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10-05-2017, 06:37 PM

Re: Caged birds

The ones that are bred in captivity are doomed to life in pet shops or aviaries? People who buy and look after those birds usually improve the lot of such a bird, not make it worse. It can be said that birds should not bred in captivity but since they are, what do you think might happen to them unless somebody buys them. Wrung necks in some cases most likely.

Don't condemn the bird owners I'd say. Most love their pet birds and do the the best they can for them. Stopping bird breeding at source will probably not happen any time soon and so breeders will breed them and people will buy them.

Give those birds freedom and they will die.
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10-05-2017, 06:47 PM

Re: Caged birds

Originally Posted by mart ->
Open the cage door and let it fly away. It might survive until the same time next day. A happy life but much shorter. Would that be better?
They're only bred because people buy them.
If people stopped buying them and went bird watching instead...
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10-05-2017, 07:53 PM

Re: Caged birds

I don't have any caged birds but have done in the past. They were budgies. I think we enjoyed each others company pretty well. I've noticed much the same thing with other people and their pet birds. Most let them fly around the room.

I also had a Cockatiel that followed me around everywhere in the house. I'm sure he wasn't unhappy. I could stroke his feathers. The budgies enjoyed that too. In return, they nuzzled up and tweeted away on my shoulder. These birds seemed very content to me. Just about as happy and chirpy as the birds out in the garden I'd say. The people/pet-bird relationship is a two-way thing in my experience.
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10-05-2017, 09:08 PM

Re: Caged birds

I think you are right mart my nans budgies were her life towards the end she petted them and they seemed to love it. She couldn't manage a cat or dog but sat in her chair the pair of birds she had would nuzzle her neck and they seemed to love each other.
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10-05-2017, 09:47 PM

Re: Caged birds

An aunt had a canary and a couple of budgerigars. I used to help clean their cages when staying while they perched on the furniture or lampshade. She had them for some years. The canary was always singing and the two budgies could imitate loads from the radio. Loved to watch them out of the cages.
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10-05-2017, 09:50 PM

Re: Caged birds

I think just the fact that we are discussing it shows that attitudes are slowly changing.
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10-05-2017, 10:01 PM

Re: Caged birds

I hate seeing birds in cages - it's cruel and unnatural. I don't like animals in cages full stop. It's about time it stopped IMO.
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10-05-2017, 10:24 PM

Re: Caged birds

If you have a pet bird and let it fly around the room, they like to return to their cage. It's where all their creature comforts are such as food, water, grit, and suitable perches for sleeping. When they are not in it, they often like to sit on top of it. You can leave food elsewhere but it will still want to go back to the cage. Leave the cage door open and it won't always want to come out. The cage is not necessarily the bad place it is thought to be.
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11-05-2017, 09:09 AM

Re: Caged birds

Bit like people they stick in their comfort zone even if it's not comfortable .
But the word cage says it all really it's to confine something or someone.
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11-05-2017, 09:40 AM

Re: Caged birds

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
I hate seeing birds in cages - it's cruel and unnatural. I don't like animals in cages full stop. It's about time it stopped IMO.
It's funny we are using cages/crates much more for dogs these days, Betty chihuahua loves her cage in the car it means we're going somewhere, and her cage at home means she's getting a Kong and some treats because I'm going out.

I don't see cages as necessarily bad, if you give a bird a decent life outside the cage or like my husband build a cage big enough they can fly a bit.

It's how you treat the animal not the bars that matter most IMO
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