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21-08-2015, 05:36 PM

Re: Stunned

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
you do now that most agents lie through their backsides - apologizes to any good retired ones here!!

Are there any Gummy?
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21-08-2015, 05:39 PM

Re: Stunned

Originally Posted by stevmk2 ->
Getting really fed-up.

The list of properties matching our requirements is tiny. stevmk2

Know what you mean Steve, in fact, mine was a list of ONE, and I've decided even that wanted too much spending on it.

It's very frustrating isn't it.
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21-08-2015, 06:31 PM

Re: Stunned

Originally Posted by stevmk2 ->
Getting really fed-up.

The list of properties matching our requirements is tiny. stevmk2
stevmk2, give it some time. It's less than a month since you first posted, and this is the slow time of year for properties coming on the market. September/October may see more new places to view.
You know you can sell your current home without any difficulty, given the offer you have already had, so even if the prospective buyers pull out because things aren't moving fast enough for them you will find another buyer.
It is more important to know that the place you buy (and there WILL be one at some point!) is what you really want.
I know our locations are not comparable, but here it took me 18 months to find this house, and five months to find the next one.
Good things are worth waiting for...
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21-08-2015, 08:02 PM

Re: Stunned

Originally Posted by stevmk2 ->
Getting really fed-up.

The list of properties matching our requirements is tiny. stevmk2
Steve I repeat my belief that you may have been bamboozled by an eager agent into a deal far too soon.
There's no shame in pulling out and reconsidering your position.
Don't be hurried.
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22-08-2015, 12:02 AM

Re: Stunned

Ruthio might have a point, Steve. Maybe the agent is thinking of his commission more than you. What's your gut feeling?
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22-08-2015, 12:19 AM

Re: Stunned

Not read all the posts but having sold and bought last year I know what Steve is going through. For example in just one day of looking the first house was withdrawn as we were on our way to view it (had call from agent) next two houses we would not have used as a pig sty and the last in the afternoon sold before we got there.
So included in our search (as cash buyers) we went back to the estate we used to live on as new houses were still being built in later phases. To cut a long story short ,all the curret phase and those in a few months time were already sold.

Saw this house just on the market 3 days prior and already two families were interested but gone away to think about it,we turned up loved it and bought it there and then, no mucking about with making offers, cost a bit more than wanted to spend, but got it anyway after demanding it was taken off the market straight away. other people due to view following weekend (2 days later)
Have to say i loved the look of it on the internet anyway and determined to get it. Cash buyer with nothing to sell and paying asking price could not loose

Ok why such a big house when retired? We want to be able to leave something for our children when we pass away. it is better than money which depreciates year by year so property is the best thing we think. Also it has already increased in value so much we could not afford to buy it now
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22-08-2015, 12:38 AM

Re: Stunned

What a lovely home you've have Bazza.

How are you feeling today?
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22-08-2015, 08:55 AM

Re: Stunned

Mups see under my operation today heading.

Worked hard for a place like that. When Sue and I got engaged we did not have a penny between use and Sue own money for her then car.
Just goes to show that if you put your mind to it (health allowing) you can have something to be proud of. I was prepared to work at least 12/16 hours a day with 3 jobs for 18 months to save for a deposit for our first house. had to stop due to DR's orders lost too much weight. Sue also had 2 jobs and we saved like mad.
To give some idea a local dept store winter sale had a copper bottom milk pan for 50p. We took 2 hours discussing if we could afford it.

Graft? kids today don't have a clue, they want everything straight away and houses fully furnished. House prices rising? so it was for us, guzumping was rife back then as well
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23-08-2015, 05:23 PM

Re: Stunned

One of the main things that my wife and I are adamant on is whatever home we get, we do not give a monkey's on its "investment potential" or future value for the children.

Our children have shown precious little effort in advancing their careers or position and only one couple actually owns a property - my daughter and her partner.

They actually own several but that's not the point.

My wife and I started out with nothing.

We both had useless partners that brought nothing but debt and / or heartache on us both and parts of our family seem to think WE still owe them their living even after several years of tapping us for back-handers.

The answer to that is F*** 'em.

We will do the best we can for OURSELVES and bugger the children. stevmk2
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17-09-2015, 12:03 PM

Re: Stunned

Twenty minutes ago our agents 'phoned to tell us that our buyers have pulled out.
Apparently his job's moving to Northampton or Northamptonshire - dunno which but they said the commute's too far so as the town of Northampton is about 17 miles from here it has to be the Shire to my mind.

Start all over again now but it's going on for £5000 higher as demand has increased values round here.

Bit fed-up but we couldn't find anything anyway around here.

Hope it improves but now we have some maintenance to get done, especially the trees in the garden. stevmk2
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