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04-09-2016, 05:11 PM

Re: France is right to ban the Burkini

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
Very interesting too .... the cherry-picking of negatives from that Guardian poll.

I notice nobody cited the bits that said

" A large majority (91%) of the British Muslims who took part in the survey said they felt a strong sense of belonging in their local area, which is higher than the national average of 76%."

" British Muslims are more likely to feel a stronger connection to Britain than the population at large

" 86% of British Muslims feel a strong sense of belonging in Britain, which is higher than the national average of 83%.

" ... 23% supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain .. "

(The vast majority, 77%, clearly do not).
To be honest Pummy, I think you will find that the majority of British, who are not Muslim, would be unhappy if any person living in our country supports Sharia Law. It is illegal here to treat women as less than equal, restrict their movements or punish them , no matter what they do. Only breaking of British laws is punishable here! If they choose to use it here, many British will oppose it.
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04-09-2016, 05:14 PM

Re: France is right to ban the Burkini

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Please dont quote my posts out of context and put together -mixed and matched -as one.
I'd like to say he's good at it ... but he isn't despite all the attempts he makes.
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04-09-2016, 05:19 PM

Re: France is right to ban the Burkini

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
If I (quote) both posts in full, there is still a crystal clear inconsistency.
If you claim otherwise, I would love to see you explain.

There is nothing wrong with comparing salient bits.
If we were debating The American Constitution or the "Holy" Bible,
one need not key the entire bloody thing in order to explore a particular issue.
That is just nuts.

I changed nothing in words or meaning from either post.
Squirm baby squirm !
Actually Pummy ... you just seem to work on the principle that if you say something often enough becomes a truth... a fact...
Besides which the rest of us nod off.
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04-09-2016, 05:21 PM

Re: France is right to ban the Burkini

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04-09-2016, 05:22 PM

Re: France is right to ban the Burkini

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
Very interesting too .... the cherry-picking of negatives from that Guardian poll.

I notice nobody cited the bits that said

" A large majority (91%) of the British Muslims who took part in the survey said they felt a strong sense of belonging in their local area, which is higher than the national average of 76%."

" British Muslims are more likely to feel a stronger connection to Britain than the population at large

" 86% of British Muslims feel a strong sense of belonging in Britain, which is higher than the national average of 83%.

" ... 23% supported the introduction of sharia law in some areas of Britain .. "

(The vast majority, 77%, clearly do not).
In my case that's probably because I only mentioned the parts I took issue with.
they're not keen on homosexual and women's rights ..that was blatantly evident.

Though now you've reminded me by quoting more stuff ... that figure of 25% supporting the introduction of Sharia Law in some areas (and any area is one area too many) is a little unsettling.
Virtually 1 in 4 of our 'moderate' Muslims don't seem to be that moderate do they.
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04-09-2016, 05:24 PM

Re: France is right to ban the Burkini

Originally Posted by Muddy ->

Me too ...

But be careful .. if we dribble Pummy will poke fun at us
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04-09-2016, 05:45 PM

Re: France is right to ban the Burkini

Just suggesting a sense of proportion here.

5% of Brits are Muslim and 23% of that 5% "supported" the concept of Sharia "in some areas" - does not even mean that they are actively advocating change - only that they support it in theory.
But OK. Less than one quarter of one twentieth of the population ....

How does that compare with
"An estimated 1.4 million women and 700,000 men have suffered (actual) domestic abuse in the last year, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS)."
Particularly given that worldwide, domestic-violence is believed to be largely unreported.

Unrelated? Sure !
But how about a sense of proportion ?
Which, really, is the larger problem - but has DV ever even be raised in this Forum ?
Less than a quarter of a twentieth "support" a concept in some areas.
More than 2 million (probably far more) cases of Domestic Violence - sometimes fatal.

Why are we even talking about the easy target if it is not pure xenophobia or Islamophobia or both ?
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04-09-2016, 05:53 PM

Re: France is right to ban the Burkini

I feel a Blackadder moment coming on.....
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04-09-2016, 05:57 PM

Re: France is right to ban the Burkini

Oh Muddy .. bless you you little devil.
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04-09-2016, 06:08 PM

Re: France is right to ban the Burkini

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
Just suggesting a sense of proportion here.

5% of Brits are Muslim and 23% of that 5% "supported" the concept of Sharia "in some areas" - does not even mean that they are actively advocating change - only that they support it in theory.
But OK. Less than one quarter of one twentieth of the population ....

How does that compare with
"An estimated 1.4 million women and 700,000 men have suffered (actual) domestic abuse in the last year, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS)."
Particularly given that worldwide, domestic-violence is believed to be largely unreported.

Unrelated? Sure !
But how about a sense of proportion ?
Which, really, is the larger problem - but has DV ever even be raised in this Forum ?
Less than a quarter of a twentieth "support" a concept in some areas.
More than 2 million (probably far more) cases of Domestic Violence - sometimes fatal.

Why are we even talking about the easy target if it is not pure xenophobia or Islamophobia or both ?
Pummy ... why have you dragged in domestic violence?
Having known one or two women who have sought sanctuary in Women's Refuges, and seen their black and blue swollen faces and broken ribs I'm struggling to tie it in with this thread about Islam...

Fact is .. almost a quarter of our Muslim population support the introduction of Sharia Law.
Does this mean if it was 100% you'd still find that acceptable in relation to the whole British population?
That'd be like me telling you not to worry about 20 million feral cats in a country the size of Australia. It's all relative.
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