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23-01-2014, 09:50 AM

Re: Teeth

Originally Posted by Eliza ->
Can we talk about teeth ,I've been hanging onto my two upper front for about 4 years .one is so loose I dear not bite with it ,but I'm concerned I might not get on with false ones ,.So can anyone convince me to have them pulled,are false ones comfortable .?
Yes - if they are properly fitted.

Have you had false ,or are you hanging onto them Or have you had them pulled and are gummy and happy to stay that way .
I look forward to you answers .
Due to an accident when I was 8yrs old and subsequent bad treatment by the school dentist - I had to have all my teeth removed when I was just 18yrs and have worn dentures ever since.

Fortunately I chose a really good dentist to do it, and have never looked back. Have new ones fitted about every 10 years or so, but they have never been a problem. I don't have to use fixatives, and can eat anything I like - even chewy toffees, crunchy apples and Brazil nuts.
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23-01-2014, 01:53 PM

Re: Teeth

I have an appointment with the dental surgeon at the hospital this very afternoon to have two back teeth removed. My own dentist is unable to do it, since I am prescribed Warfarin as an anti-coagulent.
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24-01-2014, 05:37 AM

Re: Teeth

Time to visit the dentist again.
Uncle Joe
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24-01-2014, 08:07 AM

Re: Teeth

Rough night!!! - teeth extraction went ok but once the local anaesthetic wore off it became quite painful. Although I loaded up with DF118s, nonetheless I had a somewhat painful, sleepless night and am feeling a little jaded this morning, not least because I'm racking my brains as to what I can safely eat which won't make the gums bleed again (they're already bleeding slightly and have been all night).
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24-01-2014, 02:28 PM

Re: Teeth

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Rough night!!! - teeth extraction went ok but once the local anaesthetic wore off it became quite painful. Although I loaded up with DF118s, nonetheless I had a somewhat painful, sleepless night and am feeling a little jaded this morning, not least because I'm racking my brains as to what I can safely eat which won't make the gums bleed again (they're already bleeding slightly and have been all night).
Soup or scrambled egg won't hurt you for a couple of days UJ - that's what I was on when I had an extraction last year.
Paracetemol eased any discomfort I had, I don't sleep well anyway so being awake during the night is not unusual for me.
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24-01-2014, 02:59 PM

Re: Teeth

My previous Dentist (Dental Surgeon) always managed to find something to drill and fill, even when I went for a check-up and I seemed to be one of those people where the anaesthetic injections didn't really do a lot .... yeowwwwwwww

He once, cheerfully, told me that by the time I was 20 I'd have all false teeth !!!

Dental phobia ? YEAH I certainly developed that and stopped going

Some 30 years later, after OH died, I braved the dentist again ~ a different one
I was totally prepared to be told that they'd all have to come out but NO !
She removed 2 or 3 back/wisdom teeth/stubs, replaced some amalgam fillings, fitted a new crown and I then whitened them at home with the proper stuff

People sometimes comment on how nice they are even though they're not those stark white jobbies lol ... 'Are they your own teeth ?'

Makes me feel great, knowing they look that good

Am now wondering about having an implant (back tooth) ~ very expensive but worth considering ... yes VANITY innit

So, I'd say if you can afford implants and you have enough bone, go for it
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08-04-2014, 02:55 PM

Re: Teeth

Well the time as arrived ,my front tooth came out after being loose for years,so ive a gap and theres 3 more on top row which are loose too .so ive made an appointment to see a dentist But its not till next month .Im going to ask for my 9 teeth on top to be extracted and a top set of dentures .I just hope i can handle this in my mind .Ive got a month to mull it over .
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08-04-2014, 03:39 PM

Re: Teeth

Originally Posted by Eliza ->
Well the time as arrived ,my front tooth came out after being loose for years,so ive a gap and theres 3 more on top row which are loose too .so ive made an appointment to see a dentist But its not till next month .Im going to ask for my 9 teeth on top to be extracted and a top set of dentures .I just hope i can handle this in my mind .Ive got a month to mull it over .
I feel for you - but I wish mine were loose rather than have them extracted. I have an absolute dread of dentists.
Hope you have a good one that will put you at ease x
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08-04-2014, 09:49 PM

Re: Teeth

I hope it all goes well and passes quickly Eliza, you'll feel and look the better for it.
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09-04-2014, 12:01 AM

Re: Teeth

I really can't understand why, in this day and age, dentists can't do more to help people who so afraid. Nobody I know enjoys a trip to the dentist, me included. It seems all wrong when so many people feel the same, that nothing can be devised to treat such fear.
I don't know about the posher private dental practices, do they do things differently?
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