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15-03-2015, 03:24 PM

Re: What's In Your Orange Juice?

As some perhaps know, I kept a few dairy goats back in the 80's and90's. One day I took a sample of my milk to a laboratory for testing, and the results came back that my goats milk was cleaner than most cows milk in the shops. I was obviously thrilled. This was partly due to healthy animals that weren't stuffed full of antibiotics, and also due to hygienic milking conditions and the handling and quick cooling of the milk directly after milking.
However, some time later, goatkeepers were notified that in future, all milk sold to the public would now have to be pasteurised. Being only a small seller at our farm gate, there was no way pasteurisation equipment would be viable. We could still drink it (I didn't have a milkman for about 20 years), and I could sell it for animal consumption, but that's all.
It was so sad, because hundreds of goats were 'disposed' of after that, because they could no longer sell their milk. Whole herds sold out, goat clubs folded up, and eventually only the supermarkets sold milk from large commercial herds that could afford to go by the ministry rules. Stud goats were destroyed because no one used them anymore, as owners stopped mating their females.
I was really upset about it at the time, because I had a written lab report saying my milk was safer than that in the shops, yet they could sell theirs and I couldn't. In the end, I rehomed my animals too. I was going to keep just one for my own house milk, but they are not happy kept in solitary, so the last one (Daphne), went to a friend who kept her for many years.
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15-03-2015, 04:58 PM

Re: What's In Your Orange Juice?

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
All I know is that a few days ago my milk was running about in a cow. I know it has been pasturised and homogenised. The former is a legal requirement.
The fact that it is a legal requirement doesn't mean it's right nor that it is healthy. The bread in the supermarkets that might have been grain a short time ago equally is probably not healthy because it has been loaded with chemicals and additives, no doubt all ratified, catalogued and sanctioned by the good old FDA. Trust or reliance on the various institutions and ruling bodies of this world is a sure way to reduce your lifespan. Imo, take nothing for granted and do your own research (DYOR).

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
I know raw milk can kill.
Yet as a species we drank raw milk for 100s if not 1000s of years and somehow we didn't go extinct! Go figure !
Nature provides all we need. He that works against Nature has left the path of wisdom . . . imo.
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15-03-2015, 05:04 PM

Re: What's In Your Orange Juice?

Originally Posted by Realist ->
The fact that it is a legal requirement doesn't mean it's right nor that it is healthy. The bread in the supermarkets that might have been grain a short time ago equally is probably not healthy because it has been loaded with chemicals and additives, no doubt all ratified, catalogued and sanctioned by the good old FDA. Trust or reliance on the various institutions and ruling bodies of this world is a sure way to reduce your lifespan. Imo, take nothing for granted and do your own research (DYOR).

Yet as a species we drank raw milk for 100s if not 1000s of years and somehow we didn't go extinct! Go figure !
Nature provides all we need. He that works against Nature has left the path of wisdom . . . imo.
Not in the quantities we do now, bigger herds and farms etc meant mechanisation and ways to clean the milk became necessary.
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15-03-2015, 06:50 PM

Re: What's In Your Orange Juice?

Excellent post Realist.

The food intolerance clinic here in Cardiff tested many food items and found that lactose was added to quite a few... including "100% Orange Juice". So people with lactose intolerance had no idea we were drinking it! (Lactose acts as both a sweetener and preservative - hence it is so commonly used)

Agree with the comments about milk too! Raw is best

Also agree with fresh is best - fresh juice contains vital enzymes, pre-bought juice does not (they die within an hour or so after juicing). Might as well add that masticating juicers are best too
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15-03-2015, 07:01 PM

Re: What's In Your Orange Juice?

Well I can only say I prefer the safer juice (concentrate in cartons) it's safe for people allergic to raw fruit and keeps in the cupboard until opened to be put in the fridge. I can't see me juicing oranges every time my lot want juice, I would be there all day doing it.
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16-03-2015, 05:05 AM

Re: What's In Your Orange Juice?

Originally Posted by Azz ->
Agree with the comments about milk too! Raw is best

Also agree with fresh is best - fresh juice contains vital enzymes, pre-bought juice does not (they die within an hour or so after juicing). Might as well add that masticating juicers are best too
Personally I don't believe fruit juice is good for you at all. it is loaded with Fruitose and devoid of fibre. Who could eat five apples? yet that is what you do when you have a glass of apple juice except you get all the sugar without the fibre. Quite absurd.

As for raw milk - did you read the article I posted? Selling raw milk is illegal here except to bath in! It killed a child and made others ill because of a loopy mother who insisted on raw milk.

The only additive milk used to contain was iodine because farmers used to sterilise their milking equipment with it and a tiny residue was left to 'contaminate' the milk, now it doesn't even contain that. Australians used to get all their needed iodine this way. These days farmers sterilise a different way and it looks like we might have to go down the UK path of adding it to salt.

The most common thing added to milk is bullshit.

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16-03-2015, 08:58 AM

Re: What's In Your Orange Juice?

I think it can be fine as part of a balance diet, I like Grace to have a glass each day, but we dilute it and it's part of a meal.
The boys would guzzle it given a chance but we limit it because the sugar is high.
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16-03-2015, 09:05 AM

Re: What's In Your Orange Juice?

As I said, I'd rather eat an orange, but don't eat that many nowadays as they are too acidic. Orange juice would make me feel a but yucky. A chocolate orange might be okay
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16-03-2015, 09:27 AM

Re: What's In Your Orange Juice?

It's easier to get kids to drink a juice than eat an orange I found. And it's cheaper keeps longer etc ...
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16-03-2015, 11:28 AM

Re: What's In Your Orange Juice?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
It's easier to get kids to drink a juice than eat an orange I found. And it's cheaper keeps longer etc ...

It's easier to get kids to eat a lolly than eat broccoli I found. And it's cheaper, keeps longer etc ..

Doesn't make it right
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