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23-05-2013, 06:50 PM

Re: Duchess of Cambridge

Originally Posted by Pats CG ->
Quote - 'She must have known !'....Really?
She had a rotten childhood, a rotten marriage - give the girl credit for being a warm lovely person and stop jumping to conclusions ....
She was driven to air her problems in public and actually i think we had the right to know !
There are much worse childhoods and much worse marriages Pats, and far from being "a warm lovely person", I thought her a cold and calculating minx. She was the dead centre of her own universe and to hell with everyone else....
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23-05-2013, 07:02 PM

Re: Duchess of Cambridge

Your opinion - entitled to it ...
Definitely do 'not' agree ....
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23-05-2013, 07:05 PM

Re: Duchess of Cambridge

Originally Posted by Pats CG ->
Your opinion - entitled to it ...
Definitely do 'not' agree ....
I agree with you Pat, and yes, Sandy, that was a good post.
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23-05-2013, 07:08 PM

Re: Duchess of Cambridge

Nice to hear Jazzi ....
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23-05-2013, 08:20 PM

Re: Duchess of Cambridge

Originally Posted by plantman ->
Diana knew exactly what she was getting into and it was obviously not a love match, even she couldn't have believed that Charles loved her.

She must have known that she was only there to breed healthy heirs and to her credit she carried out that duty well, but I believe being revered by the public as some sort of goddess was her downfall as she must have begun to believe her own publicity! She could have had a good life if only she had applied a little discretion and feminine guile, but she couldn't control that thirst for revenge. To go on national television to air their dirty washing was disgraceful, did she even consider her children?

To me she was the epitomy of a spoilt little rich girl, who didn't get her own way so threw all of her toys out of the pram and it literally destroyed her life. She was the absolute author of her own misfortune, but hell hath no fury they say...
At 19 years old, could any of us really have known what we would be getting into? I think she did believe that Charles loved her or, at the very least, she could win him over - you could see it the way she looked at him. It must have torn her apart to know that when he should have been lavishing attention on his wife, he was sending it all Camilla's way.

When it comes to being the author of the downfall - Charles weilded that particular pen to suit his own needs rather than behave the way an heir apparent should in this modern day and age.
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23-05-2013, 09:28 PM

Re: Duchess of Cambridge

At 19 she probably thought like many before and after her that she could make him love her and change him. He was only 32 should not have been quite such an old man as he was and she may have felt she could with her fun loving personality made him less stuffy.
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24-05-2013, 12:19 AM

Re: Duchess of Cambridge

Hey Plantman, it is not very often I come across anyone who in anyway agrees with my feelings towards 'sly Di'. I recall reading, quite some time ago, that she would discover when the 'family' were at Balmoral, follow them, (apparently their estates were side by side?) and then 'lurk' looking lonely and forlorn. Daddy Philip was quite taken with her, noticed this sad lonely figure and frequently invited her to join them on 'jaunts' (picnics, barbeques and the like), constantly shoving her into Charles circle and dropping enormous hints about her suitability as a future queen etc. He then practically bullied Charles into proposing and we all know how the story ended.

What is rarely mentioned is her constant need to be at the centre of everyone elses world and her need for constant attention. I recall a family movie of one of her older sisters birthday parties held around a swimming pool, where the young maybe ten eleven year old Diana noticing that she is not the centre of attention, climbs to the top of the diving boards, goes to the end and shouts 'everyone look at me' until she has all the attention before diving off. Trouble is her entire life was a case of 'everyone look at me'. People talk about the many photos of her 'lonely figure' but forget that someone had to have told the press where to go to take those photos. And OMG that one at the Taj was SO contrived, so stage managed, so posed it made me want to laugh at her so obvious artifices.

I have a feeling that the agreement between father and son was something along the lines of, as long as you give us an heir we will ignore your relationship with the woman you really love.

She may have claimed that there were three people in their marriage, but as far as Charles was concerned there must have been dozens.

Her claim that her bulimia was caused by his infidelities, is so not true, she was making herself throw up well before the marriage, even when she was living at the Palace she was doing it.

There were three people on their honeymoon in Scotland for sure, but the third was the Harley Street Psychologist that Charles arranged to accompany them and treat her every day!.
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24-05-2013, 06:36 AM

Re: Duchess of Cambridge

To respond to the original post, yes, life goes on and there's only so much we can read about the two Islamists, the soldier, the shock of it, the "ranting" on screen etc. There will always be violence - and one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, however misguided or evil we may consider them. As for Kate Middleton and her boring bump (has anyone not been pregnant before?) well there are undoubtedly many women enthralled by her latest outfit, her bland smile, her flowing locks and her sparkly teeth. I've nothing against the woman and the public seem to need a Diana replacement, and while up to now she doesn't have the tragic scandal-filled melodrama of Diana I'm sure her every move will be monitored in excruciating detail for many years to come. Only time will tell what their marriage will develop into but at the moment they do seem happy enough - and why wouldn't they be?
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24-05-2013, 07:19 AM

Re: Duchess of Cambridge

that sums it up - don't put them on pedestals!
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24-05-2013, 08:47 AM

Re: Duchess of Cambridge

Daisymay - what you have described is a young girl in need of love, that she hadn't experienced in childhood. You also describe a young woman who was totally 'used' by the royals.
Lack of compassion here .....
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