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03-06-2016, 09:06 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Laths one of your worst yet Spitty.

It's a very long time since we had a good leader in any country, will we have a second coming? we need it badly.
Good leaders of people down through history, there have been many many leaders, but the one's carrying 'Good' attached to their names are few and far between, you could count them on one hand, Good King Henry, and Good King Wenceslas, are two I can think of. Many have 'Great' in the title, no doubt added on when they passed away by some lickarse political scribe in his parliament. The word 'Good' is usually bestowed upon a ruler by the common people.
"Walter the Penniless" now he looks like a good socialist candidate and I says to myself I'll look him up, either he was a very humble good man or he was a lousy gambler, me being a bit of the first and a lot of the last it seemed appropriate.
I read a bit then packed up, he was nothing more than another rich ( he had plenty of dosh) French adventurer crusading through Europe heading for Constantinople to batter a few muslims in the name of God, contributing to the troubles we still have today, so that's him off me good list. I’m at my wits end trying to find history’s most loved political leader, I wonder has he/she even been born yet?
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03-06-2016, 10:15 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Unfortunately, all the potential "Good" leaders chose to stay on their rooms, and there are many, a few got a job, driving the Non Runners to Epsom.
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04-06-2016, 12:57 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Jem,y'ain't thinking proper like wot I does...there is INDEED one truly memorable leader who is indelible in the historic tomes...a chap of such outstanding qualities that both 'good' AND 'great' are synoimo...sinonnym...synnonnem...soddit-EQUATED with his name!

I refer,of course,to the immortalised Good Nessgrayshus, Great Ballso'fire!
Yes,the man who single-handedly played the piano with his foot [not easy,that] whilst simulatiously extorting massive and full-hearted approbation from the masses,causing joyous hysteria when his wisdom was dispersed to such an extent that there was inevitably 'A whole lot of shaking going on". But,exhibiting total selflessness,this god-like man always ensured that,for those unable for any reason to be present,there was always "Another time,another place"...which invariably left his devotees "Breathless". Suddenly,a bit of 'sleight-of-hand' with bread and piscine critturs doesn't seem quite so awesome,hmm?
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04-06-2016, 08:14 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Ah who can ever forget the great Jerry Lee, manys the time I shook a leg to his records at the parish hop, although the church elders were not too pleased about the new 'Pagan' music, and when the news got out that Jerry married a 13 year old girl it gave them more ammunition, they wanted to ban all his records from being played in the hall but the young folks refused to go in, most went to the pictures instead with their few bob, then the older wiser ones put profit before prophets and Jerry was back on again, that's true I kid you not.
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05-06-2016, 01:54 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Weeeeelll,it's one of those extremely potent subjects. We all know,understand and accept the reality of adult behaviour being FOR adults,BY adults. There are those who gurn at porn,fapping like crazy as they digest the luridity. There are others who enjoy 'scene-setting' types of porn. Some prefer domination,others enjoy humiliation....personally,I am of the firm belief that sex just ISN'T a spectator sport. Porn in any form does sfa for moi....but then,I'm constantly informed by my peers that I'm weird. No problem-most of them couldn't even spell 'eidetic'. meh. C'est la vie.
I accept that. It's fine-to them,I am. To me,however,I merely have a hugely retentive mind,plus the ability to decide for myself how and/or what is of interest. BUT...meanwhile,up in the Ozarks,down in the Louisiana swamps,and waaaay up in tham thar hills,cousins have been marrying cousins,so forth,since....well,sex was invented. So to THEM,it wasn't wrong. After all,a Mormon with cattle thinks nothing of giving them tobacco,but will refuse it for himself. Polygamy is practised in certain faiths and is particularly strong in Utah...yet is a 'Grrr!' if suggested to Yes Dear.
[not that I want an extra wife. ONE is three too many] So,regarding JLL's marriage...ok,here it was his downfall,seen as disgusting and unacceptable...but don't forget Priscilla Beaulieu was a maiden of a mere 14 summers,when Elvis fell for her! uh-huh. [thankyuhverymuch]
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05-06-2016, 01:28 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

It's just good ole Southern hospitality eh Pug.
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05-06-2016, 10:00 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Sitting out in the garden on this beautiful warm Summer evening I watch the Butterflies as they gracefully flutter among the Flowers, how marvellous Mother nature is in all her wonders.
One poor unfortunate Butterflys wings had become too heavy to fly, the poor thing could do nothing but sit atop the tallest scallion in the vegetable patch and watch the others at play, Margarinefly the cruelest of the flock called her, she was a sort of ugly duckling but with no the happy ending, she just dies on top of the scallion eventually, very sad.

Oh woe is me
I cannot fly to the smallest tree
The others are very rude
Just because I love my food
You’d want to hear the things they’ve said
“Her wings are like two slices of hamburger bread”
I try to flap them, even get them to rise
But it’s a futile exercise
While the wings of the others are shiny and slick
Mine are about three millimetres thick
Heavy and sticky like poly filler
Oh God, why didn’t you leave me as a caterpillar
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05-06-2016, 10:45 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

You can spin plates every day of your life, every one that crashes is one less to wash up.
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05-06-2016, 10:47 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life, today is the last day of your present one.
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06-06-2016, 09:00 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Two weeks ago,Lofty,my Dachshund,died. One week ago,a friend I served with,dropped dead whilst mowing his lawn. Three days ago,I drove my best mate to a special hospital where he is to undergo invasive surgery for cancer. Today,just a couple of hours ago,Waddles,my Corgi,died.

I gotta say...although I invariably determine to exude joviality,preferring to keep pain to myself....this last two weeks have been a real bastard.
Dealing with Lofty's death,then assisting Al's wife in her grief,then placating my buddy as I drove him to the hospital [the muppet thought he was being 'bothersome'!] and now Waddles has gone....WHAT a hole in my life. At least,when I go,people will cheer,not sob or gulp back tears...
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