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03-01-2012, 01:19 AM

Re: Sam

I am sure Sam will be fine Mollie, my Murphy GSD had his stomach cut open to remove part of a toy he'd swallowed, many tears from me and 40 odd staples later he was fit as a fiddle. I know of another dog which used to swallow stones and they found 11 inside him! My Bobby (collie like Sam) and Murphy's vet had two border collies and they used to pick up stones and chew them. They ground their teeth down to black stumps!
Your brother is a lucky man to have a dog love him so faithfully, there is nothing like it on this earth. Someone once told me that all a dog wants to do in his life is to please his master. That sums up a dog's life doesn't it?
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03-01-2012, 01:25 AM

Re: Sam

Yes lass, hence the saying: A dog has a master, but cats have staff!

What's a GSD please?

Sam's only about four years old but, if there's a choice between eating his dinner or playing with something, the decision is a hard one for him because he'll literally play 24 hours a day if you played with him. I can honestly say that I've never seen that dog sleeping.
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03-01-2012, 01:40 AM

Re: Sam

Originally Posted by Mollie ->
Yes lass, hence the saying: A dog has a master, but cats have staff!

Sam's only about four years old but, if there's a choice between eating his dinner or playing with something, the decision is a hard one for him because he'll literally play 24 hours a day if you played with him. I can honestly say that I've never seen that dog sleeping.
Ha ha I like that saying, hadn't heard cats have staff though

I used to know a girl with a springer who had a garden makeover from one of the tv shows a few years back. Anyhow they put down lots of gravel/stones which the dog kept swallowing and after 3 operations she decided enough was enough and had to get rid of the gravel/stones.

Sam sounds a lovely dog Mollie and I can understand them having a father son relationship!

Sam reminds me of Bonnie when she was younger, play play play.... Often on a weekend we'd go out for a long walk, maybe 4 hours or so and when we got back I'd want to put my feet up with a cuppa and she wanted to play ball

These days even though she's an old lady we still have to have gentle playtime after lunch if I'm around.

I'm sure he will be fine and look forward to more news ...
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03-01-2012, 01:47 AM

Re: Sam

Oh that's an old saying Marian, and a very true one.

Your Bonnie is a gorgeous lass as well.

Strangely enough, about a year or so ago, I'd go outside at work for my smoke, and an older than me lady would walk down with her spaniel. Don't know what flavour it was - King Charles flavour? Anyway, whenever that dog saw me it stopped dead, sometimes with one foot off the ground staring at me and would NOT move. It was riveted to the spot until the lady pulled on his lead. Not a clue why though.
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03-01-2012, 01:55 AM

Re: Sam

Whoops sorry Mollie, a GSD means German Shepherd Dog.
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03-01-2012, 02:14 AM

Re: Sam

Originally Posted by Mollie ->
Oh that's an old saying Marian, and a very true one.

Your Bonnie is a gorgeous lass as well.

Strangely enough, about a year or so ago, I'd go outside at work for my smoke, and an older than me lady would walk down with her spaniel. Don't know what flavour it was - King Charles flavour? Anyway, whenever that dog saw me it stopped dead, sometimes with one foot off the ground staring at me and would NOT move. It was riveted to the spot until the lady pulled on his lead. Not a clue why though.
Hmm very strange, wonder if it could smell the smoke? Dogs do do some strange things
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03-01-2012, 02:16 AM

Re: Sam

I doubt it was the smoke Marian because the dog didn't stop when seeing other folk walking down the street smoking. It just didn't like me.

Mary, thanks. I'm no good at abbreviations.
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03-01-2012, 02:48 AM

Re: Sam

The dog probably picked up on the scent of your cat, and may have been perplexed as you did not look like a cat!!! lol!! It's funny, how we all have our preferences for dogs v cats. Cats, do not like me, we have tried earlier on, even rescued a mother and her 8 kittens, but the rapport was never there. Dogs, on the other hand and I get along famously! Our Dogs have always trusted me, let me treat them, administer medication, tend their wounds etc. The latest little princess is like Sam, spoiled rotten, she even gets a daily massage from me! lol!!
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03-01-2012, 02:54 AM

Re: Sam

You're right there Lorraine, but the biggest mistake people do when wanting a kitten is for the human to choose. You have to allow a kitten to come to YOU, because it chooses you to be it's servant. Honestly, that's true.

The spaniel I'm talking about was across the road from me, and there were cats roaming around. Nope, he just didn't like me at all, and showed it in his face.
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03-01-2012, 11:59 PM

Re: Sam

Hi Mollie, any more news on Sam? Hope he's back home and making a good recovery....
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