over and that strong message of equality and anti-racism has now been almost silenced. When I see the footage on TV, I see hypocrisy, violence and disrespect, it certainly doesn't fit the narrative from about a week ago when George Floyd was killed by the police and there was a call for awareness of racism that's still bubbling away in the USA police force.

(incidentally, nothing said about white people killed by the police - but that's another interesting statistic and another story for another day).

I read yesterday, that these mass riots are carefully planned by the people behind them. According to one report, there are piles of bricks deposited in locations, symbolising where the next riots are to take place. The Police move them but by then it's too late, as we see in the footage from the media.

This isn't a USA problem either, here in Sudbury the other day, there were attempted arson attacks on public buildings by people supporting the "Black Lives Matter" movement. Here in peaceful, semi-rural Sudbury, there are idiots that are more than willing to get on the bandwagon, through ignorance and stupidity and a complete lack of awareness on how far the UK and its police force, sports etc have come in stamping out racism here.

Once again, a strong, peaceful message is now a symbol of hate and domestic terrorism.

In the UK we should do what the USA have done and classify Antifa as a terrorist organisation. These people have no interest in being anti-fascist, they are liberal fascists with a hate agenda against anyone who has been successful.

As the public in the USA arm themselves (especially in places such as Texas that support "open carry) we are now seeing the biggest rise in gun and ammo purchases as vigilante patriot movements are set up to defend themselves against the mob.

This isn't about "Black Lives Matter" anymore, not to me anyway.
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03-06-2020, 10:52 AM

Re: Murder by Police - George Floyd

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Donald Trump is the best thing that has happened to America since Roosevelt....Take out the trash Donald...
Totally agree OGF.

I saw people mocking the President yesterday and Creepy Joe Bidens monologue about him outside the church.

The message was simple. Trump was holding a bible in front of a church to symbolise unity and peace in Americas communities, while just down the road, these same people who go to church and read the bible are burning buildings and looting supermarkets.
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03-06-2020, 11:08 AM

Re: Murder by Police - George Floyd

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
One thing is clear President Trump is not handling this well.
America needs a leader who can deal with this - at the moment the world seems to be lacking in good leaders.

He is hiding in his underground bunker...fighting for the country....what a joke!
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