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13-03-2017, 12:32 AM

Re: Salmon

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
How about it, Realist ?

If it is genuinely "wild caught" - not farmed - is that OK ?
Nope as already stated. Once the farming began on an industrial scale the impact to the salmon's natural wild environment was compromised and the wild salmon were impacted by the polluted water, the faeces, chemicals and so on.

Any pacific sourced fish I also now avoid since the Fukashima disaster. The news hasn't been forthcoming with the truth about the impact of that. It has constantly leaked 100s of tons of radioactive material into the pacific since the disaster happened.

The establishment paid for reports will tell you it's all ok, nothing to see here but instinct and logic tells you that a huge area of the pacific has been contaminated and has adversely impacted all the sea life for hundreds of miles.
There are numerous radioactive elements leaking. That affects the plankton and kelp, small fish eat the plankton, larger fish eat the small fish and so on.

Shark is one of the worst fish to eat as everything it has eaten has likely itself accumulated high levels of mercury and radioactive contaminated foods.

The world has changed I'm afraid. The Human race as a species is being assaulted on all angles. The sea life has been hit and contaminated, the land food has been affected by the loss of bees and by the likes of Monsanto gong hell for leather to create GMO crops that will put out of business all past normal crop growing so that ultimately Monsanto will own the food chain.

Salmon is off the menu, sadly, as though it has been a lovely tasty and healthy fish in the past that is no longer the case. As Mups has stated, most salmon you see in the shops will have very wide fat lines indicating that the fish is not in the least bit healthy and has not been able to exercise and move about as a result of being stuck in a confined farming tank with 1000s of other fish.

Wild salmon or farmed makes little difference as the farms are in the natural salmon environment and have contaminated it all.
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13-03-2017, 01:45 AM

Re: Salmon

Originally Posted by Realist ->
.... the impact to the salmon's natural wild environment was compromised and the wild salmon were impacted by the polluted water, the faeces, chemicals and so on.

Any pacific sourced fish I also now avoid since the Fukashima disaster.......
I'm sure there is some truth in all that, Realist
the oceans are HUGE - and far from static.
Drifts and currents move water around the planet all the time.
What's in the Pacific right now will be in the Indian Ocean next week and the Atlantic a bit later.

Salmon-farming occupies less than a miniscule % of these vast oceans.
However polluting they might be locally, I just find it hard to believe that after the dispersal and breakdown in all that water they would impact seriously on migratory wild salmon thousands of miles away.

If I pee in Pumicestone Passage, I'll still eat the fish.
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13-03-2017, 10:32 AM

Re: Salmon

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
I'm sure there is some truth in all that, Realist
the oceans are HUGE - and far from static.

Drifts and currents move water around the planet all the time.
What's in the Pacific right now will be in the Indian Ocean next week and the Atlantic a bit later.

Salmon-farming occupies less than a miniscule % of these vast oceans.
However polluting they might be locally, I just find it hard to believe that after the dispersal and breakdown in all that water they would impact seriously on migratory wild salmon thousands of miles away.

If I pee in Pumicestone Passage, I'll still eat the fish.
Look on the bright side Pummie, you won't need to turn a light on when it gets dark, thereby saving energy....

Seriously though, this is my argument with man made climate change. The Atmosphere is vast, and the amount of man made CO2 released is miniscule compared to that released naturally in nature. I agree that locally pollution is a serious problem, but the world is a self cleaning environment and is constantly making adjustments to the climate to compensate for any imbalances. It's managed okay for the last umpteen billion years anyway....
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14-03-2017, 12:34 PM

Re: Salmon

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I cannot stand tinned Salmon.
I use tinned salmon for making salmon cakes. Very yummy.
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