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30-04-2021, 01:39 PM

Re: No Deal with Norway

Originally Posted by Bread ->
Your not taking into account species quotas.

France has 90% of the channel cod quotas - we have around 10%

Why do we import cod ... any ideas ?

Over fishing - we have less quotas than the EU. Overfishing is being in breach of the EU CFP. Why don't we ban super trawlers and hand the quotas back to the UK so we don't over fish ?

Why don't we allocate quotas that favour the UK ?
Read the links I've given you.
It shows people what you can't or won't.
How much of that channel cod is there for example?
When the industry says it's nowhere near enough AND it's unsustainable (see my earlier links) it looks like you're making things up.
Evidence please?

Originally Posted by Bread ->
You are completely on your own with your opinions within the fishing industry and the fishing community, maybe they could help you understand, try asking them directly.
ALL my links and quotes above are direct from the industry.
You on the other hand ...................
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30-04-2021, 01:47 PM

Re: No Deal with Norway

Originally Posted by Zaphod ->
Read the links I've given you.
It shows people what you can't or won't.
How much of that channel cod is there for example?
When the industry says it's nowhere near enough AND it's unsustainable (see my earlier links).
I've read them and you can't answer my questions.

Why is that ?

Your question ..
How much of that channel cod is there for example?
About 125K tonnes currently (depends who you ask) but that figure has been steadily declining since the 1970's when it was in the 250K+ region, the same goes for cod in the North Atlantic. It is all in decline through industrial fishing and crap conservation. Climate has an impact but no as much as a supervisor trawler hauling out thousands of tonnes a day, day in and day out.
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30-04-2021, 01:49 PM

Re: No Deal with Norway

Originally Posted by Bread ->
I've read them and you can't answer my questions.

Why is that ?
Look Bread, people reading this can see who is dodging the answers you know.
Come on, provide proof for your accusations instead of blustering and bickering.
Man up!

"Why is that?"
It's because Im not going to try and answer a spurious, argumentative line of questioning when you won't even provide a single shred of evidence for your own wild claims.

When you do you will get a response but while you persist in being argumentative rather than trying to seriously discuss issues you're on your own.
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30-04-2021, 02:04 PM

Re: No Deal with Norway

Originally Posted by Zaphod ->
Look Bread, people reading this can see who is dodging the answers you know.
Come on, provide proof for your accusations instead of blustering and bickering.
Man up!

"Why is that?"
It's because Im not going to try and answer a spurious, argumentative line of questioning when you won't even provide a single shred of evidence for your own wild claims.

When you do you will get a response but while you persist in being argumentative rather than trying to seriously discuss issues you're on your own.

I edited my post above regarding cod stocks by the way, you must have posted before I sent the update.

Where are my answers then ?
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30-04-2021, 02:06 PM

Re: No Deal with Norway

Originally Posted by Bread ->
I edited my post above regarding cod stocks by the way, you must have posted before I sent the update.

Where are my answers then ?
Where's a link containing proof of your assertions first?
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30-04-2021, 02:22 PM

Re: No Deal with Norway

Struggling Bread?

Maybe it doesn't matter because none of the cod caught there is MSC certified.
And that is what UK consumers are after, which is why so much UK-purchased cod is imported.
Sustainable, environmentally-friendly & green are what sells nowadays in the UK.

Here's a list showing what fisheries are approved:

So it looks like even if we did catch channel cod as you suggest we wouldn't be eating it because it's not MSC-friendly.
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30-04-2021, 02:23 PM

Re: No Deal with Norway

Originally Posted by Zaphod ->
Where's a link containing proof of your assertions first?

I'm not making this up, Zaphod. I've been involved with fishing for about the past 20 years.

There's plenty of articles from ICES regarding fish stocks etc, I thought you would be able to find these yourself ? You were quoting ICES earlier so I thought you already knew them ?

I asked you some simple questions and you won't answer them. Why won't you answer my questions ?
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30-04-2021, 02:28 PM

Re: No Deal with Norway

Originally Posted by Bread ->
Why do we import cod ... any ideas
I think I just answered that: it's not consumer-friendly MSC certified.

Originally Posted by Bread ->
Why don't we ban super trawlers and hand the quotas back to the UK so we don't over fish ?
Because I can't ban them.
"We" as in this forum can't ban them either.
That is down to our government.
Try asking them and maybe let us know the answer.

Originally Posted by Bread ->
Why don't we allocate quotas that favour the UK ?
In the case of cod it seems to be because it's not the MSC-certified stuff that UK comsumers want to eat.
For the bigger picture the answer is as above: it's down to our government so try asking them and maybe let us know the answer.
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30-04-2021, 02:28 PM

Re: No Deal with Norway

Originally Posted by Zaphod ->
Struggling Bread?

Maybe it doesn't matter because none of the cod caught there is MSC certified.
And that is what UK consumers are after, which is why so much UK-purchased cod is imported.
Sustainable, environmentally-friendly & green are what sells nowadays in the UK.

Here's a list showing what fisheries are approved:

So it looks like even if we did catch channel cod as you suggest we wouldn't be eating it because it's not MSC-friendly.
Progress.. so now you admit that UK fisheries are not sustainable. A step in the right direction, but I doubt anyone in the world pays any attention to MSC, after all, you didn't even know what it was until you googled it up.

But the French have no problem, or the rest of the EU right ?

So, why not make our fisheries sustainable by banning super trawlers and use conservation methods such as zonal attachment, ban the system of discards in favour of a policy of number of days at sea etc ?

There is another question ^^^ can you answer that too ?
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30-04-2021, 02:31 PM

Re: No Deal with Norway

Originally Posted by Zaphod ->
I think I just answered that: it's not consumer-friendly MSC certified.

Because I can't ban them.
"We" as in this forum can't ban them either.
That is down to our government.
Try asking them and maybe let us know the answer.

But we have full control over our fisheries don't we - so why isn't it implemented when Boris said we would take full control over our fisheries ?

In the case of cod it seems to be because it's not the MSC-certified stuff that UK comsumers want to eat.
For the bigger picture the answer is as above: it's down to our government so try asking them and maybe let us know the answer.

See my answer above regarding MSC (it's not the reason either because non MSC certified fish is sold in the UK anyway). A fair chunk is also mislabelled.

You still haven't answered these

1. Why do we import cod ... any ideas ? It's not because of MSC labelling.

2. Why don't we allocate quotas that favour the UK ?

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