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22-03-2019, 01:56 AM

Re: Churchill NZ under lockdown!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
It's funny what fear does to you I guess Annie, many Muslims and Jews are scared these days. It's possible they are fearing something won't happen but I would hate to say she was wrong or any of them were wrong and then something was to happen. Take a look at the reports on sites such as tell mama and you would get an idea of what can happen out there. Used to be they said keep calm was first thing to do now it's ring 999 if you feel you are in danger. It's getting worse.

I read somewhere, can't remember where, that this is ramping up to how it was shortly before WW2 the Jews were ones being attacked then now its Muslims and Jews.
I read that somewhere too, Julie but I think it might be an exaggeration at this point in time.
It does make one think though... as if the perpetrators are against Muslims and Jews, then the only ones responsible must be the Christians I suppose ? Atheists and Agnostics aren't to blame as they condemn religion for such vile acts.
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22-03-2019, 01:57 AM

Re: Churchill NZ under lockdown!

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
maybe if the American First Nation people had realised what was taking place things in THEIR country would be very different than today.

Houston, we have a problem.
Who are these american first peoples?
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22-03-2019, 02:07 AM

Re: Churchill NZ under lockdown!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
It's funny what fear does to you I guess Annie, many Muslims and Jews are scared these days. It's possible they are fearing something won't happen but I would hate to say she was wrong or any of them were wrong and then something was to happen. Take a look at the reports on sites such as tell mama and you would get an idea of what can happen out there. Used to be they said keep calm was first thing to do now it's ring 999 if you feel you are in danger. It's getting worse.

I read somewhere, can't remember where, that this is ramping up to how it was shortly before WW2 the Jews were ones being attacked then now its Muslims and Jews.
Yes there are similarities as you say with the demonisation of Muslims by underground social media in the UK, but there is a big difference in that the Jewish citizens of Germany in the 30s were not suicide bombers etc. They did not have ISIS or the Taliban. It was all very much based on myth and malicious rumour, deliberate lies and propaganda. They were just ordinary people who were deemed a threat because it was the fashion to think that way. Because they were a different group.

The difference with then and now is that there have been Islamic extremists saying they want us all to die. So yes I agree that there is persecution of a similar nature but the underlying situation is not comparable.
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22-03-2019, 05:13 AM

Re: Churchill NZ under lockdown!

Double post, Sorry
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22-03-2019, 09:38 AM

Re: Churchill NZ under lockdown!

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Yes there are similarities as you say with the demonisation of Muslims by underground social media in the UK, but there is a big difference in that the Jewish citizens of Germany in the 30s were not suicide bombers etc. They did not have ISIS or the Taliban. It was all very much based on myth and malicious rumour, deliberate lies and propaganda. They were just ordinary people who were deemed a threat because it was the fashion to think that way. Because they were a different group.

The difference with then and now is that there have been Islamic extremists saying they want us all to die. So yes I agree that there is persecution of a similar nature but the underlying situation is not comparable.

Good post !
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22-03-2019, 09:45 AM

Re: Churchill NZ under lockdown!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
It's funny what fear does to you I guess Annie, many Muslims and Jews are scared these days. It's possible they are fearing something won't happen but I would hate to say she was wrong or any of them were wrong and then something was to happen. Take a look at the reports on sites such as tell mama and you would get an idea of what can happen out there. Used to be they said keep calm was first thing to do now it's ring 999 if you feel you are in danger. It's getting worse.

I read somewhere, can't remember where, that this is ramping up to how it was shortly before WW2 the Jews were ones being attacked then now its Muslims and Jews.
It isn't just Muslims and Jews that are scared, people in general are scared, scared a terror attack may happen, no one is safe anymore
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22-03-2019, 09:48 AM

Re: Churchill NZ under lockdown!

Originally Posted by Puddle Duck ->
I read that somewhere too, Julie but I think it might be an exaggeration at this point in time.
It does make one think though... as if the perpetrators are against Muslims and Jews, then the only ones responsible must be the Christians I suppose ? Atheists and Agnostics aren't to blame as they condemn religion for such vile acts.
That's rather funny. The Judenhaas is being driven by Muslims and the Islam hatred is an emerging response as a result of increasing numbers of people discovering what Islam actually is!
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22-03-2019, 09:50 AM

Re: Churchill NZ under lockdown!

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Who are these american first peoples?
The indigenous people who were there before European colonisation and used to be known as Indians .
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22-03-2019, 09:52 AM

Re: Churchill NZ under lockdown!

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Yes there are similarities as you say with the demonisation of Muslims by underground social media in the UK, but there is a big difference in that the Jewish citizens of Germany in the 30s were not suicide bombers etc. They did not have ISIS or the Taliban. It was all very much based on myth and malicious rumour, deliberate lies and propaganda. They were just ordinary people who were deemed a threat because it was the fashion to think that way. Because they were a different group.

The difference with then and now is that there have been Islamic extremists saying they want us all to die. So yes I agree that there is persecution of a similar nature but the underlying situation is not comparable.
Just one point. Not extremists, devout and observant that are most active but never forget that they are the tip of a huge iceberg with the tens of thousands of supporters who support them.
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22-03-2019, 10:55 AM

Re: Churchill NZ under lockdown!

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Yes there are similarities as you say with the demonisation of Muslims by underground social media in the UK, but there is a big difference in that the Jewish citizens of Germany in the 30s were not suicide bombers etc. They did not have ISIS or the Taliban. It was all very much based on myth and malicious rumour, deliberate lies and propaganda. They were just ordinary people who were deemed a threat because it was the fashion to think that way. Because they were a different group.

The difference with then and now is that there have been Islamic extremists saying they want us all to die. So yes I agree that there is persecution of a similar nature but the underlying situation is not comparable.
While true I find Muslims real peaceful Muslims don't see the extremists as Muslims so it's painful to see them all blamed for what the evil people are doing. We should have had a better definitive word for them and not used the same word for both people I think that might have avoided a lot of the problems we've had.

One thing I find interesting about British terrorists is they are usually completely failed as Muslims at some point, druggies/drunks or into prostitution or violent thugs, who decide they need to make a point and become very religious often following an odd mixture that encompasses the koran as a do to list and their own brand of violence to go with it. Sadly they are very dangerous people even before they decide to find a religion to pin their hopes on.
When you look at them they are just as they always have been with a religiously zealous streak that is scary.

Normal people who follow their religion quietly who try to be good people just want to be left alone to worship as they wish don't have that violent bent or need to prove themselves.
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