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24-09-2017, 01:58 AM

Re: A message to Donald Trump

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
They're all believers in these silly stories....God forbid a government is playing them....leaking false info knowing full well these groups will pick it up and run with it.

Victims of clever propaganda?

You bet.
Ain't we all ?
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24-09-2017, 02:04 AM

Re: A message to Donald Trump

This is the reasoning behind it....this guy sounds like he's stoned....and he must be.

He states the weather isn't usual..its a weather controlling machine....get this

"This isn't real weather, it isn't God made"

So he doesn't believe the weather is real but he believes in sky fairies.

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24-09-2017, 02:08 AM

Re: A message to Donald Trump

Originally Posted by Bruv ->
Ain't we all ?
Not to this extent.

Watch this

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11-10-2017, 08:57 AM

Re: A message to Donald Trump

with diplomacy, certainly not threats of military responces. trump has nothing in that tiny mind other than trying to be the big bully. He blusters, opens his mouth and things fall out that he does not understand. He reminds me of the bullies at school, they never understood what they were saying. Money is the only thing that matters to him, and even that he does not understand.
his latest remarks.
This is a long transcript but read it please , I think it sums up what an absolute moron , idiot he is .
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11-10-2017, 09:59 AM

Re: A message to Donald Trump

Now that we've heard from the Left, Here's a word from the moderate Right " f$%@ Kim ". Trump recognizes him as a Threat and is more than willing to push his face in the cat box. See a POTUS with a spine scares you, We got this, Chill, Trump knows what he's doing just because You don't understand, doesn't mean anything, Kim will back down as he has in the past and in a few years he will start up again, when there is a New POTUS, It's been that way, his dad did it and now Jr. is doing it, If he really wanted to Buck up he'd have already, and gotten a severe a$$ whipping, he knows he's on thin Ice and Trump is the one to bring an end to the little despot.
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11-10-2017, 10:08 AM

Re: A message to Donald Trump

Originally Posted by DragonsRealm ->
Now that we've heard from the Left, Here's a word from the moderate Right " f$%@ Kim ". Trump recognizes him as a Threat and is more than willing to push his face in the cat box. See a POTUS with a spine scares you, We got this, Chill, Trump knows what he's doing just because You don't understand, doesn't mean anything, Kim will back down as he has in the past and in a few years he will start up again, when there is a New POTUS, It's been that way, his dad did it and now Jr. is doing it, If he really wanted to Buck up he'd have already, and gotten a severe a$$ whipping, he knows he's on thin Ice and Trump is the one to bring an end to the little despot.
Now go and take your medication, have a lie down in a dark room, everything will be better tomorrow
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11-10-2017, 10:09 AM

Re: A message to Donald Trump

Originally Posted by DragonsRealm ->
Now that we've heard from the Left, Here's a word from the moderate Right " f$%@ Kim ". Trump recognizes him as a Threat and is more than willing to push his face in the cat box. See a POTUS with a spine scares you, We got this, Chill, Trump knows what he's doing just because You don't understand, doesn't mean anything, Kim will back down as he has in the past and in a few years he will start up again, when there is a New POTUS, It's been that way, his dad did it and now Jr. is doing it, If he really wanted to Buck up he'd have already, and gotten a severe a$$ whipping, he knows he's on thin Ice and Trump is the one to bring an end to the little despot.

Just like the last time the Americans went into Korea and got their asses severely kicked and had to be rescued by the Duke of Gloucester's Regiment.

And yet again when the Americans went into Vietnam and had their asses so severely kicked they had to withdraw entirely.
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11-10-2017, 10:14 AM

Re: A message to Donald Trump

My son Paul, who is a freelance web designer , was doing work for a company that is about to be taken over by one of Trumps companies. As soon as he knew this he is pulling out of doing any more work for them.

i have no idea what he actually does but you can look him up under Paul Robert lloyd
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11-10-2017, 10:54 AM

Re: A message to Donald Trump

Originally Posted by DragonsRealm ->
Now that we've heard from the Left, Here's a word from the moderate Right " f$%@ Kim ". Trump recognizes him as a Threat and is more than willing to push his face in the cat box. See a POTUS with a spine scares you, We got this, Chill, Trump knows what he's doing just because You don't understand, doesn't mean anything, Kim will back down as he has in the past and in a few years he will start up again, when there is a New POTUS, It's been that way, his dad did it and now Jr. is doing it, If he really wanted to Buck up he'd have already, and gotten a severe a$$ whipping, he knows he's on thin Ice and Trump is the one to bring an end to the little despot.
Just like you did in Vietnam😄😄

My family and I love visiting the USA, but no way would we visit whilst Trump is in the White House. The planned trip by my children was cancelled as soon as he was elected. I know it wont make a jot of difference to any of you, but we feel it is a matter of principle.
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11-10-2017, 11:04 AM

Re: A message to Donald Trump

Originally Posted by CeeCee ->
Just like you did in Vietnam����

My family and I love visiting the USA, but no way would we visit whilst Trump is in the White House. The planned trip by my children was cancelled as soon as he was elected. I know it wont make a jot of difference to any of you, but we feel it is a matter of principle.
You're right. That does seem odd to me. I couldn't care less who is president, it wouldn't spoil my holiday.
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