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11-02-2015, 12:37 AM

Re: Road kill.

[QUOTE=MKJ;604929]Well, the number of zombie films I have watched (like another one yesterday) with everyone eating everyone else the idea of butchering road kill is just water off a duck's back to me .

So, for those that need desensitizing on the subject of road kill - watch zombie movies.[/QUOTE]

I hope I never become desensitized.
We were given feelings to learn from, and I wouldn't want to end up as someone with no feelings of compassion, love, conscience, happiness or contentment.
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11-02-2015, 12:49 AM

Re: Road kill.

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Originally Posted by MKJ ->
Well, the number of zombie films I have watched (like another one yesterday) with everyone eating everyone else the idea of butchering road kill is just water off a duck's back to me .

So, for those that need desensitizing on the subject of road kill - watch zombie movies.
I hope I never become desensitized.
We were given feelings to learn from, and I wouldn't want to end up as someone with no feelings of compassion, love, conscience, happiness or contentment.
I may love zombie movies, but you'd have to cut off my left arm before I'd pick up dead animals off the road for consumption.
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11-02-2015, 08:47 AM

Re: Road kill.

I could have got another roe deer yesterday - an adult female - but I'm rather busy at the moment and I've got quite a lot of venison in the freezer already.

Off to watch "Shaun of the dead".
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11-02-2015, 09:53 AM

Re: Road kill.

Hope someone else got it, I always like to think things die for a reason and it's just a waste if it stays there and rots.
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11-02-2015, 09:57 AM

Re: Road kill.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Hope someone else got it, I always like to think things die for a reason and it's just a waste if it stays there and rots.

I agree . I am a vegetarian and don't eat animals of any sort but If an animal has been killed then I think it's a waste if it just lies there and rots .
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11-02-2015, 01:39 PM

Re: Road kill.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Hope someone else got it, I always like to think things die for a reason and it's just a waste if it stays there and rots.
This I'll agree with. It won't be ME that picks the animal up, but it may as well be used for food. Of course, that all depends on how long it's been lying there.

I was driving along a country road one day a couple of years ago and a deer came from nowhere and started to head across the road. I saw it and hit my brakes, but the car coming in the opposing direction didn't. I sat there and watched in horror as this deer hit the side of the guy's car, flew up onto the windshield, smashing it, doing a complete somersault in the air and landed in the ditch on the other side. I got out of my car to go see if the guy in the car was okay and this poor deer's hind leg was completely shattered. When it tried to get up to walk, its leg was just dangling there and it was miserably trying to hobble into the field.

The guy was okay and getting on his phone to call whomever, but this poor deer was in pain. I asked the guy to call the local wildlife association to report the injured deer because, truthfully, I was hoping someone would come and shoot it and put the poor thing out of its misery. But, being in the sticks on the back roads of Ohio, you don't have to wait that long. A guy in a pickup who witnessed the accident pulled down the road and sat and waited. Waiting, no doubt, for us to clear out of there so he could go bag the deer. So I'm pretty sure that deer ended up on someone's dinner table at some point. I didn't stay long enough to see if that's what was going to happen, but I knew that's what the guy was waiting for, so I drove off, taking comfort in the fact that the deer probably wouldn't suffer for long.
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11-02-2015, 02:10 PM

Re: Road kill.

We had similar situation a few years ago we licked up the injured animal and took it to our vet who put it down humanely he said it had not long given birth so we got in touch with the local wildlife people and a hunt began. Late the next morning a young doe was found and she was taken to the rescue and a few months later released. I often see deer and wonder if it might be her.
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11-02-2015, 02:38 PM

Re: Road kill.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
We had similar situation a few years ago we licked up the injured animal and took it to our vet who put it down humanely he said it had not long given birth so we got in touch with the local wildlife people and a hunt began. Late the next morning a young doe was found and she was taken to the rescue and a few months later released. I often see deer and wonder if it might be her.
Just might be

That was wonderful of you to pick the deer up. At least she didn't suffer long.

I picked a dog up off the road once that someone hit and just left lying there. I bent down to him and he was still alive, looking at me with pathetic, pleading eyes, but the poor thing couldn't move, just about every bone in his body was shattered. So I picked him up and put him in my car and drove to a friend's house, which was closer than driving home, and sat on the front lawn with this dog in my lap until it passed away. I was sad that it died, but at least he died in someone's arms, rather than lying in the middle of the road as cars zoomed past. That had to have been terrifying for the poor thing. I knew he was dying, so I stayed with him until he stopped breathing and then we buried him in my friend's back yard.
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11-02-2015, 03:35 PM

Re: Road kill.

Originally Posted by Linda0818 ->
Just might be

That was wonderful of you to pick the deer up. At least she didn't suffer long.

I picked a dog up off the road once that someone hit and just left lying there. I bent down to him and he was still alive, looking at me with pathetic, pleading eyes, but the poor thing couldn't move, just about every bone in his body was shattered. So I picked him up and put him in my car and drove to a friend's house, which was closer than driving home, and sat on the front lawn with this dog in my lap until it passed away. I was sad that it died, but at least he died in someone's arms, rather than lying in the middle of the road as cars zoomed past. That had to have been terrifying for the poor thing. I knew he was dying, so I stayed with him until he stopped breathing and then we buried him in my friend's back yard.
That was kind of you to do, we have picked up cats a couple of times already dead and got our vet to check them for identity chips so the owners can be informed, I always think if they were mine I would want to know at least that way they do.
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11-02-2015, 04:36 PM

Re: Road kill.

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
That was kind of you to do, we have picked up cats a couple of times already dead and got our vet to check them for identity chips so the owners can be informed, I always think if they were mine I would want to know at least that way they do.
I know, I really wish people would ID their pets. If not microchipped, then at least put a tag on them with their owners name and phone number.

I found a little dead yorkie a few months ago in our neighborhood. Just lying there in the middle of the street. Again, someone hit it and just kept going (which I see all the time). So I stopped and got out and picked the poor little guy up off the street and set him over in the grass. I checked for identification. He had a collar on, but no tag. I didn't think at the time to take him to a vet to see if he was microchipped. I called our neighborhood association to let them know where the dog was and called all local area vets to see if anyone had reported a missing yorkie. But I came up with nothing. Our civic association came and got him. Maybe they had him checked for a microchip, but I didn't talk to them after that, as I was on my way to work.

Then yet another yorkie ran out in front of my car on the very same street (not on the same day) and I almost hit him. I stopped and opened the door of my car and called for the dog and he came right to me and I reached down and picked him up and said "Come on, little guy, you're coming with me, let's see if we can find your mama."

Thankfully he had a tag on and I was able to call and find out where the woman lived and took her dog back to her. Someone had left the back gate open to her yard and the dog got out and went wandering. She said when she went to let him back in the house and discovered he wasn't in the yard, she freaked out and was glad someone found him.
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