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09-05-2014, 11:55 PM

Re: Mens Hairpieces.

In about 1968 or thereabouts, my husband was getting very thin on top. I never minded at all because I had never known him with a thick head of hair in the first place, but it bothered him.
Anyway, one afternoon when I was home on my own, a chap came to the front door and started on about hairpieces for men. Then he asked me whether I thought he was wearing a wig or not and I thought I was on a loser either way, and didn't know what to say. Next thing, he started peeling his hair off at the door, it was horrible, and I'll never forget the sound it made like his skin was tearing!!! He was a horrid, creepy little bloke and I asked him to go, and shut the door on him. What I didn't know at the time, was my bloomin' mother-in-law had asked creepy-drawers to call to see my husband about getting a flippin' wig. Apparently she offered to buy it for him, but no one had said a word to me, until this salesman bloke turned up. I was really upset as I loved him as he was and didn't want him suddenly looking different.
To cut a long story short, he went ahead and got the damn thing and it was a-w-f-u-l. It reminded me of like Danny La Rue and he just didn't look like my husband anymore. It wasn't subtle at all, it was suddenly a huge amount of hair, all wavy, and lustrous, and it completely changed him. He looked so different, I just couldn't get used to it for a very long time.
I remember one day opening the wardrobe door and there it was, on one of those polystyrene heads on the shelf, looking at me. Frightened the life out of me! I remember thinking if I ever got out of bed and trod on it, it was going out the window.
He had to keep wearing one after that, partly because he couldn't suddenly appear bald overnight, but also because wearing it all the time made him lose what was left of his own hair. I suppose they did get better styling over the years, and he wore one until about 2 years ago, when he decided to go "au naturelle" after all these years.
We divorced many years back now, but we've always kept in touch and stayed friends - but how I did hate that first wig!
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10-05-2014, 01:21 AM

Re: Mens Hairpieces.

I have yet to see a wig that was not bleeding obvious and a sixty year old with jet black or brown dyed hair just looks like a sixty year old with dyed hair.

...and comb overs??? I don't know why people bother.

You're going bald - live with it.

You're fooling no one!

(but yourself)
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10-05-2014, 07:39 AM

Re: Mens Hairpieces.

Most old geezers would wear a Hairpiece to aide the process of attracting a Bird. This is stupidity, I would wear a Codpiece.
Uncle Joe
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10-05-2014, 08:09 AM

Re: Mens Hairpieces.

At 65 I still have a lot of my hair (admitted I have a hole in the top of my head) but the front and sides are fine and I can to an extent hide the 'hole' by combing my hair straight back off the forehead.
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10-05-2014, 08:54 AM

Re: Mens Hairpieces.

Originally Posted by Jem ->
A friend of mine is losing his hair, he's only 51, he is already grey but he hates the idea of being bald, no harm in that I said to him, look at Yul Brynner and Telly Savalas, they made a fortune out of being bald. This was of no consolation to him however and he said his mind was made up, he was having a hairpiece specially made up by a leading maker in Town. That was the last time I saw him, about a year ago. He was in the pub yesterday and he looked great, I was expecting to see something like Moe Howard wore in The Three Stooges, but you would never think he was carrying a 'Piece' on his head. I found this picture in a hairpiece catalogue and it looks exactly like the one he's got, you'd never know would you. marvelous what they can do now in that line, if my hair started to desert me I might be tempted to go for something like this.
Jem does he wear it in bed I wonder or take it off and put it on the bedside table with his teeth
A bit of a passion killer removing your hair at bedtime or worse still waking up with it on the pillow or over one eye
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10-05-2014, 08:55 AM

Re: Mens Hairpieces.

God what a load of self righteous tosh !!

Mups - funny story
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10-05-2014, 10:51 AM

Re: Mens Hairpieces.

That's a terrific story Mups, there's the makings of a comedy sketch there, the door incident, I'm sorry but I couldn't help laughing at the poor chap sent packing, and he on a mission. My wife had two wigs back in the 70's, lots of young women had them for fashion purposes, I would have loved her to have a blond one but she wasn't interested.
That's a point I never considered, about losing the existing hair while wearing the wig, good to know that, I was just looking in the garden today and there's a huge bald spot on the grass where I had a ton bag of gravel stones lying for a few weeks, no sign of it growing again, must be the same with hair, pressure on the head, though the same could be said for wearing a hat I suppose.
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10-05-2014, 02:08 PM

Re: Mens Hairpieces.

Originally Posted by Jem ->
A friend of mine is losing his hair, he's only 51, he is already grey but he hates the idea of being bald, no harm in that I said to him, look at Yul Brynner and Telly Savalas, they made a fortune out of being bald. This was of no consolation to him however and he said his mind was made up, he was having a hairpiece specially made up by a leading maker in Town. That was the last time I saw him, about a year ago. He was in the pub yesterday and he looked great, I was expecting to see something like Moe Howard wore in The Three Stooges, but you would never think he was carrying a 'Piece' on his head. I found this picture in a hairpiece catalogue and it looks exactly like the one he's got, you'd never know would you. marvelous what they can do now in that line, if my hair started to desert me I might be tempted to go for something like this.

The front is good...the sides look a tad dodgy!!
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10-05-2014, 02:10 PM

Re: Mens Hairpieces.

[QUOTE=Jem;456799]That's a terrific story Mups, there's the makings of a comedy sketch there, the door incident, I'm sorry but I couldn't help laughing at the poor chap sent packing, and he on a mission. My wife had two wigs back in the 70's, lots of young women had them for fashion purposes, I would have loved her to have a blond one but she wasn't interested.
That's a point I never considered, about losing the existing hair while wearing the wig, good to know that, I was just looking in the garden today and there's a huge bald spot on the grass where I had a ton bag of gravel stones lying for a few weeks, no sign of it growing again, must be the same with hair, pressure on the head, though the same could be said for wearing a hat I suppose.[/QUOTE]

Tis true Jem. My second husband was a farmer and he always had a bald 'ring' around his legs just below the knee caps where his constant wearing of wellies rubbed all the hair away. Honest.
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10-05-2014, 02:32 PM

Re: Mens Hairpieces.

I had a boss who was bald on the top..he grew his hair and then arranged a top with the help of ''Cossack'' hair spray..I had to go outside with him on a windy day..and his hair was popping up and down like a coffee percolator..
One large gust of wind and the offending arrangement was bolt upright..

It was sooooo hard not to giggle!
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